I know, like anyone else, the clear importance of stepping back to reflect on things; stepping out of a situation, to evaluate it, just to be sure you are looking at things clearly; stepping up when it is important to do so, if something is not working.
Cindy and I call this;
It is all too easy to get blind sided by things, life grabs us by, well, whatever it grabs us by, I think this depends on the person. I will say, "by your most vulnerable''' People and situations come into your life, that are not going to help you become the person you know you can be.
When this happens, I think one or two of many things can then happen.
You either go with it, make it work for you, in which case, really, you are now just compromising, and therefore, in my opinion, it is not working in your favour, but you are allowing it to, so you can feel good about keeping it in your life...
Or it finds its own way, in subltle hints, until you get that it isn't working, and something needs to change, and you change it...
OR, in some cases, we get the message in a less subtle, more "slap in the face way!" I am going to call this..
We all know it, we have all done it, and we have all had it done to us.
Yes, even you all out there.. I know who you are, who say they have always been the "Breaker", never the "Breakee..."
Now, it sucks. If you are the "breakee"...You go from on top of the world, to flat on your face, in some instances as fast as a split second.
How can it be? How does it happen??
Easily, it just does.
I have decided not to think of why it happens, but to instead just accept that it does... I am happy to report it has been a while, but it has in fact happened to me...
Accept and move on.
If you were happy a minute ago... Completely content with yourself, confident, excited, thrilled even, and then one second later, as the "Breakeee",you are now feeling like the ugliest person in the world, not worthy of love, care, commitment?
Then I guess I was wrong all along.
All of you who have said that you are only the "Breaker", you are right.
Because if you have been broken up with (my opinion, the Breakee), and in fact feel this same way I have described... the ugly, the unworhty, the rejected, unimportant?
You have in actuality broken up with yourself.
You are in fact the "Breaker..."
My point?
No one can make you feel these things about you, but you.
If relationships don't work out... which they won't all work out, that is why we have great friends; then let's build the best relationship with ourselves, so for the slim few of us who may some day end up the "breakee", it won't hurt as bad. It's like insurance. I think we can all use a little personal insurance, less expensive insurance that what we spend on for other things, like our cars, and homes... Don't we owe it to ourselves to insure in our own happiness with ourselves?
Or, if you want to steal our "Stop & Snap" to step back, out, and up, which may prevent you from the dreaded slap in the face scenerio, and you can figure out for yourself, when things are just not working out in your own best interest, you can... We do what works, and you should too.
It's all yours...
~Lucy Smiles~
Faith of her Father
Childlike, her innocence flows untainted like the wind…
She knows not of heartache, or the fear of having sinned.
With hope, one foot moves forward; she tries to match him, step for step
And with countless tries, her short legs are no sign of her inept.
She smiles, as she continues on this walk, her hand in his…
For with the faith of her father, she knows only of what is.
Courage sparks inside of her, she looks up to him, and glows
He clenches her hand and swings her round; this is love, she knows…
The days would now move forward; her childlike innocence to test…
She takes in the sites and scenes, reacting as only she knows best.
She stands a little taller, taking in the world around
For with the faith of her father, all this magic, she has found.
Time does pass, and she sets out to build a life to call her own
And they walk now, step for step, just as she had always only known.
She knows not of heartache, or the fear of having sinned.
With hope, one foot moves forward; she tries to match him, step for step
And with countless tries, her short legs are no sign of her inept.
She smiles, as she continues on this walk, her hand in his…
For with the faith of her father, she knows only of what is.
Courage sparks inside of her, she looks up to him, and glows
He clenches her hand and swings her round; this is love, she knows…
The days would now move forward; her childlike innocence to test…
She takes in the sites and scenes, reacting as only she knows best.
She stands a little taller, taking in the world around
For with the faith of her father, all this magic, she has found.
Time does pass, and she sets out to build a life to call her own
And they walk now, step for step, just as she had always only known.
"Hi" she says, and welcomes him, she smiles like it feels new.
Feel the breathes of energy as it passes its way through...
Of all the things they know for sure, this one thing is as true
How their body feels with the energy of two...
The calming of the voice, the look, the touch, is all around
Every single move is what they know, and feel its sound
Words in air, they hear them like all other things are still
Embracing all and everything, they can, with their own will...
Darkness of the night cascades with perfect shades of grey
His touch now strokes her arm and back, in hopes that he can stay.
The tide now scales the shores, and the breezes brush the sands.
Their touch now getting closer, as he reaches for her hands
The starry night cascades the skies, both near, and very far...
Goodnight, she says, and feels his touch, goodnight, wherever you are.
Feel the breathes of energy as it passes its way through...
Of all the things they know for sure, this one thing is as true
How their body feels with the energy of two...
The calming of the voice, the look, the touch, is all around
Every single move is what they know, and feel its sound
Words in air, they hear them like all other things are still
Embracing all and everything, they can, with their own will...
Darkness of the night cascades with perfect shades of grey
His touch now strokes her arm and back, in hopes that he can stay.
The tide now scales the shores, and the breezes brush the sands.
Their touch now getting closer, as he reaches for her hands
The starry night cascades the skies, both near, and very far...
Goodnight, she says, and feels his touch, goodnight, wherever you are.
I love doing things I feel like doing!!!

There is always going to be a bumpy road,
before enjoying smooth sailing.
If you are lucky enough not to travel the
bumpy road, then perhaps you don’t know a
smooth sail if you got hit with it in the face!
So when you travel the bumpy road, just know, there is a smooth sail waiting, and you will be that much more appreciative once you get to it!
And if you can balance your time with spending as much time as you can for yourself, doing things that you love to do, doing things for you, then all those other things that have to be done are not as annoying, not as frustrating, and certainly not as overpowering anymore.
And for those of you who may seem to have one more bump than the person next to you,
Just also know, you will be rewarded with that much bigger a sail, smoother sail too!!!!
LuCy sMiLeS
Why is so much of our time spent doing things we don’t like doing?
And we will sit, while doing these things… cursing as to the fact that we are annoyed with doing them.
Cindy and I were having our first dinner together in the new place, and laughing as we do, last night.
When we laugh, we laugh at why we are laughing;
followed by the fact that we are laughing the exact same way as each other, as usual.
Followed by laughing at how we both laugh…
…and finally, laughing at the way we move forward, backward, and yesterday, even to the side, in laughter.
Belts of laughter we enjoyed, as we do….
Cindy and I have only known each other for 7 months… moved in without hesitation, and to be honest, we act like girls playing house.
We make sure the other is ok, all the time… Hug before we leave, hug when we walk in. Make sure to say good night before bed.
“Can I get you a tea?” “Do you want something to eat?” “Are you tired, should you take a nap?” “How are you today?” “How was work, come and let’s sit and talk!”
“K, bedtime, sweet dreams!” we say as we both close our door for the night.
In the morning, comes the strangest of all things we love of things we feel like doing.
We will call each other, from our separate bedrooms. Once the alarm goes off, to make sure the other is awake.
Or text each other “Good morning, are you up? Time to rise, sunshine!”
Then if we both are up, one will call, and we will sit on the phone, with belts of laughter we enjoy, as we do…
On Saturdays, we call each other simply to say “Oh shit, slept in, so tired….”
And we realized this yesterday, when we had a great conversation over dinner.
We came up with the simplest of terms… We love doing things we feel like doing.
Doesn’t get any simpler than that!
We have seen ourselves really change in the past months, really see a smile on our own, and each other’s faces.
After making some very difficult decisions previously, to get to this point, but decisions made based on the dream that they would lead us to loving doing the things we feel like doing, in the end!
We acknowledged how happy we have both been, especially since meeting.
We are such supporters in each others lives, and we tend to do mostly, only the things we feel like doing, since meeting.
Of course this is not to say that we don’t have to work, pay the bills, and take time out for chores, etc...
There is always going to be a bumpy road, before enjoying smooth sailing.
If you are lucky enough not to travel the bumpy road, then perhaps you don’t know a smooth sail if you got hit with it in the face!
So when you travel the bumpy road, just know, there is a smooth sail waiting, and you will be that much more appreciative once you get to it!
And if you can balance your time with spending as much time as you can for yourself, doing things that you love to do, doing things for you, then all those other things that have to be done are not as annoying, not as frustrating, and certainly not as overpowering anymore.
And for those of you who may seem to have one more bump than the person next to you,
Just also know, you will be rewarded with that much bigger a sail, smoother sail too!!!!
I think so… But what do I know?
I just know I love doing things I feel like doing.
~ Lucy Smiles~
Lovely are the days that shine
Smilin', laughin, sippin' wine
Lovely are the friends you meet
Their characters just can't be beat
Sing along, and dance away
Take in life, be what it may...
Feel the sand between your toes
Dance away, like no one knows...
Let love in, don't fear this dance
Live your life, with every chance
Cause now's the time to open wide
For love won't find you, if you hide...
Lucy Smiles
Smilin', laughin, sippin' wine
Lovely are the friends you meet
Their characters just can't be beat
Sing along, and dance away
Take in life, be what it may...
Feel the sand between your toes
Dance away, like no one knows...
Let love in, don't fear this dance
Live your life, with every chance
Cause now's the time to open wide
For love won't find you, if you hide...
Lucy Smiles
Glass half full!

Hmmm.. It is great when you read something you wrote to yourself, months back, and realize that you have accomplished what you set out to accomplish.
Even if you read some of which you haven't, you like the fact of those you had!!
Don't look at what you haven't done, look at what you have!
Glass half full!
It is how you look at things. No matter what. Looking back, there was a bit of distortion... clouds, fog and a heck of a lot of rain. What did I expect moving to Vancouver? Would you believe when I did plan the move, I had no idea the climate was as such! You never really know when there will be rain in the forecast. And, just as the rain comes, the sun pokes its beautiful face...
I just never really thought about it, until someone pointed it out, only 3 days before I moved here, about the rain. Now I am just reaching my 3 year anniversary!
I didn't really care, rain come, rain be gone...
Shades of grey can turn to pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.
You cannot have the most gorgeous rainbow (sometimes, two at once, I have taken a picture on my cellphone on route to one of Cindy and my lovely seawall walks, and it was something... )without the heaviest of rain showers...
We are the most important people in our lives, so why do others come first?
Many of us (me included), as a dear friend pointed out, tend to self sabotage.
(Thank you for pointing that out, btw, it has really changed me... and I have broken the cycle, and it feels amazing.)
It is like as soon as something really wonderful has taken place, we have to find a cloud, to cover even just a bit. Like we don't think we are truly deserving of ALL THINGS WONDERFUL???
It is a self hurt, causing sadness, worry, and disappointment.
I turned my glass half empty and 180- GLASS HALF FULL! It is really, no seriously, that easy.
All in your head, they say? You got it! Everything is all in our own silly sally dilly dally heads! You can have 2 people, experience the same exact thing, and one person can take a very different lesson, than the other. As a tragedy? As a gift from high above?
If your best friend had to say 5 things about you, what would they be?
Now, being that you are first and foremost your own best friend, you write them down from you, to you.
Aren't you glad to have someone like you as a best friend?
Thought so...
Are you just as scared as I am to be great? Why is that? It really cannot be that hard! Being the best you? You know how to best you, so I say just go for it, don't overanalyse how, don't try too hard, just do it (thank you, you know who you are, and yes it took 7 years), like you know how, because you do, only you!!!!
Sometimes things can seem overwhleming, but really it is all about using our time wisely.
Spending so much time pitter pattering, dilly dallying, emailing, msning, phonecalling, facebooking(lol), texting(man oh man), and what I tend to do, in between, staring...
We should be concerned when 3/4 of a relationship is texting...
Yup... Yeash!!!
I love voices, laughter, voices, silence, voices, breathing... That just makes my heart melt... My heart melted a few nights ago.. A few nights in a row...
So, do me a favour...
~Look at things positively, be it what they are
~Put in your body what you expect to get out of it!
~Pay attention to all that surrounds you
(yes, that means stop texting and look up, while you walk....)
~Give to your friends, what you expect to get back!
~Look for happiness, from within...
Know that you matter most, and so teach yourself how to treat yourself.
Others will only treat you as well as you treat you...
Stop fearing things. It is what it is, and it is what you make of it, how you look at it, and how you chose to deal with it.
So, let's lift up our glasses! And for those of you with glasses half empty, the rest of us will wait for you... turn it around... Go ahead.
Now cheer!
Lucy Smiles:) with her glass half full!!!
...and the sun did shine through
And one day there were two....
Two souls that connected,the sun did shine through.
For what not they thought wasn't, but "was" to live through.
And in walking, they laughed, and they laughed, this is true...
And then, laughing, they laughed, this time out of the blue!
You can picture this story getting better each day!
As it will, it will get better, every day... come what may!
~Lucy Smiles, having met Cindy when she did...~
Two souls that connected,the sun did shine through.
For what not they thought wasn't, but "was" to live through.
And in walking, they laughed, and they laughed, this is true...
And then, laughing, they laughed, this time out of the blue!
You can picture this story getting better each day!
As it will, it will get better, every day... come what may!
~Lucy Smiles, having met Cindy when she did...~
"Chance" meeting of twin souls
We think it, one time or another.
"What if I turned left, instead of right?
I usually don't have a chance to decide,
Julius decides for both of us.
Today, however... I made a choice.
Strangely enough, he didn't hesitate.
Strangely enough...
We proceeded...
And, the turn we would usually take, when we go right, is.. the next right...
But, this time, I decided to go straight.
This, after I paid specific attention to a building on my left which caused me to feel a sense of gravitation in my journey.
This wouldn't be any other walk.
Chances are you meet people who you can learn from. You meet people that can learn from you.
You meet people that have learned a few tough lessons in life.
You wonder how you would be... if those lessons were learned by you.
Happy they have yet, if ever to be learned. Hoping they never have to be.
We say "why me" in life, when things don't go as planned. When we are certain we didn't, or don't deserve the unfortunate circumstances that may come into our lives.
I say "why not"...
My "chance" meeting has now allowed me to reflect.
After I caught my breath from listening to the lessons learned, I realized how much this person reminded me of me. She felt it too. It was as though she was me, with only different lessons learned.
I had just thought, days before, that there must be someone, out there, that is "me", only living a very different life. A life with choices, not that of mine...
Do you believe that?
We do...
A "me" that turned left, instead of right?
Lucy Smiles
"What if I turned left, instead of right?
I usually don't have a chance to decide,
Julius decides for both of us.
Today, however... I made a choice.
Strangely enough, he didn't hesitate.
Strangely enough...
We proceeded...
And, the turn we would usually take, when we go right, is.. the next right...
But, this time, I decided to go straight.
This, after I paid specific attention to a building on my left which caused me to feel a sense of gravitation in my journey.
This wouldn't be any other walk.
Chances are you meet people who you can learn from. You meet people that can learn from you.
You meet people that have learned a few tough lessons in life.
You wonder how you would be... if those lessons were learned by you.
Happy they have yet, if ever to be learned. Hoping they never have to be.
We say "why me" in life, when things don't go as planned. When we are certain we didn't, or don't deserve the unfortunate circumstances that may come into our lives.
I say "why not"...
My "chance" meeting has now allowed me to reflect.
After I caught my breath from listening to the lessons learned, I realized how much this person reminded me of me. She felt it too. It was as though she was me, with only different lessons learned.
I had just thought, days before, that there must be someone, out there, that is "me", only living a very different life. A life with choices, not that of mine...
Do you believe that?
We do...
A "me" that turned left, instead of right?
Lucy Smiles
Many Situations... Never wanted them that way...
If only there was a clue, a tip... a trick...
One that would at least just finally stick.
We have so many habits, many wishing to break.
Continued, even and always with so much at stake.
And of these, are the most important habits of all.
As they prevent us from standing... from standing so tall.
If love conquers everything, why do we still...
Still fight tooth and nail, still fight with all will?
If you love, then love deeply, with the intent of all good.
And do not; I repeat, please do not if you could...
Continue to hurt what you know as so true.
That the hurt that you fight with, is inside of you.
Hands held are a treasure that can not be forgot;
With hands held high, any battle can most surley be fought.
So stand tall, and make certain to love with all might
This is all that you need, so please never lose sight.
Of the ones that you love; of the ones you hold dear.
Please hold onto them forever, and forever so near.
~Lucy Smiles~
One that would at least just finally stick.
We have so many habits, many wishing to break.
Continued, even and always with so much at stake.
And of these, are the most important habits of all.
As they prevent us from standing... from standing so tall.
If love conquers everything, why do we still...
Still fight tooth and nail, still fight with all will?
If you love, then love deeply, with the intent of all good.
And do not; I repeat, please do not if you could...
Continue to hurt what you know as so true.
That the hurt that you fight with, is inside of you.
Hands held are a treasure that can not be forgot;
With hands held high, any battle can most surley be fought.
So stand tall, and make certain to love with all might
This is all that you need, so please never lose sight.
Of the ones that you love; of the ones you hold dear.
Please hold onto them forever, and forever so near.
~Lucy Smiles~
Starry Night
We are up late.. up late we are
We are up late, up late... we are up late so far
But it's fun, yes it is
It's fun, oh for sure, t'is..
Fun is just being, and laughing throughout
And once in a while, simply giving a shout...
So scream when we want!
Scream just to scream...
Laugh, scream ,and be
At the best time it would seem.
And silence found its way
where the scream, once did lay
And the kiss of the moment through music they felt
And sit there, nothing at all left to be dealt.
And time would pass yes it would, ticks the clock
The door to the bedroom a faint and sound knock
It was now that should be the choice to lay down
He told her, and she would respond with a frown.
But the moment had past and her sleep was now, too...
Eyes all would shut, and the night did pass through...
~LuCy sMiLeS~
We are up late, up late... we are up late so far
But it's fun, yes it is
It's fun, oh for sure, t'is..
Fun is just being, and laughing throughout
And once in a while, simply giving a shout...
So scream when we want!
Scream just to scream...
Laugh, scream ,and be
At the best time it would seem.
And silence found its way
where the scream, once did lay
And the kiss of the moment through music they felt
And sit there, nothing at all left to be dealt.
And time would pass yes it would, ticks the clock
The door to the bedroom a faint and sound knock
It was now that should be the choice to lay down
He told her, and she would respond with a frown.
But the moment had past and her sleep was now, too...
Eyes all would shut, and the night did pass through...
~LuCy sMiLeS~
Return to Sender

...some words are left to be unspoken... returned to sender.
Once in a while I meet someone, of whom I never thought would be.
And they feel the same way... the same way about me.
Only, I had no idea....That this was that one day.
That one day that this was, this one day, a Wednesday.
And, this is a meeting of which was for different reasons than it was.
Ok, now I am just complicating complicated matters, because.
The souls of two, not yet introduced before.
The souls of two, from "two" who had no more in store.
From October to late May, forward, this occurence became
A link that would make all souls no longer the same....
A smile upon her face, as she recalls to extreme;
The connection of such comfort, and care it would seem...
And though it would be that this longing may die...
Her mind was in tune of which this each separate passing did lie.
Paint her a picture of what she did ~once~ fear
And create it to have her hold, have her hold dear.
And "thank you", she said, as she walked with it, close...
With her she walked, and so often would toast...
For it wasn't too long, before she was able to be
Able to be, before only a glance that she'd see...
She danced with an angel, she walked with a God, she blew candles at a time that'd be ever so odd.
In the glimse of the moon, in the dark of the day.
She understood to walk forward, come that what may...
So again, she says "thank you", for all each has shown
Ever so grateful, for all of you, all that she's known.
To have love; to have light... To have care; to have cheer...
She will keep with her all; all she now holds dear.
For inside, is what is, and was never before!
A woman of whom she now, she now will always adore.
So again, it is cherished... The wonderful things...
Said, done, and shown; every gesture each brings.
Lucy Smiles
Please, leave your judgement at the door!
One thing we all can attest about Vancouver, besides the beautiful mountains, the picturesque view of the oceans from the beach, the smiley happy people; their smiley happy dogs, and their smiley happy children (this again, mostly just smiley happy dogs), is that there are a heck of a lot of homeless people that surround us.
The difference between them and us. You got it!!!! Homes!
They are still people, with a story, waiting to be told. Having been told. Sometimes a story that got too old.
I have befriended one of these, "homeless" persons.
One of which I was drawn to on my 6am sunny morning walk with Jules, my lil side kick. A.k.a. my "smiley happy child."
I tend to pay attention to more on my walk with my lil one. I have no other choice, he sniffs every single blade of grass, pees with precision on any small leaf; therefore, I am made to wait while he takes in the smells and stories of the world.
Well doggone it he can, I can too!
So what has come to be a routine, has actually helped shape and change the way I once viewed the homeless.
Now, don't get me wrong. I know in life we all have choices. We do. We are to live responsible lives.
But as with this being said, we must also understand by looking into ourselves.
We have all made choices as direct refelctions of struggling; second guessing our abilities; becoming highly influenced by the crowd. Perhaps through fear to express our ideas, and opinions. Intimidation or insecurities preventing us from standing up for ourselves.
Whatever the case may be. It is a story. A story of where we are, right now?
Where are you right now, verses where you want to be? Or, thought you would be?
And in the case, of looking in the eyes of the homeless... Happy you are not where they are...
It was my friend's birthday on Mother's Day. This passed Sunday.
I was so happy to hear, and responded with "Happy Birthday!"
As I walked away, I immediately thought of what I could buy him for his birthday.
Then, something bigger inside me realized what he wanted, what he has wished for was much bigger than I could give him.
I didn't feel hopeless, however. I, instead, decided to then ask for this wish to be granted!
You still do that, right? Wish on falling stars? Wish bones?
Prayers to the higher up, in hopes and in waiting for the wish to come true?
Don't turn your head. Don't flinch your shoulder, move your mouth to the right, in hesitation... You do it....
I did it that day.
Instead of feeling helpless to the homesless. Or ignorant, I am hopeful.
I asked above to grant him the wish that he wanted for his birthday. The wish I didn't know, but knew I could not grant.
This morning, the sun was shining brighter.
Jules and I walked out the door, hopped to it, and turned the corner to greet our friend.
"I have great news for you both, today!" He gleems, in the shining sun.
"I receieved a letter from the Government, and they are giving me the back pay they owe me, retro active, enough to help get me back off the streets!"
"Happy Birthday" I responded, with confidence, and excitement. I looked up, and said thank you, and after we shared a few words of joy, I went on my merry way with Jules, for our lovely routine walk....
On my way back, I saw our friend stand up from his pole where he sit, and walk towards us, greeting us, now, as we walked toward him back to "our neighbourhood corner."
"I want you to know you have changed the way I look at life" He says.
"Your daily smile, and consideration. The respect you give to me, through your eyes, and your conversation, you needn't do. But you do. Your energy is like magic. You actually glow!"
I looked at him, with a sense of surprise. "My smiles are free, and I dont' have much more I can give, you so I am so thankful that you feel this way!"
We proceeded to discuss the cost of living, him assuring me he understands how hard it must be, and how I must be struggling, single, to keep afloat in Vancouver, and told me everything will be fine.
I explained to him how I could never give up Julius, and I made a choice to live in the area that I do, for me, for my dog to be able to live with me, and for the safety and convenience.
He was warm hearted. Always had been. Always will be.
We smiled, and Jules and I were on our way back to our HOME.
Before I headed out the door today, I decided to create a little care and celebratory package for my sweet friend.
I gathered bananas, crackers, most specifically, HAPPY PLANET Juice, given to me from a dear dear person close to my heart, on my birthday, just a week before. A person who, when I thought thngs were not going how I had assumed they should, at such an important time in my life, brought me back up again, allowed me to dance into my 30's when I didn't think I would. Let me have my cake and eat it too!!! Came to me at a time I needed, with an Angel's smile.
I was happy to pay it forward for my sweet friend, as he received his birthday wish, so deserving. Just as I know my birthday wish, to be happy, was just as deserving.
I wrapped it all up, with Lindor Chocolates, and a pretty bag, with the note from Jules and Mom:
"Thorns and Stings and those such things make only stronger our angels wings"
I went off to greet him, before my day at the office.
"Here you are, my friend, a congratulaions to you for your wish coming true!"
I thought his gleeming smile was wide before, well, it was nothing like this one I saw in the sun, shining from ear to ear, as he looked in the bag.
I bent down to him, as he talked to me, thanking me for the gift. So, we chatted for a moment, and I ran off a bit late for work this morning.
"Smiles are free, and how hard it is for people to go that far! Thank you for giving me your smile every day, you will always be remembered.
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love."
~Lucy Smiles... at her friends birthday wish come true~
The difference between them and us. You got it!!!! Homes!
They are still people, with a story, waiting to be told. Having been told. Sometimes a story that got too old.
I have befriended one of these, "homeless" persons.
One of which I was drawn to on my 6am sunny morning walk with Jules, my lil side kick. A.k.a. my "smiley happy child."
I tend to pay attention to more on my walk with my lil one. I have no other choice, he sniffs every single blade of grass, pees with precision on any small leaf; therefore, I am made to wait while he takes in the smells and stories of the world.
Well doggone it he can, I can too!
So what has come to be a routine, has actually helped shape and change the way I once viewed the homeless.
Now, don't get me wrong. I know in life we all have choices. We do. We are to live responsible lives.
But as with this being said, we must also understand by looking into ourselves.
We have all made choices as direct refelctions of struggling; second guessing our abilities; becoming highly influenced by the crowd. Perhaps through fear to express our ideas, and opinions. Intimidation or insecurities preventing us from standing up for ourselves.
Whatever the case may be. It is a story. A story of where we are, right now?
Where are you right now, verses where you want to be? Or, thought you would be?
And in the case, of looking in the eyes of the homeless... Happy you are not where they are...
It was my friend's birthday on Mother's Day. This passed Sunday.
I was so happy to hear, and responded with "Happy Birthday!"
As I walked away, I immediately thought of what I could buy him for his birthday.
Then, something bigger inside me realized what he wanted, what he has wished for was much bigger than I could give him.
I didn't feel hopeless, however. I, instead, decided to then ask for this wish to be granted!
You still do that, right? Wish on falling stars? Wish bones?
Prayers to the higher up, in hopes and in waiting for the wish to come true?
Don't turn your head. Don't flinch your shoulder, move your mouth to the right, in hesitation... You do it....
I did it that day.
Instead of feeling helpless to the homesless. Or ignorant, I am hopeful.
I asked above to grant him the wish that he wanted for his birthday. The wish I didn't know, but knew I could not grant.
This morning, the sun was shining brighter.
Jules and I walked out the door, hopped to it, and turned the corner to greet our friend.
"I have great news for you both, today!" He gleems, in the shining sun.
"I receieved a letter from the Government, and they are giving me the back pay they owe me, retro active, enough to help get me back off the streets!"
"Happy Birthday" I responded, with confidence, and excitement. I looked up, and said thank you, and after we shared a few words of joy, I went on my merry way with Jules, for our lovely routine walk....
On my way back, I saw our friend stand up from his pole where he sit, and walk towards us, greeting us, now, as we walked toward him back to "our neighbourhood corner."
"I want you to know you have changed the way I look at life" He says.
"Your daily smile, and consideration. The respect you give to me, through your eyes, and your conversation, you needn't do. But you do. Your energy is like magic. You actually glow!"
I looked at him, with a sense of surprise. "My smiles are free, and I dont' have much more I can give, you so I am so thankful that you feel this way!"
We proceeded to discuss the cost of living, him assuring me he understands how hard it must be, and how I must be struggling, single, to keep afloat in Vancouver, and told me everything will be fine.
I explained to him how I could never give up Julius, and I made a choice to live in the area that I do, for me, for my dog to be able to live with me, and for the safety and convenience.
He was warm hearted. Always had been. Always will be.
We smiled, and Jules and I were on our way back to our HOME.
Before I headed out the door today, I decided to create a little care and celebratory package for my sweet friend.
I gathered bananas, crackers, most specifically, HAPPY PLANET Juice, given to me from a dear dear person close to my heart, on my birthday, just a week before. A person who, when I thought thngs were not going how I had assumed they should, at such an important time in my life, brought me back up again, allowed me to dance into my 30's when I didn't think I would. Let me have my cake and eat it too!!! Came to me at a time I needed, with an Angel's smile.
I was happy to pay it forward for my sweet friend, as he received his birthday wish, so deserving. Just as I know my birthday wish, to be happy, was just as deserving.
I wrapped it all up, with Lindor Chocolates, and a pretty bag, with the note from Jules and Mom:
"Thorns and Stings and those such things make only stronger our angels wings"
I went off to greet him, before my day at the office.
"Here you are, my friend, a congratulaions to you for your wish coming true!"
I thought his gleeming smile was wide before, well, it was nothing like this one I saw in the sun, shining from ear to ear, as he looked in the bag.
I bent down to him, as he talked to me, thanking me for the gift. So, we chatted for a moment, and I ran off a bit late for work this morning.
"Smiles are free, and how hard it is for people to go that far! Thank you for giving me your smile every day, you will always be remembered.
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love."
~Lucy Smiles... at her friends birthday wish come true~
I don't live in "real" life; therefore, I don't live by the "real" life rules...
"It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood... A beautiful day for a neighbour... Won't you be mine?
Don't you remember that when you were a kid? Mister Rogers takes off one shoe... flings it from left hand to right, smiles, throws on his comfy sweater, and we' re on.....
He is singing right to you, you can see him, staring right at just you!
It was wonderful.. Felt great, just easy breezy... What a life.... Neighbourhood of Make Belief!
I realized today, I am living the life of Queen Sara Saturday!
Lovely feeling it is.
Not meaning "royalty, or rich", heavens...
I may feel rich on life, but the bank and creditors are telling me otherwise.. I wish they would stop calling! I get it, already....
And I am Queen Sara Saturday, single in the city... no King Friday... but you get what I mean.
Just really living... My life... "Make" your life with the "Belief" system that you own, not everyone else.
Set your own rules...
The belief that what others say and do is right, had distracted me, and I ended up just overwhelmed, confused, numb.
Conflicting energy takes place when you are trying to do something that is not right for you. You can feel the blocks. It is strange, how even on a conscious level, we know just what is blocking us, and we know how to take steps to release them, but we sometimes take steps to the side, turn around, walk away. BUT, we always have to come back.. Would ya look at that, blocks still there.
Once you know what is right for you+do what is right for you, the blocks disappear and life falls into place, right where it should. Just breathe, don't forget to breathe. I have forgotten, and had to catch my breathe a few or more times....
Once you do this, you also will find yourself singing this very same Mister Roger's song.
I just started singing it again... When I find myself singing this, that is when I know I am doing what is right for me...
Sing with me!
Lucy Smiles
Don't you remember that when you were a kid? Mister Rogers takes off one shoe... flings it from left hand to right, smiles, throws on his comfy sweater, and we' re on.....
He is singing right to you, you can see him, staring right at just you!
It was wonderful.. Felt great, just easy breezy... What a life.... Neighbourhood of Make Belief!
I realized today, I am living the life of Queen Sara Saturday!
Lovely feeling it is.
Not meaning "royalty, or rich", heavens...
I may feel rich on life, but the bank and creditors are telling me otherwise.. I wish they would stop calling! I get it, already....
And I am Queen Sara Saturday, single in the city... no King Friday... but you get what I mean.
Just really living... My life... "Make" your life with the "Belief" system that you own, not everyone else.
Set your own rules...
The belief that what others say and do is right, had distracted me, and I ended up just overwhelmed, confused, numb.
Conflicting energy takes place when you are trying to do something that is not right for you. You can feel the blocks. It is strange, how even on a conscious level, we know just what is blocking us, and we know how to take steps to release them, but we sometimes take steps to the side, turn around, walk away. BUT, we always have to come back.. Would ya look at that, blocks still there.
Once you know what is right for you+do what is right for you, the blocks disappear and life falls into place, right where it should. Just breathe, don't forget to breathe. I have forgotten, and had to catch my breathe a few or more times....
Once you do this, you also will find yourself singing this very same Mister Roger's song.
I just started singing it again... When I find myself singing this, that is when I know I am doing what is right for me...
Sing with me!
Lucy Smiles
the world according to my shoes
Ok.. to the average almost 30 yr old, the thought of turning 30 is fricken scary... To the average almost 30 yr old, the thought of losing, say, 22 pairs of shoes is fricken scarier!!!!!!!!!
Thank Goddess for not being average!
None of us are!!!!
Lose my shoes 3 days before my 30th???? Do the math.
30 yrs old inT-3 days+wardrobe-22 pairs of shoes=Fricken CRAZY!
I was surprisingly calm...wasn't I, Cindy?
I know, I couldn't believe it myself.
Then my Aunt Sue said, as she laughed over the phone:
"Honey, you walked a mile in those shoes, you need not repeat another step!"
So, I have to be honest... I saw the world in a very different way with those shoes. And certainly seeing the world better, without.
"Things are things", and when you lose something, it is easily replaceable.
I have no problem losing things in my life.
I lost my shoes in my own backyard, I will now travel the world to replace them!!!!
Cherish the people and the experiences in your life...
It is wonderful, now that I have taken those shoes off, I am more than ever ready to walk forward.
With each pair I remember, I can take another strip off my layers, like finally seeing the woman that was hiding behind the mask...
"Hold on to the things that matter, let go of the things that don't"
Know the difference.
It is magical....
~Lucy Smiles... at the world according to her shoes~
Thank Goddess for not being average!
None of us are!!!!
Lose my shoes 3 days before my 30th???? Do the math.
30 yrs old inT-3 days+wardrobe-22 pairs of shoes=Fricken CRAZY!
I was surprisingly calm...wasn't I, Cindy?
I know, I couldn't believe it myself.
Then my Aunt Sue said, as she laughed over the phone:
"Honey, you walked a mile in those shoes, you need not repeat another step!"
So, I have to be honest... I saw the world in a very different way with those shoes. And certainly seeing the world better, without.
"Things are things", and when you lose something, it is easily replaceable.
I have no problem losing things in my life.
I lost my shoes in my own backyard, I will now travel the world to replace them!!!!
Cherish the people and the experiences in your life...
It is wonderful, now that I have taken those shoes off, I am more than ever ready to walk forward.
With each pair I remember, I can take another strip off my layers, like finally seeing the woman that was hiding behind the mask...
"Hold on to the things that matter, let go of the things that don't"
Know the difference.
It is magical....
~Lucy Smiles... at the world according to her shoes~
she's back... she's holding on, and letting go....
There is a difference in "holding on", when it's right, and "letting go" when it is right... And letting go specifically to the things that are not right to hold onto...
Holding on to life, ready to breathe in what is about to happen. Letting go of the things that didn't allow for those things to happen.
Feels great to know the difference! Doesn't it?
When I walked through life not paying attention to the magic that surrounded me, when something negative happened, it was a big deal.. Now, however, things that are happpening around me are so meaningful (this is my choice to see it this way, and this way is wonderful), that when something happens, that is negative, or worrysome, it is no longer a crutch, it just is what it is, and dealt with very differently....
Try it.... No, seriously!!!
I know someone who will read this, and shake his head, at the commas I used.
I never claimed to be a writer, but this too will come with time, so yes, I used alot of commas....
I will do my best to edit my posts, and until then, I will get my editor to do it for me...
"Pessimism as the exception, not the rule"
~Lucy Smiles
Holding on to life, ready to breathe in what is about to happen. Letting go of the things that didn't allow for those things to happen.
Feels great to know the difference! Doesn't it?
When I walked through life not paying attention to the magic that surrounded me, when something negative happened, it was a big deal.. Now, however, things that are happpening around me are so meaningful (this is my choice to see it this way, and this way is wonderful), that when something happens, that is negative, or worrysome, it is no longer a crutch, it just is what it is, and dealt with very differently....
Try it.... No, seriously!!!
I know someone who will read this, and shake his head, at the commas I used.
I never claimed to be a writer, but this too will come with time, so yes, I used alot of commas....
I will do my best to edit my posts, and until then, I will get my editor to do it for me...
"Pessimism as the exception, not the rule"
~Lucy Smiles
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