As we know it, life is a classroom… Every day we take a whole new step and bring a whole new meaning in our lives- by learning, living, and most importantly giving.
Just as we learn through our interactions with others, others learn much about themselves through us.
We are here not only to take part in participating in our own lives, but to be a part of other people’s lives.
Of course, throughout our days, we are constantly making decisions, and thinking about how we can better ourselves, and better our surroundings; but to understand that by giving to others, and helping others in bettering themselves, on their path, we will be much more successful in our own lives.
Every day is a new day to learn something new. And as the owners of our own life, we chose the subjects in which we want to study; our classroom is entirely up to us to fill with students, tools and subjects! We are the student and the teacher, everyday.
And just as with school, we may struggle with one subject more than another, and we may perhaps falter as far as to fail once in a while.
But just as we did in school, we can take the class again, now participating in the subject with a whole new crowd of students by our side, knowing better how to go about succeeding, by learning from our past mistakes; again, helping others in their struggles as well.
The classroom of life doesn’t end once you succeed in a certain area. There will always be more to learn on each subject. But when you are top of your class, don’t forget about the others, who could use a helping hand along the way. Chances are there is a hand being held out for you on your way, as well…
Give as much as you can, and never give up if you feel as though you may have failed.
The classroom is always open, and you are never too old to go back!
LuCy sMiLeS
AWESOME, Diane. Love it!
a great truth & analogy of life to a class room... i like the pictures u use as well...
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