"Time travels at its own pace, no matter how fast you try to go."LoVe LuCy
Yesterday, I noticed when rushing to make it to grab my organic coffee, before hitting the office- I only had 2 socks in my sight, and didn't have time to go searching for their partners.
One brown and one white. I quickly scanned in my mind if I was going to have to take off my boots, at any point throughout the day- before opting to run and buy more at lunch, just in case. I realized there is no part of my day, where I would have to part with my boots, in humiliation for my not so stylish circumstances.
I was clear to move forward.
After work, I reached my girlfriend's place to grab a ride, to our event for the evening, and realized we would be waiting a while, and could sit and catch up, before our ride came. Hense the taking off of the boots...
I warned her, beforehand, that I had two different coloured socks on. Her response?
"I love that you are wearing 2 different colouedr socks. Who says we have to be a certain way, or wear our socks a certain way?"
I smiled. I knew I would still be following the norm, going forward, at pretty much any cost. But it was cute.
Fast forward to this morning. I woke up, at a decent hour, and decided it was obviously time to throw in some laundry, while I got ready, so I could prevent my fashion faux pas; in the case I would have to part with my boots, this time, not in the comfort of a good friend, and her home.
As the laundry was stopping, I went to open the door of the washer, seeing that I had only moments to get my things together, to leave, but it said "Door Locked."
It took its time spinning off the water, back... and forth. Then, back and forth, again. I realized there was nothing I could rush about this. Nothing was going to let me open the door of the washer, until it was good and ready for me to throw my things in the dryer, before rushing out the door. So I just stopped, and stared...
And realized...
Time is time. Whether you try to rush it, fast forward it, or try to take it back.
There is nothing we can do to manipulate the natural occurrence of time. Things will be ready, when they are ready. And when we try to rush things, we are trying to control that which we cannot. After standing there, and feeling this peace within myself, that everything happens when it is to happen, and sometimes, we must just sit with the natural course of life; it stopped, and the green locked light went off!
I threw my things in the dryer, through on my jacket, and my scarf, grabbed my breakfast, purse, umbrella and phone, and ran out the door. Needing a coffee, I scurried out the back, down the path, through the tracks, and mud, in my heels, and up the street, and noticed that my Organic tea and coffee place was not opened yet. My hurrying caused me to be to early! To my detriment, even more, I realized that my running so fast, caused my gorgeous scarf- my ever so favorite scarf- to fall off, at some point in my rushing.
In the pouring rain, I backtracked all the way to the back door of my condo complex, where my beautiful scarf was laying out drenched! I grabbed it up, and threw it over me, realizing it certainly takes a few times, sometimes, to really learn a lesson. I said "thank you" to the Universe for not losing my scarf, and apologized for being so carelessly in a rush.... And, as I looked up, I noticed my Organic Coffee Shop's "Closed" sign was turned to "Open."
I was right on time, after all.Go figure. There is an old saying "Hold Your Horses."Mom was always right after all.
LuCy sMiLeS