Perhaps the path to greatness is not so much in walking forward consciously aware of what is set in front of us.
Perhaps the path to greatness starts by stopping; taking a look back, and not only embracing all that we have gone through, taken with us, and will use to create a bright future;
but to actually reflecting on each instance that we may have not forgiven or forgotten.
Not forgotten because we still feel it in our hearts as something we hold onto as it hurt us so.
Perhaps we will make great only when we let go of the energy that taints our thoughts.
“Who and what” has happened in your past that is not enabling you to allow “who and what” now and coming ?
It must be embraced, all the love and all the acceptance of experiences and people not for what you want them to be because of “who and what” hurt you before, but for them, as their authentic selves .
We cannot expect from relationships coming, that which we may have lacked from those before them.
Nor can we expect to be treated poorly if poorly treated before.
It is so essential for us to be compassionate and completely accepting of what lies ahead, and those who we will create bonds with in the future.
If you have not forgiven, and you have not forgotten.. Forgive and forget…
As uncertain as we may be of the future, we create the interlocking stones that we walk on, by simply placing each step from those steps walked on behind us.
How are you creating your path?
A path to greatness has cracks, and life IS all it’s cracked up to be, however you create it!
LuCy sMiLeS
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