"I am at liberty to say, and to be; therefore, I chose to speak and be- on behalf of me"
~ Love Di
We may struggle, we may second guess, and many times we may doubt.
We may blame, we may fall victim to situations and circumstances that come our way, not knowing why we go through what we go through, or how we will get through.
For all of us, at one point or another in our lives, we had been certain there was no way around the hurt, the pain, or the trauma that we were experiencing.
Then came the next day. And the next day, after. Slowly we were able heal.
Slowly we were able to raise our heads, and be ready for the beauty that would continue to manifest in front of us.
We were ready to let go of the hardship, not always to forget, as many times we must keep in our hearts a piece of our pain, to move forward, with a deeper understanding- not only of our lives, but of our purpose.
It doesn't matter what country you are from, the universal laws of life are just that- Universal.
We are all connected in one way or another, no matter what land we landed on.
To stand tall, and represent our world, as one, whether we are working Moms, Husbands, Leaders, Givers, Laborers, Encouragers, or Healers... We all have the liberty to represent ourselves as who we are.
And make the world an even better place because of it.
Be the Statue of Liberty, you have it in you... Bring out the best in you.
Love LuCysMiLeS
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