It’s hard enough getting the momentum to start a project or task, from the beginning, isn’t it?
Now, we have all been there, when we realize, after starting that the task at hand really isn’t as chaotic a chore after all. It just took starting it, and the rest was easy.
But we have all also been there, when after starting a project, with all excitement and charisma… we have been sidetracked by this thing called “life” resulting in setting aside the project, for another priority.
What happens when we do this, however, is the momentum it takes to reintroduce this project and go back, is the same amount needed to start it again.
Instead of starting and stopping, allow yourself to live it in “cruise control”, to will enable life’s happenings to happen, as they will, and you can still carry on, without throwing things overboard, when it all seems like too much.
And don’t think of jumping ship yourself just yet, when the going gets a bit tough… even when the tides are high, you can always guarantee smooth sailing ahead!
LuCy sMiLeS
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