I love doing things I feel like doing!!!

There is always going to be a bumpy road,
before enjoying smooth sailing.

If you are lucky enough not to travel the
bumpy road, then perhaps you don’t know a
smooth sail if you got hit with it in the face!

So when you travel the bumpy road, just know, there is a smooth sail waiting, and you will be that much more appreciative once you get to it!

And if you can balance your time with spending as much time as you can for yourself, doing things that you love to do, doing things for you, then all those other things that have to be done are not as annoying, not as frustrating, and certainly not as overpowering anymore.

And for those of you who may seem to have one more bump than the person next to you,
Just also know, you will be rewarded with that much bigger a sail, smoother sail too!!!!

LuCy sMiLeS

Why is so much of our time spent doing things we don’t like doing?

And we will sit, while doing these things… cursing as to the fact that we are annoyed with doing them.


Cindy and I were having our first dinner together in the new place, and laughing as we do, last night.

When we laugh, we laugh at why we are laughing;

followed by the fact that we are laughing the exact same way as each other, as usual.

Followed by laughing at how we both laugh…

…and finally, laughing at the way we move forward, backward, and yesterday, even to the side, in laughter.

Belts of laughter we enjoyed, as we do….

Cindy and I have only known each other for 7 months… moved in without hesitation, and to be honest, we act like girls playing house.

We make sure the other is ok, all the time… Hug before we leave, hug when we walk in. Make sure to say good night before bed.

“Can I get you a tea?” “Do you want something to eat?” “Are you tired, should you take a nap?” “How are you today?” “How was work, come and let’s sit and talk!”

“K, bedtime, sweet dreams!” we say as we both close our door for the night.

In the morning, comes the strangest of all things we love of things we feel like doing.

We will call each other, from our separate bedrooms. Once the alarm goes off, to make sure the other is awake.

Or text each other “Good morning, are you up? Time to rise, sunshine!”

Then if we both are up, one will call, and we will sit on the phone, with belts of laughter we enjoy, as we do…

On Saturdays, we call each other simply to say “Oh shit, slept in, so tired….”
And we realized this yesterday, when we had a great conversation over dinner.

We came up with the simplest of terms… We love doing things we feel like doing.

Doesn’t get any simpler than that!

We have seen ourselves really change in the past months, really see a smile on our own, and each other’s faces.

After making some very difficult decisions previously, to get to this point, but decisions made based on the dream that they would lead us to loving doing the things we feel like doing, in the end!

We acknowledged how happy we have both been, especially since meeting.

We are such supporters in each others lives, and we tend to do mostly, only the things we feel like doing, since meeting.

Of course this is not to say that we don’t have to work, pay the bills, and take time out for chores, etc...

There is always going to be a bumpy road, before enjoying smooth sailing.

If you are lucky enough not to travel the bumpy road, then perhaps you don’t know a smooth sail if you got hit with it in the face!

So when you travel the bumpy road, just know, there is a smooth sail waiting, and you will be that much more appreciative once you get to it!

And if you can balance your time with spending as much time as you can for yourself, doing things that you love to do, doing things for you, then all those other things that have to be done are not as annoying, not as frustrating, and certainly not as overpowering anymore.

And for those of you who may seem to have one more bump than the person next to you,
Just also know, you will be rewarded with that much bigger a sail, smoother sail too!!!!

I think so… But what do I know?
I just know I love doing things I feel like doing.

~ Lucy Smiles~

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