Making the most of what we have, and loving where we are is always crucial in creating our world the way we see fit for us.
Take a moment to take inventory of what surrounds you, placed in your life by you. Be it your car, your home, your relationships, down to the shoes you decided to put on this morning.
The contents we carry are an expression of our creativity, our ambitions, and our drives.
The drive on this road to alignment is a very sensitive journey, but having the tools to guide us through to stay on track and keep us focused on why we have what we have, and knowing where we see ourselves going is all we need.
This tool is “content.”
The contents of our lives, in relation to how content we are in our lives, is where we find our balance.
How content are you?
What contents do you carry with you that allows you to carry on with contentment- or are there contents of which you must “let go” to redesign your picture in your mind of what makes you happy?
There is nothing more refreshing than taking time out to regroup, reorganize and sometimes go as far as clearing any clutter causing chaos and discontentment.
LuCy sMiLeS
1 comment:
Unsire if these comments from
your fellow Road warrior will be
seen only by you? So i'll keep it
In this world were we've all
become so concerned ~i inclusivity
I believe, we find it harder to
do the one thing that will
eventually, bring us to living out
of CORE, the Spirit, connected to
in all that we do ~i the Divine
during our daily lives.
EDIT, sometimes the biggest thing
we need to clear out, Edit. Is the
Negative self-talk that runs like
the NYC Stock exchange ticker tape
thru our minds.
It is only when we dare to EDIT
this that true change starts to
take place. Sometimes NOT on a
noticeable level @ 1st.
BUT then one day we look up &
our lives have incredibly changed
in ways we can even begin to
Thanks so much for your smile(s)
that truly reminded Me that is
only ~i careful EDITing that we
truly achieve an eXquisite Life
which we truly treasure.
Like a dear Man once said to me,
"You know it's funny about you i
Never remember or think of the
bad stuff!?"
Wish that we all had & would
strive to look accept things &
more importantly people in that
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