Chances are there will be days when our thoughts will get the best of us.
And just as those days will be, there will also be the days where our thoughts will bring us on top of the world!
Chances are you haven’t had the best thing that has ever happened to you, happen to you yet!
And just as it will be the best when it does, there will be better things even still to come!
Making every moment count, and taking chances when we have the opportunity to do so, is what life is all about, isn’t it?
It is important to of course to plan, prepare and arrange things in our lives to ensure we are taking great care of all this, that, the other, and those that surround us.
But to allow the moments when we can simply take our chances, without systematic step by step strategies can find us in the most amazing places in our life!
And chances are you will make mistakes in this life, and if by chance you can correct them, you are in an even better spot still.
But believe that you are where you are supposed to be, and chances are you will be right…
Right in the right place, at just the right time!
Some people say “I wouldn’t chance it”, and to that I say…
“Chances are I will!”
LuCy sMiLeS
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