In life, it is not the “things” that matter, rather it is the feelings, and emotions we carry with us.
No one can truly be happy by having more things than another, since as we are aware, true happiness comes from within.
Only when we have a true affection for who we are, when all things are taken away from us, for any reason, we are not left with “nothing”, we are still left with all that we ever need. Ourselves.
Of course, for practical purposes, we use tools, gadgets, “necessities” to fulfill our needs throughout the day, but needless to say, if we carry affection and longing for these things, then we are in fact using exterior belongings to make ourselves feel “whole”.
Leading to disappointment, and sometimes as far as resentment for when they are taken from us.
You can ensure that your life can be lead with fulfillment and purpose, if you pay attention to all that you have that was not manufactured in a plant, assembled in a warehouse, with synthetic materials which will decay with wear and tear.
Be the Object of your affection, leave the exterior influences, substances, and matters, even of the heart, lie secondary.
When you can connect with yourself, first, all outer connections will be that much more powerful.
And if by chance, taken away, this will not leave you powerless.
Any objections?
LuCy sMiLeS
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