Hmmm.. It is great when you read something you wrote to yourself, months back, and realize that you have accomplished what you set out to accomplish.
Even if you read some of which you haven't, you like the fact of those you had!!
Don't look at what you haven't done, look at what you have!
Glass half full!
It is how you look at things. No matter what. Looking back, there was a bit of distortion... clouds, fog and a heck of a lot of rain. What did I expect moving to Vancouver? Would you believe when I did plan the move, I had no idea the climate was as such! You never really know when there will be rain in the forecast. And, just as the rain comes, the sun pokes its beautiful face...
I just never really thought about it, until someone pointed it out, only 3 days before I moved here, about the rain. Now I am just reaching my 3 year anniversary!
I didn't really care, rain come, rain be gone...
Shades of grey can turn to pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.
You cannot have the most gorgeous rainbow (sometimes, two at once, I have taken a picture on my cellphone on route to one of Cindy and my lovely seawall walks, and it was something... )without the heaviest of rain showers...
We are the most important people in our lives, so why do others come first?
Many of us (me included), as a dear friend pointed out, tend to self sabotage.
(Thank you for pointing that out, btw, it has really changed me... and I have broken the cycle, and it feels amazing.)
It is like as soon as something really wonderful has taken place, we have to find a cloud, to cover even just a bit. Like we don't think we are truly deserving of ALL THINGS WONDERFUL???
It is a self hurt, causing sadness, worry, and disappointment.
I turned my glass half empty and 180- GLASS HALF FULL! It is really, no seriously, that easy.
All in your head, they say? You got it! Everything is all in our own silly sally dilly dally heads! You can have 2 people, experience the same exact thing, and one person can take a very different lesson, than the other. As a tragedy? As a gift from high above?
If your best friend had to say 5 things about you, what would they be?
Now, being that you are first and foremost your own best friend, you write them down from you, to you.
Aren't you glad to have someone like you as a best friend?
Thought so...
Are you just as scared as I am to be great? Why is that? It really cannot be that hard! Being the best you? You know how to best you, so I say just go for it, don't overanalyse how, don't try too hard, just do it (thank you, you know who you are, and yes it took 7 years), like you know how, because you do, only you!!!!
Sometimes things can seem overwhleming, but really it is all about using our time wisely.
Spending so much time pitter pattering, dilly dallying, emailing, msning, phonecalling, facebooking(lol), texting(man oh man), and what I tend to do, in between, staring...
We should be concerned when 3/4 of a relationship is texting...
Yup... Yeash!!!
I love voices, laughter, voices, silence, voices, breathing... That just makes my heart melt... My heart melted a few nights ago.. A few nights in a row...
So, do me a favour...
~Look at things positively, be it what they are
~Put in your body what you expect to get out of it!
~Pay attention to all that surrounds you
(yes, that means stop texting and look up, while you walk....)
~Give to your friends, what you expect to get back!
~Look for happiness, from within...
Know that you matter most, and so teach yourself how to treat yourself.
Others will only treat you as well as you treat you...
Stop fearing things. It is what it is, and it is what you make of it, how you look at it, and how you chose to deal with it.
So, let's lift up our glasses! And for those of you with glasses half empty, the rest of us will wait for you... turn it around... Go ahead.
Now cheer!
Lucy Smiles:) with her glass half full!!!