It is something, to be blessed with acceptance from others.
Fact of the matter is that not every one is going to walk into our lives, who accept us.
Simply put; and simply fine.
The more important aspect of this supposed unfortunate finding, is that it is not unfortunate at all!
As we know, ~like attracts like~… We are a mirror of who we come in contact with, when we do come in contact.
For many years, when younger and, perhaps more naïve and insecure, we attempted to follow the crowd-
whichever one was, “in”, at the time…
But once we grow as Authentic individuals, only then are we able to be the true “us”, as we will see it truly in others.
Those that do not accept you are showing you that you have attracted them because you do not accept something in yourself.
Once you acknowledge; thank and walk away, and you start loving yourself, even just a glimpse; and even in what may seem like a time of turmoil; you will meet just the right people whom you will find such love for, as you are now finding love for yourself.
And perhaps once you find that love in yourself, you can return to those who were once not so accepting
-not only to now be accepted by them; but enabling them true acceptance of themselves, through you…
That’s what we true friends are for: Supportive sunshine on a cloudy day; genuinely and lovingly offering you, without condition, to walk through what you need to walk through and where, thus enabling you to see the true magic in you…
I know this first hand!
Thank you;)
Yours, Truly…
LuCy sMiLeS
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