Many Situations... Never wanted them that way...

If only there was a clue, a tip... a trick...
One that would at least just finally stick.

We have so many habits, many wishing to break.
Continued, even and always with so much at stake.

And of these, are the most important habits of all.
As they prevent us from standing... from standing so tall.

If love conquers everything, why do we still...
Still fight tooth and nail, still fight with all will?

If you love, then love deeply, with the intent of all good.
And do not; I repeat, please do not if you could...

Continue to hurt what you know as so true.
That the hurt that you fight with, is inside of you.

Hands held are a treasure that can not be forgot;
With hands held high, any battle can most surley be fought.

So stand tall, and make certain to love with all might
This is all that you need, so please never lose sight.

Of the ones that you love; of the ones you hold dear.
Please hold onto them forever, and forever so near.

~Lucy Smiles~

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