They say a dream deferred shrivels up like a raisin in the sun.
Imagine? Who would ever let their dreams just die, and such a terrible death?
Definitely not you… And I certainly know my dreams are far too important to just shrivel up.
So if we are so adamant about making our dreams come true, we must then give others the opportunity to know just how it is we ensure the actions we take to fulfill our hearts desires are carried out.
We must write it down, step by step, a full documentation, a full understanding of how we have been so careful in implementing a plan to create the dreams of our lives to become now our reality!
Our plan of action, if you will.
You know, to give to others to follow.
To follow their dreams. Just like we so attentively follow our own!
This will enable others to create their own steps to success!
With our help!
And if perhaps we must go back, ourselves, and need a bit of a reminder as to how to go about it, it will be there ready for us to follow.
Just in case, I mean.
We know we already have it all planned… It’s all under control.
Because "by the way"… All your dreams can come true, it’s simply up to you…
LuCy sMiLeS
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