I don't live in "real" life; therefore, I don't live by the "real" life rules...

"It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood... A beautiful day for a neighbour... Won't you be mine?

Don't you remember that when you were a kid? Mister Rogers takes off one shoe... flings it from left hand to right, smiles, throws on his comfy sweater, and we' re on.....

He is singing right to you, you can see him, staring right at just you!

It was wonderful.. Felt great, just easy breezy... What a life.... Neighbourhood of Make Belief!

I realized today, I am living the life of Queen Sara Saturday!
Lovely feeling it is.

Not meaning "royalty, or rich", heavens...

I may feel rich on life, but the bank and creditors are telling me otherwise.. I wish they would stop calling! I get it, already....

And I am Queen Sara Saturday, single in the city... no King Friday... but you get what I mean.

Just really living... My life... "Make" your life with the "Belief" system that you own, not everyone else.
Set your own rules...

The belief that what others say and do is right, had distracted me, and I ended up just overwhelmed, confused, numb.

Conflicting energy takes place when you are trying to do something that is not right for you. You can feel the blocks. It is strange, how even on a conscious level, we know just what is blocking us, and we know how to take steps to release them, but we sometimes take steps to the side, turn around, walk away. BUT, we always have to come back.. Would ya look at that, blocks still there.

Once you know what is right for you+do what is right for you, the blocks disappear and life falls into place, right where it should. Just breathe, don't forget to breathe. I have forgotten, and had to catch my breathe a few or more times....

Once you do this, you also will find yourself singing this very same Mister Roger's song.

I just started singing it again... When I find myself singing this, that is when I know I am doing what is right for me...

Sing with me!

Lucy Smiles

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