Have you ever realized after a whole day of wearing your pants, that there was a sock stuck to the inside?

We have all had experiences with static cling in one form or another.
Sometimes it would feel next to impossible to remove the items!

We can take this situation and apply it to life, as well.
Many past behaviours, and programs are carried by us, latching on to us like magnets, causing us to remain static in our lives. Not moving forward, not believing in our powers, and not allowing us the growth that not only will help us, but others in which we connect with!

For one reason or another, we continually notice these mind tapes sticking with us, acting like they have our best interest at heart, but we know better, don’t we?

What is clinging to you, causing “Static” situation?
And what do you need to use to rid this, and “bounce” out of the traditional stand still and move into the magic of life in abundance?

Don’t let static cling hold you hack from being the best you ever!
Be static free, and know you are worth it!

LuCy sMiLeS

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like this 1 a lot... it personally understand what it says... i feel like im in a transition period trying 2 free myself of the "static" i have 4 myself... i enjoy reading this piece... its great