So many of the things in our life that are constant, are actually constant in the fact that they are changing constantly.
Life’s like that…
So how can we feel grounded in a world where the ground seems to be taken out from under us?
Shifts of change in our emotions, our feelings, and our thoughts, happen on a daily basis.
It’s so interesting that one day you can feel one thing, for certain… Then the next day you wake up and not only do you certainly feel differently about it, but you cannot even recognize how the first thought was felt in the first place!
Confused? You should be!
We have to come to a common ground in this game we call life.
How? Let me spell it out for you
Life can be- as we know; taken away from us at any moment.
But if we neglect ourselves LIFE in its most beautiful and simple form, by just being and enjoying it for all it is, whatever it is at this moment, right now, we are in fact taking it away from ourselves.
We may not know all that life has to offer, all of the time, but we can decide whether or not we will make the most of it, and live it to the fullest, whatever that may be…
What is life to you?
You may have to spell it out.
LuCy sMiLeS
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