"Of all the wishes I ever wished for, wishing others well, is my favorite wish of all."
LoVe LuCy
I wish I had a bigger house.I wish I didn't have to work, to make my bills.I wish I could travel the world.I wish my hair was longer.I wish my waist was smaller.I wish my kids would stop screaming.I wish my my; husband/wife/kids/boss/friends/neighbor/cashier/dentist/accountant/dog would be more pleasing. Ah, our wishes. Our lives have so many days, some of which we are wishing our lives were different, better, happier, and just all around more fulfilling.
Even for those of us, who are so grateful for all that we have- we still, inside, have a wish or two or three of things we are not feeling fulfilled with. Life, in its wondrous way, has a way of giving us the opportunity to want to grow, and to wish for it, until we take that first step. But what step do we take to make it a reality, instead of just a wish, wished to come true? I had an intuitive glimpse, in my own wishing well, that I wish to share with you.
Our wishes for things, is fine, and can definitely be fulfilled, with focus, and motivation to consistently continue to put energy on what we need to do, to flourish our fantasies into reality. However, we can actually use a lot less energy if we take our wishes, for things, or places or situations, and place them upon simply and lovingly wishing others well. Our vibrations, whether high or low, will give us just that in return.
If we wish, with true integrity and loving generous intention, to wish for others to be well, and abundant- our vibration of love, (the strongest energy on the Earth), will rise up, making our whole Aura change for all good, and come back to us, with just as much, and more Love, in return. We can make plans, write up goals, create spreadsheets of systematic actions, and results for what our future can look like, of course.
But, if we lovingly open our hearts and our minds up to sharing our gratitude and compassion out to the World, as well; surrendering to life, as it is, for all it already has to offer- our results can be immeasurable!
I don't recommend deleting your determination that you have created to manifest all your dreams, but instead, I suggest you take a minute or two to wish others well, as well, along your way. And, for good measure,
I will wish YOU WELL, too!
LuCy sMiLeS
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