LoVe Lucy
At The End Of The Day
LoVe Lucy
Friendly Fire
"Our friends will always be there for us,
so let's be sure to be there for them, first!"
LoVe Lucy
We are all so bombarded with tasks, trials, and sometimes even triumphs, sometimes we don't see what effect our attitudes and behaviours might play on those we love.
We obviously spend most of our time with those we love, when we can.
We make plans, we make time and we make sure that we are there for our friends and family.
Among this can be created friction from not sitting back to take inventory on our treatment or our approach in others' lives.
Sometimes, we want to run and scream all that is new, or run and scream about all that is annoying us. Sometimes we just want to run and scream, whatever the reason, but not realizing that perhaps the scream is too loud, or just too much all in all, at the time.
We have our connections with those that we are blessed to be unconditionally loved by with genuine concern.
In these connections, however, we must sometimes put these people's feelings in perspective and understand there is a time and a place for everything.
We always want to run and jump at the nearest friend who will listen to our "Going On Now", and that is always great, but if we can be sure that we are running to those in the right frame of mind, that is even the more better.
We will always have those there for us, through good and through bad, but when we run to share all, make sure we first know, the day that they had.
LuCy sMiLeS
Just Great!
LoVe Lucy
I am sure; no I am positive that there are better ways of doing certain things, in each and every one of our lives. Not to say that much of what we DO do is not already great, but I'll bet there is a little bit here and there that can be done, better.
Puppy Love
"If we gave the same love to others as we gave our dogs, we would be one big happy family!"LoVe LuCy
I remember Kindergarten, my first puppy love. Yup. I was just 4 1/2 years old. I never wondered if we would last. I never worried about what tomorrow was going to bring. I simply enjoyed what I felt in my heart, about the joy that was experienced during that "now" in my life. I just, today, through a major prompting this weekend, a light bulb that there was an energy awaiting, rescued a dog; 4 1/2 years old.
Her name is Lola.So crazy.I always wanted a dog named "Lola. Reading her chart, "so afraid of being hit in the head; trust is no longer something she dispenses easily. Of all maybe 50 dogs, I stopped and kneeled at her.
She wanted nothing to do with me.She had been physically and emotionally abused by men. She lived in a car, 24/7 and was very hard to trust, or be trusted. My first instinct was to love her. And my second- was to walk away. Imagine?
When do we do that?In life, when do we decide, something or someone is too much for us, we must walk away.Instead, save ourselves.INSTEAD of save others. In my own experience, life and love gives you only what you are TO be given. We may not realize, that when we think we are helping others, really they are ALSO helping us.
My beautiful and troubled, Miss LoLa sMiLeS. The newest addition to my life.I knew, right then, right there, you were brought to me.And yes, Vice Verse. I guess that's what they mean by; GIVE TO GIVE. This smile is dedicated to Kody Bateman, Founder and CEO of SendOutCards.Without your prompting to change the world, We, Roger and I, wouldn't be where we are, and Lola would not be in our lives.
Love LuCy sMiLeS
That's That
Right Before Your Eyes
A Rose By Any Other Name
So, near, or even if need be, far- Love. Love,LuCy sMiLeS
Target Market
LuCy sMiLeS
With Pleasure
Safe and Sound
I Mean It
It is great to have a vision and it is certainly important to be sure that you are taking steps to reach your dream, in your life.We know we want to be the best we can be, and have the best of everything in our lives. But why is it that some times, we look at all that surrounds us and wonder what we are doing wrong, that is not allowing us all that we are wishing for? The answer to life's complex mysteries as to why we may feel like we aren't budging while others seem to effortlessly manifest their dreams is easy! You can wish for all the riches and all the luxuries and all the money you can handle, but if you don't have a handle on why you want these things, they will not be put in front of you.It doesn't matter what you want, you must know why you want it so badly.
Whether it is a house, a car, publishing a book, or building a successful business, one thing always rings true...
If you don't have the right intentions, and clear intentions on why you are following a certain dream, the dream will stay just that; A dream.So be sure all that you desire is all that you desire with a specific purpose.As our purpose here, is to serve the world by changing people's lives in our own way.
Once you find your purpose and your calling, and are in alignment with love and integrity, you will see everything you heart desires show up in your life, like magic!I mean it!
Love LuCy sMiLes
Fine By Me!
"Sometimes the best and most logical answer is Faith."LoVe LuCy
Of all the relationships we have, in all areas of our lives, it can get scary sometimes, when we allow our fears to take over our minds.
We are all, in some way or another, afraid to get hurt, afraid to lose love, or afraid of what the future may hold, with those we hold dear. In all the complexities with relationship dynamics, we can do ourselves a favor by being true to ourselves as to what we can and cannot live with. By setting boundaries, and being in integrity with our intentions for a successful relationship, we will begin to attract in our lives, only that which truly serves us.
There will be ups and downs as we travel forward with our friends, and our significant partners- but we can balance out the tides, when we set our standards. As you grow in your own path, you will see your relationships grow, in love and in trust and loyalty.We are a mirror of all those around us, so look closely at yourself and your life, and be sure that you do unto others only as you would have done unto you. And you will get just that.All you are, right back to you. It's whatever you want and do, that will be!Fine by me!
LuCy sMiLeS
Nice Try
If some of you are anything like me, even ten years after graduating college, a portion of my monthly income still gets delivered to my ever so hefty College Student Loans.
In my twenties, I dabbled in not just one course, or two, but in fact three different College Programs. The first, I was fresh out of high school, and fresh in my mental programs of what I "should" be doing with the rest of my life.
I left my hometown, excited for the experience, which in fact only lasted one of two years. Something wasn't right. It was not my calling. I felt guilt for "quitting".Then, programs still intact, attending another course- not calling it quits this time, and instead graduating with flying colors. Still, not my calling... If I am so good at it, why am I not feeling so good doing it?
Interesting.... All the programs in my mind resulted in my decisions as to which programs I thought I was supposed to achieve, and yet, over a decade later, the only thing that remains from all of this education, is the loans!
But happily so, I am paying them off, as the whole journey paid off in the end.I landed my dream job- boss of me, and doing something I never even went to school for!So why do I not regret trying over and over, courses that do not serve me today?
It is not so much, in life, the lessons that you learn in class, as it is the lessons you learn in life, itself. Where you are and what you are doing as is a stepping stone to getting you where you will find your true purpose.
Every step I took, guided me to the most magical place, in my heart and in my life.This course you can't take in school.Class dismissed!
Love LuCy sMiLeS
To Each ;Their Own
Love Lucy
In a world of such diversity whether culturally, spiritually, personally or professionally, it seems we still struggle with the self fulfilling prophecies that we must be like other, more supposed "successful" folk.When we think of success, many of us, do in fact, have the same certain "celebrity faces" or Historic Profiles" in our minds of those we deem successful.
Of these people, the common thread is that they all stand out from the crowd as having done something, been something or shown us something, in them, that brought them to the forefront of the time in which they were or are following their dream, sharing their expertise, or simply raising the bar in some way or another.
So, why do we want to stand out from the crowd, while at the same time, contradicting ourselves by doing our best to try to fill our lives with filling a role that others have, to get to our own true success?
We, each one of us has something unique to offer the world. Something that is completely unlike any other.In place of feeling that we must be or look a certain way, or do a certain thing to be "great", we must find and do that which, in fact, makes "us" great!
It is healthy to envy others following their dreams, as it can enable you to follow your own.But in your quest of questions being answered as to what that will be, and how it will be shown;
Be certain the dream is in fact yours.As...To Each; Their Own.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Watch Your Step
LoVe L.S.
When most of us commute to and from the office, from meetings, kid's extra curricular activities, or sometimes just from the mailbox- a lot of our time is spent in a whole other world other than the Earth in which we are physically walking.
We can do so many things, without thinking- sometimes even driving, not remembering how we even made it to our destinations unharmed- or worse, without harming others.We may wonder why we are so confused about certain things in our lives, when we actually spend most of our days in such a daze, any confusion should in fact be quite clear.Do you watch your step when you walk?
Do you see and stay on a clear path in front of you, or are you strolling along staring at the sky or scheduling your next step in your mind's computer?We all experience multi-tasking, as we have more on our plates than seemingly ever before.
In our quest for accomplishing as many tasks as we can, we can also take a moment to breathe and step outside of our crazy schedules to breathe in and take in a moment or two.
Sometimes it is about that time to transfer our chaotic thoughts, and treat ourselves with a mental break.Wake up every morning ready for a new day of triumphs perhaps amidst a few daily tasks or trials, and make sure you watch your step while you walk your beautiful life.
There is magic in every last one.
LuCy sMiLeS