The power of thought is enormous. It creates all that we see, all that we do, and ultimately all that we are.
You are what you think!
We have been told this since the beginning of time.
But how serious do you take how you think about yourself?
And do you take yourself too seriously?
Or not seriously enough?
Take a step back and look at yourself and where you are.
Do you like what you see?
Not only do we have to understand who we are; we have to be sure that we like who this is, before we will go to great lengths to do the best for ourselves.
Make time to check-in with yourself now and then, to be sure that you are being cared for and that you are making an effort to fulfill your heart’s desires.
We all have a desired outcome for how we hope things will turn out.
But we need to be desirable to ourselves, in order for that to take place.
So who do you think you are?
LuCy sMiLeS
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