"If your life were up for grabs, how quick would you be to grab hold of it?"
Love Di
I remember elementary school, high school, and college.
I am surprised I survived all three.
Barely; yes.
But I am here, now, and there is something to be said for that.
When we are growing- in height, in age, in our skin- we are also responsible for growing and learning as much as we need to, in school, but also learning as much as we can about how we show up, who we are, and what we have to offer.
Going through the different stages of life, with the different faces in front of us, as we proceed; the last thing we are looking for is to be differnet. So, we are really up for a challenge in staying true to ourselves, and loving who we are on the journey.
It's hard enough trying to fit in, let alone believing that we are the right fit at all, if we differ at all, from all of those surrounding us.
How hard it is to accept ourselves, when all the while our physical form, and emotional stabilities are being tested.
Many of you- myself included, will say "you cannot pay me enough to go back to high school."
And I had an amazing experience.
But it certainly took it's toll on me.
So why is this so...
If we look at why this is, what it is that makes us just cringe at the thought of bringing certain days back; this could be the very core of our path of finding our true connection with ourselves.
It is when we are at our most vulnerable that we must tap into the thoughts, and the feelings, and see them as a tool for wondrous progression.
Even now, instead of trying to find out who you are, while following the crowd:
Beg to Differ!
LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
Bugger Off!
"Our fears are only as big as we allow them; I mean how big is a cockroach really? Yet I will still scream in terror at the sight"
Love Di
If I didn't already know, a certain experience today led me to realize I not only create the abundance in my life, but also the fears, and frights that come my way- and the ones that linger for a while, as well.
It seems it doesn't matter how connected you feel to life, and love, you can still completely lose all composure in the presence of something as small as a cockroach along your passionate path... There will always be the few select, and not so inviting pests, be it household, or held within your mind.
It's how big and how much energy you give to them that is what makes or break you.
Things come to us when we are ready to accept and receive them.
In this case, I had to mop my floor, in excitement to feel ready to cleanse my surroundings and start my week with a vengeance- only to find I still have a few things to deal with, and face, that couldn't be ignored.
We may, consciously think we are connected and coherent of our feelings, but there will lie underneath certain unconscious chaos, that when we overlook, may take very tangible forms looking you straight in the eye- unfortunately for me, the least pleasurable of insects- in my opinion.
We may not be able to free ourselves from all the less than favourable things in life, but if we can, at least, for ourselves, and for those around us- acknowledge that which needs to be taken care of, or that which we need to realize is much smaller than we lead on, perhaps the road will seem less difficult, and we can walk with confidence.
So what if a cockroach shares your path here or there? What has he really done "to you?" And aren't we all connected?
Ok, maybe I am not ready to acknowledge everything just yet. The path of unconditional love is one very sensitive step at a time.
LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS
Beside Myself
"No one can share our excitement, or rain on our parade, more than our own best friend - Oneself"
Love Di
Beside Myself!
We've all heard the saying "I was just beside myself", when hearing of sheer excitement or overwhelming senses for a situation having taken place.
We are so bombarded with exterior circumstances, and events, considering our social schedules, work atmospheres, and family functions.
We pretty much know what's going on in everyone's life, around us, as well. The latest news and drama. Chances are we react with quite a bit of empathetic passion and understanding, having endured, ourselves, the many instances, at some point in our lives.
Although we can certainly use our connectivity and empathy to support those in our lives, for what they may be going through, we must understand that lending an ear is far more effective than suggestions, opinions and moreover hard hitting advice, simply because "we have been there."
Every experience that one goes through, one goes through as themselves, their particular past, their unique behaviours and personalities, and most importantly their personal relationships involved.
So be there for your friends, because that is what friends are for.
However, realize that we must each make decisions, ponder possibilities of how we, as individuals, need to evaluate our own circumstances, for growth, on our own, in our own time.
I hope we are all so blessed to have our best friends surrounding us when we need a hand to hold- but remember you are your own best friend, so when you are beside yourself" when something happens in your life, you are exactly where you need to be.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Truth Be Told
"We all fall, in life- but don't take it lying; Or lying down ~Di
Truth Be Told
Mom's always know best... When we were younger, perhaps even now, if you are still so blessed to be in the presence of your Mom; she could always tell when we were being honest, or far from.
What we speak, whether or not being truthful, it all comes down to what we think, and how we feel about ourselves.
What's more is that we all know how less than favourable it is not be truthful to others- what holds true is we feel worse about ourselves, in the long run.
We can lie to ourselves, and we can lie to others, but truth be told, our minds can instantly shift to a confident state if we take a stand and start not only speaking truth, but living our lives by making choices that will not lead us to have the option to speak otherwise.
Just as pictures speak a thousand words, truth speaks volumes in creating a life of integrity, health and wellbeing.
And if you are not sure if you are living a life of truth, just think of your Mom- if looks could kill, you will know you may have a bit more work to do...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
"Not following my dreams must feel worse than following them...
I think I will follow them, then decide.
It came to me this morning, while I was on my walk, just how important it is to go that extra step in making things happen.
I know if you are like me, I am a creature of habit.
But as we very well know, we cannot continue to do the same things, and expect different results. And that is fine if what we are doing is creating the most outstanding results on a daily basis, from our work; but if we are expecting more, we simply must do more.
There is no telling how much momentum is created by taking your passions or dreams one step further.
I had an epiphany this morning.
I must share.
I walk the same way, pretty much every day, for my hour walk.
Out of my house, to the right, and around a large block to get to the coffee shop, out the door of the coffee shop and then continue making a full clockwise journey back to my home.
This morning, I decided to take it one extra large block, just going further before making the same path back. While I was in the coffee shop, in my mind, I decided I may go back the same way I came, instead of my usual way around.
As I got out, with my coffee, I automatically continue "forward" and realized, I was not to go "back" the way I came....
To my sweet surprise, I ran into an old dog, 16 years old, name "Lucky", and stopped. I stared in his eyes, and the owner said no one ever stops to pet him, as they are afraid.
As I said goodbye and walked way, I felt this sense of blessing for life, and making the small things really count. I teared up, thinking of the Dog, and I turned around and the dog had followed me half a block.
I pet him again, and thanked him for reminding me how lucky I am, and as I walked forward, I came across a sign "Road Work Ahead".
None of which would have happened if I backtracked.
I wouldn't have met lucky, and I would have realized that going the extra step, pays off. But you must take action and work for what you want in life.
As luck would have it, no one can do it for you.
But it is worth it in the end.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Trivial Pursuit
Many of us are in search for what lies beneath all the traditional ways of living, whether it be making money, spiritual growth, or personal relationships.
We are actually in a day and age where we are exposed to so many new and exciting ways to attain success, on all levels.
Whether it be Internet-based businesses, and deciding to self-employ, online communities for growing relationships, or local groups and organizations to allow us to expand our horizons; we have our hands full of opportunities.
Like anything else, however, just as there are numerous ideas and opinions from a multitude of mediums to help guide us on our way, one think must remain in place:
We are unique and individual, and what works for one may not in fact work for another.
So be assertive in your search for your authentic self, and take pride in your own part you are playing in life.
We are all in pursuit of our passions, but we must be sure we are following with a faithful focus that is true to our needs, and not following suit to someone else's path.
Enjoy the ride, and share the road, but just be careful you are in the driver's seat.
LuCy sMiLeS
Not So Fast!
It's in my experience that it doesn't matter what shoes you buy, they cannot make you go any faster than your old worn out pair, if you still have the string attaching both the right and left foot.
I noticed myself realizing this was so, when trying a new pair on, looking for the mirror to see how good they looked on. They were still very much attached, yet I was still trying to walk faster than I should, knowingly.
But believe me, my look is not too classy, making my move so quickly, with them still connected. It made me stop ( I had to or I would have tripped over my own two feet) and think... How do I run my life?
Running... Always go go go.
We believe that we are to be busy, to be productive! But I have also, in my experience, gotten much more done, when simply sitting still.
Letting my mind and body rest.
I have come up with the best strategies, plans and creative ideas, laying down for five minutes. It took doing the dishes, emptying the garbage, changing the paper towel roll while running to change the load of laundry, to realize that not much comes to me when I am doing much to much!
If my mind is running a hundred miles an hour, and going full force with a fistful of frenzying tasks, I cannot very well notice; let alone read the signs the universe is giving me to allow me to access my full potential.
So take it down a notch!
Take it from me;)
Love, LuCy sMiLeS
Star Light Star Bright
I wish I wish wish...
Remember growing up, and looking up to the stars, with a wish... so big- you weren't sure you could even open your mouth, let alone your mind to imagine it could be possible?
But still, you saw that first star, and better believe you were going to make great use of it, before you allowed your eyes to wander and see yet another-
now knowing you couldn't very well "... first star I see tonight, I wish I may wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight... if you saw two!
Not only is it important to wish as much as we want, we must wash out all the thoughts that are not allowing our minds to go to the extremes with setting our sights on our dreams.
When we creatively visualize our goals, and our desires, there are going to be roadblocks, setbacks, and mishaps that may stop us for a while; that may delay our travels to that very place, we can only imagine being...
But, we are our own Magicians, casting our wands to manifest our wants...
Be a kid again, and find that star, and wish for what you wish to wish for!
I dare you not only to dream, but to wish for it to come true!
It's up to you to do!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
How Are You?
"Listen carefully to your physical body's messages... For example, mine told me to take Monday off"
~ Love Di
How Are you?
So much of our time is spent taking care of things that matter most to us... This is the fact of life. What we care about most we take care of most. And with taking care of others, we also pencil in taking care of business, chores, and other things that need care. Sometimes, we can get exhausted trying to do what never made us so exhausted doing before.
Why one day, can you take on the world, and the other day, you struggle just taking out the trash?
It all comes back to "you."
How are you?
Our body, as we very well know, does not lie. It doesn't know how to.
It strictly works on our behalf, and reacts to what is...
Like the heart only knows truth, the body is just as loyal.
It speaks only what is- good, bad, happy, or sad...
It will speak how it feels. No made up stories, or drama, just a simple intuitive response as to how things are going, while working away.
We must not only listen to our bodies, we must love them, as we would love another person. We must care for our physical shells with all the love we can, as it is the only form we have on Earth to live, laugh and love with.
So, if your body has something to say, take a moment to listen, so it doesn't have to yell!
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
Statue of Liberty
"I am at liberty to say, and to be; therefore, I chose to speak and be- on behalf of me"
~ Love Di
We may struggle, we may second guess, and many times we may doubt.
We may blame, we may fall victim to situations and circumstances that come our way, not knowing why we go through what we go through, or how we will get through.
For all of us, at one point or another in our lives, we had been certain there was no way around the hurt, the pain, or the trauma that we were experiencing.
Then came the next day. And the next day, after. Slowly we were able heal.
Slowly we were able to raise our heads, and be ready for the beauty that would continue to manifest in front of us.
We were ready to let go of the hardship, not always to forget, as many times we must keep in our hearts a piece of our pain, to move forward, with a deeper understanding- not only of our lives, but of our purpose.
It doesn't matter what country you are from, the universal laws of life are just that- Universal.
We are all connected in one way or another, no matter what land we landed on.
To stand tall, and represent our world, as one, whether we are working Moms, Husbands, Leaders, Givers, Laborers, Encouragers, or Healers... We all have the liberty to represent ourselves as who we are.
And make the world an even better place because of it.
Be the Statue of Liberty, you have it in you... Bring out the best in you.
Love LuCysMiLeS
Because I Can
There is really nothing specific I wish to write. But I will write, still, because I can.
This morning, I have woken, I have walked, I have talked...
Because I can.
Today, I will work, I will visit, I will shop and I will sit still.
Because I can.
Perhaps, as well, I will yell, scream, complain, nap, eat, or argue...
September 11- Not only have people lost their lives, on this day, but lost the love of their lives... Family members, wives, husbands, children;
You name it, one was lost.
The fact that today, for all those reading, and I, who is writing, have not only a choice of what we want to do with our lives, but that we have a choice to do anything.
We can sit in peace, and reflect; give thanks; feel compassionate sorrow for those who, today, will be in grieving, in remembrance for what has directly impacted every part of their existence.
But WE CAN do more. We must represent what it looks like, and feels like, to be given this gift of life, in every breath we take- breathe thanks.
We don't know what tomorrow will bring. We don't even know as far as what the next moment will bring, we know this for sure.
But we woke up. And we are still here.
To even be given the choice to make the same mistakes as we did yesterday, let's be thankful.
To then know that we can use the mistakes that we made as lessons, using the gift of today to better ourselves, because of them; and even more so tomorrow, if in fact, we are presented with the gift of tomorrow, miraculously, again.
Do whatever it is that you can;
Because you can.
Love LuCy sMiLeS
Reason Being
If you could do anything you wanted, whenever you wanted, wherever you wanted, what would that look like to you?
Does that mirror your life, right now?
I can bet a select few of us stood back, perhaps with an uneasy shrug of "Oh my gosh, are you kidding me?"
Am I right?
May I be so bold as to ask... "How many of your past few years replicate the one before that?"
If everything in life is impermanent, why do so many of our days mirror each other, and so many of our thoughts mirror each other as well?
The vicious cycle here is that we cannot very well expect changes, great changes, great exponential increases in our life's spiritual, emotional and financial richness if we don't take into account how it is we are going to get there.
What do we need to improve upon; tweak; and in some case just do something at all, other than nothing at all, expecting for the change to take place on it's own?
Yes, granted; some of us have the simple luck of striking it rich, and our lives change drastically for us, without lifting a finger.
But, let's be honest... Of all the people you know, how many of these people are those people?
Now get up, stand up, and show up in your life.
You are the most important person in this relationship, and if you act as though you are ok to play the field, and not commit, you will only get that back.
So, it's up to you.
I say this to you- reason being is this:
We all have a reason, being.
What's yours?
LuCy sMiLeS
Off the Rack
May I start by clearly admitting, there is nothing I enjoy more than a great sale. As a woman, I thrive on clearance items, 50% off items, and yes, I will buy three in one colour; let‘s be honest, if it is a limited time offer, I am going to be "smart" with my money!
But when it comes to us, as individuals, both male and female... Why do we sell ourselves so short?
I am not the only one sitting back now, to reflect... And I know before this sentence ends, you have, all reading this, counted at least 2-5 ways in which you have certainly sold yourself short.
It doesn't take a genius, or an opinion poll to know that each and every one of us, deep down inside, knows of a passion or two that we wish to follow. But once we recognize them, we place a pricetag on ourselves, as not "worthy" enough to buy into the thought of this "possible" soon to be priceless item of intrigue in our minds.
Leave the bargains for the store. Buy as many items as you need in as many colours as you think you need, when the sale is on...
But Please:
Take the tag off your mindset that brags a bargain.
And certainly don't spend so much time racking your brain as to why you can't do something amazing today; tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.
You can't place a price tag on passionate living.
It's free for the taking....
LuCy sMiLeS
Where The Heart Is
Where we were has a direct impact on the path lead to now.
The past's road is connected, it's just a matter of how.
When you walk from and to something,
You must walk with head held high.
And when you are scared,
or uncertain...
don't worry about why.
Just let your Heart guide your walk, and let love sweep inside.
Remember ALWAYS your worth, remember it with all pride.
For the person you are; is one that is loved...
So beautiful; so powerful... like the sky up above.
You'll have friends to remind you that they will support,
and will care.
They will guide you and bless you, no matter what and no matter where.
So keep walking your walk and don't worry if you fall.
You'll have stumbles, you'll have scars, just stand back up, standing tall.
Home is inside, it starts deep with love from your core.
And you will be closest to home...
When you love even more.
LuCy sMiLeS
Of Course!
No matter where we go, on our journey of life, it will always be the right place.
We carry ourselves almost to the ends of the earth, in search for our personal purpose...
May times, we may feel lost and confused, not sure which path is the right for us...
Are we on course?
And then there comes a place, we stand, where all our confusion changes to confidence.
That is when you know you are home.
That is when you realize you are where you are to be.
This is always the case, but our thoughts are what allow us to either feel lost, or feel found.
We don't always get there right away.
Sometimes we are there for only so long; leave, and only to come back full circle, in appreciation for being back.
If we wish to always be in the best place, we must also remember and embrace that which makes our heart the warmest, and where, and do all that we can to remain there...
Remember on days when you feel like you cannot find you; you are where you are, and that is just the right place, of course...
But by being in the best frame of mind, you will find yourself in the absolutely best place... in time!
LuCy sMiLeS
Heart Of Life
We, as individuals fight for honour, in hopes to be a hero to the eyes of many.
But until we fight for our own honour and realize our true strength from within, we will fight losing every battle.
And once we find our true place in life that makes us feel effortless in all that we do, we will continue to search.
Sometimes that search takes years and many people along the way, but once we find the place in our heart of love for ourselves, we can then and only then see why it took the time it took.
Love does not own a clock;
Love does not have a time limit;
Love stops for no one.
You should never stop loving you.
And never stop learning how and why you should love yourself.
And if you turn a corner that looks unfamiliar, do all that you can to find your way back home, whatever that means for you...
The door is always open...
That is the Heart of Life
~LuCy sMiLeS~
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