"Our fears are only as big as we allow them; I mean how big is a cockroach really? Yet I will still scream in terror at the sight"
Love Di
If I didn't already know, a certain experience today led me to realize I not only create the abundance in my life, but also the fears, and frights that come my way- and the ones that linger for a while, as well.
It seems it doesn't matter how connected you feel to life, and love, you can still completely lose all composure in the presence of something as small as a cockroach along your passionate path... There will always be the few select, and not so inviting pests, be it household, or held within your mind.
It's how big and how much energy you give to them that is what makes or break you.
Things come to us when we are ready to accept and receive them.
In this case, I had to mop my floor, in excitement to feel ready to cleanse my surroundings and start my week with a vengeance- only to find I still have a few things to deal with, and face, that couldn't be ignored.
We may, consciously think we are connected and coherent of our feelings, but there will lie underneath certain unconscious chaos, that when we overlook, may take very tangible forms looking you straight in the eye- unfortunately for me, the least pleasurable of insects- in my opinion.
We may not be able to free ourselves from all the less than favourable things in life, but if we can, at least, for ourselves, and for those around us- acknowledge that which needs to be taken care of, or that which we need to realize is much smaller than we lead on, perhaps the road will seem less difficult, and we can walk with confidence.
So what if a cockroach shares your path here or there? What has he really done "to you?" And aren't we all connected?
Ok, maybe I am not ready to acknowledge everything just yet. The path of unconditional love is one very sensitive step at a time.
LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
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