she's back... she's holding on, and letting go....

There is a difference in "holding on", when it's right, and "letting go" when it is right... And letting go specifically to the things that are not right to hold onto...

Holding on to life, ready to breathe in what is about to happen. Letting go of the things that didn't allow for those things to happen.

Feels great to know the difference! Doesn't it?

When I walked through life not paying attention to the magic that surrounded me, when something negative happened, it was a big deal.. Now, however, things that are happpening around me are so meaningful (this is my choice to see it this way, and this way is wonderful), that when something happens, that is negative, or worrysome, it is no longer a crutch, it just is what it is, and dealt with very differently....
Try it.... No, seriously!!!

I know someone who will read this, and shake his head, at the commas I used.
I never claimed to be a writer, but this too will come with time, so yes, I used alot of commas....
I will do my best to edit my posts, and until then, I will get my editor to do it for me...

"Pessimism as the exception, not the rule"

~Lucy Smiles

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