There is nothing quite like getting an invitation in the mail for a high class Gala, an Event, or a party of some sort that leaves you feeling a sense of unique style and success!
How blessed you feel to be part of a “select” few people who are invited to mingle with the best of them, share and listen to stories of many accomplished and perhaps highly academic achievers!
In life, we always hope and wish to be on the "A" list, don’t we?
We secretly hunger and crave for the prestigious status and all the goodies that comes with it!
While it is wonderful, and powerful to be involved with the best of the best; waiting and wishing for an invitation in the mail may be a pipe dream, if you are not taking actions to fulfill them!
Nothing differs between us and these "A" List individuals other than standing in our own way to the top!
Sure we won’t always be invited to the “A” List parties, and we may not have the opportunity to shmooze with the highest rank Successors in the world, I mean we simply cannot possibly have time for everything! We are busy people!
But know this:
However you believe in yourself and in your ability to achieve all that you want in your life, lies an “Open Invitation.”
There are no criteria and certainly no limitations on who is allowed and who is not allowed to be successful.
No dress code, no age limit, no culture restrictions, income earning status, NOTHING!
You choose the date of this event, or events; dress attire is also to your desire; and you can chose the time, and the place for all of this to unfold!
And invite whoever you wish! Hop online and create the classiest of invitation cards and send away! You deserve it!
So many options in this thing called life!
The occasion and recognitions for all your successes are completely open and up to you to plan! Don't question whether or not you are worthy!
The only question you need to ask your self is;
“What WILL I wear?”
LuCy sMiLeS
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