May I start by clearly admitting, there is nothing I enjoy more than a great sale. As a woman, I thrive on clearance items, 50% off items, and yes, I will buy three in one colour; let‘s be honest, if it is a limited time offer, I am going to be "smart" with my money!
But when it comes to us, as individuals, both male and female... Why do we sell ourselves so short?
I am not the only one sitting back now, to reflect... And I know before this sentence ends, you have, all reading this, counted at least 2-5 ways in which you have certainly sold yourself short.
It doesn't take a genius, or an opinion poll to know that each and every one of us, deep down inside, knows of a passion or two that we wish to follow. But once we recognize them, we place a pricetag on ourselves, as not "worthy" enough to buy into the thought of this "possible" soon to be priceless item of intrigue in our minds.
Leave the bargains for the store. Buy as many items as you need in as many colours as you think you need, when the sale is on...
But Please:
Take the tag off your mindset that brags a bargain.
And certainly don't spend so much time racking your brain as to why you can't do something amazing today; tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.
You can't place a price tag on passionate living.
It's free for the taking....
LuCy sMiLeS
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