When Push Comes To Shove

"When The Going Gets Tough, I Get Tougher."
LoVe LuCy

It is never a good feeling, when we are lacking comfort in our present circumstances, or if worse, we feel up against a wall when it comes to what decisions will best suit us going forward.It would be nice, if we could walk through our days, with little to no stress, and a lot more security in our steps.

You may notice that you get more done, when under the gun, sometimes surprising yourself as to what you have in you!I don't recommend always making a point to leave things to the last minute, or to get yourself into a anxious financial position, just to see if you can make it through!

It takes being able to see what we can do with who we are, when what we are going through is giving us this opportunity to look inside ourselves the most.Our true colours will always come out with the hardships we are faced with.We can all be nice, and calm when nothing is ruffling our feathers, but how do you stand, when you are almost knocked out from under your feet?That is what will stand the test of time.

Love ,

LuCy sMiLeS

Penny For Your Thoughts!

"Imagine wishes with an inflation rate?"LoVe LuCy

Patience is a virtue.
It would be nice, if when we went to bed, and said our prayers, that the next day, when we woke up, all our prayers were answered.
Amongst all the wishing our loved ones well, to find them well and healthy; many of us would be waking up in much more comfy sheets; satin perhaps!

We wouldn't be walking to work, instead our Driver would be waiting at our door, coffee and croissant sitting waiting for us in the car, and we wouldn't be driven to the office at all; we would be driven to the airport.

Waiting for us would be our private jet, branded with our name and logo on it, of course.

Wouldn't that be something?

We all know that this is not what happens when we make wishes for better things to be and have, in our lives.

Wishes, prayers and passions take time to manifest.

Mine, I can share, have a pretty consistent 1 year turnaround time!
That's exciting to me, because that means I will be on the last show of Oprah's, on her Series Finale, if I did my calculations right, lol!

But all joking aside, it is important not to take serious, when we wake up, and all of our dreams haven't come into fruition.

We are given only what we are ready for.
Whether we believe we are worthy, is exactly what calculation the Universe uses, to help us in our journey.

We must understand that we can write and read affirmations until the cows
come home, but if we don't understand that our consciousness is a 'sum total' of all that we think; our affirmations are not going to give us anything, no matter how many times we recite them, if we end them thoughts of;
"I doubt this can actually be?"
"How do I know this will work?"
"How can I make this happen, where I am right now?"
"When will I know that my words are going to come to form?"

Know that you needed know how anything is to take place, and take form.
All you need to know is that Faith exists, and the truth of Universal Law, is that IT IS TRUE.

Imagine taking a diet pill, knowing it work, swallowing it, and saying, this diet pill will help me lose weight...
Then going through McDonald's Drive-Thu and ordering a double Big Mac, and a large fry; and of course, a diet coke?

You cannot have one motivation, and not balance it out with another, likeminded motivation.
We cannot imagine our relationships will flourish if we say "I love you"
while the next moment we complain that we are unhappy in our relationships.

Our thoughts are all we have, in manifesting our goals, our dreams, and our passions.

But it is not only to think of what we want, but to follow through with thoughts that we deserve as well.
If you can walk around, and give your positive thoughts a penny, ask yourself how rich you would be right now.

You may have to rethink your investment.
LuCy sMiLeS

Blast From The Past

"Your past should only motivate you to move forward." LoVe LuCy

You know when you are walking through the grocery store; you hear "that song" that makes you stop amidst the chaos of children screaming, carts flying and people pushing, as something hits your heart's memory of a past time?
There are so many cues in our lives, that take us back.Whether good or bad, we have so many difference experiences, that cause us to act, or react to things in front of us, in our present lives.
Whether we are a certain way in a certain dynamic of a relationship,causing confusion simply due to a memory of how it looked to us, before. We take with us so much from our past, and give life to it, now, that sometimes does not actually work in our favour. It is not easy, to walk on, and hold on to that which was less than desirable...
That which we desire to leave in the past. Are there anything situations in your past that you give breath to, today?Is there any specific story that you give life to, and worse, allow to define you, and justify your behaviours?
Do you let what took place in your past, whether hurtful or deceitful, hurt or deceive your current story? We all have a way, in our own way, of acting like our past experiences are handicaps, holding up our lives, and tying our hands behind our backs, so we cannot receive all that we are offered.

We also have just as much capability of making light, and taking lessons, to grow, from all that we lived in, before now. Isn't it interesting to know that our strength lies just as equally with helping as it does hindering all that we have going for us? Our past is our past.Whether we felt bruised, beaten, scorn or chewed up, swallowed, and spit back out.
Whether we felt hurt, or hindered due to economic, emotional, physical or spiritual lack. Whichever the case may be, we can choose to close the book on the belief that our past dictates our present, or worse- gives fate to our future.
Our past- It is entirely up to us to use it, or abuse it.Only we can make the decision on how we choose to pursue it. As for me...
"Case Closed."
LuCy sMiLeS

Across The Board

"In a World of Duality, remember words can heal, yes; but words can also hurt."LoVe LuCy

When you see certain people living their lives, working in their stressful positions, or taking care of their numerous children; do you ever wonder where they get the strength to not only multi-task, but deal with all that comes with all they have being thrown at them?

Do you ever think to yourself: "Wow, I can barely use my strength to wash my hair in the morning!"

We all have so many different roles we play in life.We can all be so lucky to have a fine balance between work, family, and free time to unwind if and when we have an opportunity. Some of us are Mothers, Fathers, CEO's, Assistants to CEO's, Teachers, Coaches, Students...

Many of us have many roles. Some of us are almost all of the above! Sometimes, along the way, we may forget the role that we all carry with us, that can make all of our roles much easier. It is the Major Role of "Kind Samaritan".

We all get so overwhelmed; at times, getting so bent out of shape- that sometimes, we forget to be conscious of how we treat others along the way.Many a times, it is those we care for most, that we treat with little care, and kindness, simply because they are right there, almost in harm's way.It isn't that we intentionally throw our hands up and plan on hurting others, or making people feel bad, all because we, ourselves, are feeling stressed, or worse, attacked by life's agonies.

But we do. We are all human. And with that, comes imperfection; learning; and a work in progress. And no matter how strong we, ourselves think we are, we can get weak in the face of anxiety.

And just as strong as we think others are, in our way, they too can become weak when faced with the effects of our projected anxiety, whether we mean to do so, or not.

We are not all the same, and we do not deal with life in the same way; as we are all not given the same hand to deal.But across the board, we do share one same thing, and that is we all wish to be treated equally, and treated equally kind.
LuCy sMiLeS

Words Of Wisdom

"The morning will come, as will the sunshine."
LoVe LuCy

What are we to think when something so traumatic and tumultuous takes place?

One moment, life is in order, and the next a disarray that causes thousands of people harmed, left alone, and unfortunately left for dead.

It is not easy, to naturally continue believing in Faith, or in a Higher Source when we see such a Natural devastation wreak havoc over an already impoverished Country. It is always said that it is not what happens, but what we do with what happens, that holds all the true power over our lives. The truth lies within our power.

Taking a stand and making strong of that which may lie weak. We have the power to look inside our hearts, and take all that we can, to give out and help in the face of fear. Natural disasters will happen, and we will have no control over them.

We will never be so prepared to win over such a force.

But, we do, within all of us, have a force to assist and conquer the aftermath, when faced with such horrific elements. So, take a stand and give out your hand, to those who are only so blessed to believe in Faith to have their lives saved, by us, who have the power to do so.

LuCy sMileS

Register For More Information

"Everything Has Beauty, if you see it that way."
LoVe LuCy

We know we have our five senses to get us through life.Most of us are blessed to have all five functioning, allowing us a blessed life, of being able to enjoy the World, and all the magic it has to offer us, at any given moment.

We may take for granted, that we have these senses, and just how important they are to help us in our everyday lives.We do not realize just how much we rely looking up to the sky and the sunshine, to put a smile on our face.Hearing the beautiful birds in the morning, as we walk to work.Touching a warm soft blanket that leaves us feeling comforted on a cloudy day.Smelling the flowers, that are blooming as we walk out of our condos, or homes.Tasting a yummy home baked chocolate cake, that only Mom knows how to make so well.

And while we make take for granted one or many of these, every day; we sometimes also don't let ourselves open to the sixth sense that we all carry with us.The sense that sometimes makes most sense, to us, when decision making, if we only give energy to it, to better our lives. Our IIntuition plays a very big role in our lives, and in our wellbeing.

While we need our other senses to make life work, in working order; listening to our inner voice can be a most crucial aspect when making choices that are healthy, and in balance of what we truly need.

Taking the time to tune into our hearts, and listen to what it is saying, can allow us such harmony, even when we feel we are struggling to even keep going.All the answers we ever need, for anything, at any time, is always within, waiting for us to listen, and create peace, from its presence.So if you are not sure, just register with your intuition, and you will have all the information you need.

Love Always,
LuCy sMileS

Try a Little Tenderness

Our World is made up of so many billions of people.

We are only blessed to be a part of a few handfuls of lives, amongst these billions. We share our stories with those we connect with; hope that our stories can be heard, understood... and if we are even luckier, empathized with, by others.

We all have such individual experiences that make up our lives, it is not always easy for others to understand where we come from, and where we are coming from, in our communications. With any or all confusion we all may have, with each other in learning, being and living within our connections, we can make simple a lot of chaos by simply choosing to give tender loving care, and compassion for each other, on our paths.

We are not, and cannot completely be in agreement with everything that everyone says, and does. There is always going to come a time, when we may wish for things to be different, and people to be different, or more, to be more similar to us.

By trying to make things be how we wish them to be, all of the time, we are taking away from the natural course of life. The course that is not always going to be easy. The course of life is here to teach us, and to learn from all the people we are blessed to meet, and be a part of, for their lives, in connection to ours.

Whether we agree, or argue with those we love and those we are learning to grow with; we can make a point to not only get our point across all of the time, but to some of the time, try a little tenderness, too.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

What's Done Is Done

"The only things left to take with us, from our past, are the lessons."LoVe LuCy

One of the worst feelings, we can let ourselves feel, is regret.

It is a very useless emotion, that can cause a world of harm, in our minds, and therefore, in our lives.Whether it is regretting having done something, or worse, having not done something, that we know would have made all the difference in our lives, had we the opportunity to take the situation back, and do things differently.

We all, somewhere, sometime, can probably think of a circumstance, that, in our hearts, having made a different, or better decision, would have given us more peace, more happiness, or more contentment with where we are, now.The thing with regret, is it has no beneficial outcome.

The only thing we can do, is move on.Learn from it, by making better decisions, for ourselves, now, and going forward. Sometimes, this can be the hardest thing to do. But, by dwelling on what has already taken place, and giving this energy in place of positive, and motivational energy, will not do us, or anyone around us, any good. Regret, in itself, gives us a low vibration of pain, anger, resentment, and negative feelings, of ourselves, and our self esteem.

We must be able to move, forward, and look at all the lessons, in our lives, take with us, from our past, only the lessons, and the understanding that all decisions made up to this point, were made based on our knowledge, and our assertion up to this point.

If we can give light to the fact, that once we embrace the past as the past, for all that it offered, and all that we experienced, we will see, then, and only then how all things tie into each other- even if we wish things would have been different.

There are no mistakes in life, but the mistake of believing that is of any service to us to want life to be other than it is, to be.

What's Done is Done- it is what you do about it, now, that makes all the difference in the world.


LuCy sMiLeS

Wishing Well

"Of all the wishes I ever wished for, wishing others well, is my favorite wish of all."
LoVe LuCy

I wish I had a bigger house.I wish I didn't have to work, to make my bills.I wish I could travel the world.I wish my hair was longer.I wish my waist was smaller.I wish my kids would stop screaming.I wish my my; husband/wife/kids/boss/friends/neighbor/cashier/dentist/accountant/dog would be more pleasing. Ah, our wishes. Our lives have so many days, some of which we are wishing our lives were different, better, happier, and just all around more fulfilling.

Even for those of us, who are so grateful for all that we have- we still, inside, have a wish or two or three of things we are not feeling fulfilled with. Life, in its wondrous way, has a way of giving us the opportunity to want to grow, and to wish for it, until we take that first step. But what step do we take to make it a reality, instead of just a wish, wished to come true? I had an intuitive glimpse, in my own wishing well, that I wish to share with you.

Our wishes for things, is fine, and can definitely be fulfilled, with focus, and motivation to consistently continue to put energy on what we need to do, to flourish our fantasies into reality. However, we can actually use a lot less energy if we take our wishes, for things, or places or situations, and place them upon simply and lovingly wishing others well. Our vibrations, whether high or low, will give us just that in return.

If we wish, with true integrity and loving generous intention, to wish for others to be well, and abundant- our vibration of love, (the strongest energy on the Earth), will rise up, making our whole Aura change for all good, and come back to us, with just as much, and more Love, in return. We can make plans, write up goals, create spreadsheets of systematic actions, and results for what our future can look like, of course.

But, if we lovingly open our hearts and our minds up to sharing our gratitude and compassion out to the World, as well; surrendering to life, as it is, for all it already has to offer- our results can be immeasurable!

I don't recommend deleting your determination that you have created to manifest all your dreams, but instead, I suggest you take a minute or two to wish others well, as well, along your way. And, for good measure,

I will wish YOU WELL, too!
LuCy sMiLeS

Don't Shoot The Messenger!

"We learn something from everyone."LoVe LuCy

Everyone that comes into our lives- everyone- has something to teach us, as something to learn from us.

If we can understand and surrender to the fact that our lives are a true series of lessons, one interaction and relationship, at a time; we can be more understanding of others. We can be less judgmental of other people, especially pertaining to their roles in our lives.

We are never going to get along with everyone all of the time.
There are going to be times, that the ones we are closest to, don't seem to have the slightest idea what we need, or how we feel.

There are going to be days when those we run into seem to be making us feel like we are running in circles, and making our heads spin.

But, if you can see, in your mind's eye, these people, in our lives, are the same people that would make us smile; motivate us, and be the ones we feel the closest to, even if at some points, we feel worlds apart.

Our stories are going to change, as our days change; as our moods change.

One thing we can be certain of, is change.

We will only attract that with which we need to learn from.
Nothing more; nothing less.
Everything we need is always right in front of us, whether we like it or not.

By believing that we are in the right place, and the right time, no matter what that looks like- we may start to see the world in a different light, and with a different outlook, altogether.

So love who you are, love who you are with, and don't be too hard on yourself, or others.

Love it or leave it, it will always come back to you, if you haven't fully dealt with it.

LuCy sMiLeS


"Time travels at its own pace, no matter how fast you try to go."LoVe LuCy

Yesterday, I noticed when rushing to make it to grab my organic coffee, before hitting the office- I only had 2 socks in my sight, and didn't have time to go searching for their partners.

One brown and one white. I quickly scanned in my mind if I was going to have to take off my boots, at any point throughout the day- before opting to run and buy more at lunch, just in case. I realized there is no part of my day, where I would have to part with my boots, in humiliation for my not so stylish circumstances.

I was clear to move forward.

After work, I reached my girlfriend's place to grab a ride, to our event for the evening, and realized we would be waiting a while, and could sit and catch up, before our ride came. Hense the taking off of the boots...

I warned her, beforehand, that I had two different coloured socks on. Her response?

"I love that you are wearing 2 different colouedr socks. Who says we have to be a certain way, or wear our socks a certain way?"

I smiled. I knew I would still be following the norm, going forward, at pretty much any cost. But it was cute.
Fast forward to this morning. I woke up, at a decent hour, and decided it was obviously time to throw in some laundry, while I got ready, so I could prevent my fashion faux pas; in the case I would have to part with my boots, this time, not in the comfort of a good friend, and her home.

As the laundry was stopping, I went to open the door of the washer, seeing that I had only moments to get my things together, to leave, but it said "Door Locked."

It took its time spinning off the water, back... and forth. Then, back and forth, again. I realized there was nothing I could rush about this. Nothing was going to let me open the door of the washer, until it was good and ready for me to throw my things in the dryer, before rushing out the door. So I just stopped, and stared...

And realized...

Time is time. Whether you try to rush it, fast forward it, or try to take it back.

There is nothing we can do to manipulate the natural occurrence of time. Things will be ready, when they are ready. And when we try to rush things, we are trying to control that which we cannot. After standing there, and feeling this peace within myself, that everything happens when it is to happen, and sometimes, we must just sit with the natural course of life; it stopped, and the green locked light went off!

I threw my things in the dryer, through on my jacket, and my scarf, grabbed my breakfast, purse, umbrella and phone, and ran out the door. Needing a coffee, I scurried out the back, down the path, through the tracks, and mud, in my heels, and up the street, and noticed that my Organic tea and coffee place was not opened yet. My hurrying caused me to be to early! To my detriment, even more, I realized that my running so fast, caused my gorgeous scarf- my ever so favorite scarf- to fall off, at some point in my rushing.

In the pouring rain, I backtracked all the way to the back door of my condo complex, where my beautiful scarf was laying out drenched! I grabbed it up, and threw it over me, realizing it certainly takes a few times, sometimes, to really learn a lesson. I said "thank you" to the Universe for not losing my scarf, and apologized for being so carelessly in a rush.... And, as I looked up, I noticed my Organic Coffee Shop's "Closed" sign was turned to "Open."
I was right on time, after all.Go figure. There is an old saying "Hold Your Horses."Mom was always right after all.

LuCy sMiLeS

Technical Support

"If things turn out badly, turn to a friend."
LoVe LuCy

Some days we can wake up, ready to take in a breath of fresh air, and motivated to start our day.

Other days, it is like we are gasping for air, not sure how we are going to make it through. It is something, that no matter how bad a day we have one day, we can almost always rest assured that the next day is going to be so much better.We know this, because countless times, this is just the case.

Some days we are just off, and things don't seem to go our way; they don't seem to go as planned, or there just doesn't seem to be a plan in order, for success.

We cannot guarantee that every day is going to go our way. We may feel like we cannot get our ducks in a row, and our thoughts are upside down. But, one thing we can guarantee, almost always, is that there is a friend, near or even sometimes far, that can help us get a grip on things, even if we are at wit's end.

There is never a better time to reach out to a friend, when we are in need of some sanity, even if it is just to even admit that we feel like we are going crazy!

So next time you are not sure if you have it in you to handle life's "little less than pleasurable" circumstances; remember there is always that special someone in your life, ready to support!


LuCy sMiLeS


"If you want something to be done about it, do something about it, now."
LoVe LuCy

As Adults, we are very keen in working on keeping our lives in working order. We are working to tune into what makes us truly happy. We are working our way through putting in enough hours, to put enough investment into our future, so we can soon slow down and start to enjoy life.

It seems when I look around, and when I listen, I hear a lot of people discussing working toward the future, and making a point of being certain that their future will be taken care of.While it is important to allocate an appropriate portion of our financial energy to our future- so we feel at peace and calm that we will be taken care of- there must be a point at which we understand that living right now, is living life at its fullest.

Not to say we should splurge and spend all our hard earned money today and forget that tomorrow is coming; but instead to be certain that our headspace is in the moment, as much as it can be, to enjoy and embrace what life is offering us, now.

We are all where we are meant to be, to grow and to learn the lessons before us, to get us to that next point.And, we have every opportunity to manifest what we desire, for our future, by believing in ourselves and looking within ourselves for the answers of how to get there.

By staying present and seeing the magic in the moments that are in front of us, now, we may have a better understanding of what choices, and decisions will be most positive and in alignment with our Integrity, to create that future that we have always only dreamt of.

There will always be more to come, while we are here, creating our lives as we wish them to be; making our spiritual ends meet up and beginning new experiences with other people's stories, as we continue on our path.

But there is nothing about the future that can take the place of the present, unless you choose to not live in your present life, at all.And what fun would that be? What investment is this, in your future, in the long run?


LuCy sMiLeS

The Bigger They Are; The Harder They Fall

"Barrier? Let me Break it Down for you." LoVe LuCy

It doesn't matter what age we are, or what our education is. It is not so important what side of the tracks we grew up, or how many siblings we had- whether we were the youngest of three or the oldest of eight.

No difference if we are tall, and tough; or small, and slim.Blue eyed, or brown eyed; brunette or blond.

Our lives, each one of us has something special held inside, just waiting to burst out.Our spirits, are not made of colour, not made of form, and do not hold a compass as to where the best geological, or logical place will suit us best to find the answers of our purpose.As we move from place to place, person to person, we find more of ourselves, more of our meaning to life and more understanding as to why we are here.

There is no race to the end, where some of our luckier, more fortunate friends are there, done, and rooting for us to hurry to the finish line, so we can enjoy the victory as they have.Of all the barriers that we have, in our lives, to hurdle- many of which is believed as due to the unfortunate factors of our circumstances, our resources, or our race- our biggest hurdle lies within us, within our beliefs of why we cannot have, and acquire the accomplishments, that others can.It has nothing to do with the colour of our hair, our skin.It never has any power over us, what certificate we have or do not have hanging on our wall.

It is what we allow to hang over our heads that makes or breaks us.Our Biggest Barriers are solely our Beliefs.So hold your head high, and allow a release of anything not serving you to success.

Let them fall where they may, and cast them away, as you walk forward, with a passion, a purpose and a knowing that you too have it in you, to make it however you wish to.It doesn't matter what yesterday, the day before or ten years ago made you believe; The fact is that now, with all of your strength, you have it in you to achieve.

LuCy sMiLeS

A Drop in The Bucket

"A Step is a Step just the Same" LoVe LuCy

Of all the things we have all achieved, collectively; which I am sure is quite a number of achievements- we had to start somewhere.

A lot of the times, a lot of the things we decide not to go for, or do, or execute is due to the fact that we can't get ourselves to start them.

Interestingly, once we take that first step, we gain the momentum to keep on going, also realizing how little effect it takes to keep going, after we give ourselves that first push.

To go further, we will start to see how that one push, gives us the motivation, to push ourselves in other areas of our lives; creating such a force of enthusiasm, all around, from something we may not have done, at all!

It is so important to not only have vision and action in one area of our lives, but in all, if we wish to attain balance.

But know that it only takes one small move, in one area, to move into all other areas, after all!

Take a step forward, in either your physical, emotional, professional, spiritual, or intimate area of your life, and watch the improvements take place in all.

If you work out, chances are you will feel like eating healthier, to maintain your physique. Maintaining your physique may make you feel sexier in your relationships, not to mention more energetically in tune and at peace with your spiritual self, giving your spirit a sense of calmness and joy!

LuCy sMiLeS

Bridging The Gap

"I am going to take the time I wonder if I can do things, to do them." LoVe LuCy

With the New year just days in, many of us have created numerous goals to keep us busy.

While we are determined to succeed, many of us have a hard time even beginning to execute the first tasks to get started. When we have a goal, the hardest part is not achieving the goal, itself, but understanding what we need to do, to get to the end of the line. Just like if we were training for a Marathon, there are systems that go in place, when it comes to any Success.

If we are looking for financial freedom, finding that special someone, or searching for that perfect career that we have always dreamt of having; we must bridge the gap from here, to there. Our goals and our dreams are possible, no matter what they are, as long as we have an understanding of what it is we need to get there.

If it is financial achievements we wish to achieve; We can start saving little by little and taking inventory of our spending, and how to better budget, as well as create more than one source of income.If it is intimate and personal relationships we wish to have flourish- we can take inventory of ourselves, what we wish to improve in our own lives, whether emotionally, or even physically and spiritually, so we are prepared to meet someone on a high and healthy vibration.
If we are looking for Career or Entrepreneurial Success, we can take inventory on our strengths, our likes, expand our minds on all the various possibilities out there, and which ones resonate most with our core values. No matter what we are looking to improve or achieve, this coming year, it all starts with self. Only then can our lives move outward.

Over and Out!
LuCy sMiLeS

Any Way

"Personal success is not achieved by getting what we want, but instead, by being who we truly are."
LoVe LuCy

I remember when I was younger, wondering what I was going to be when I grew up; I kind of got nervous about making decisions, because I feared that one choice, would mean one way of living, forever.

It not only took me many years, it took me many experiences, to realize that one choice we make creates numerous possibilities, and those possibilities seemed more endless, the more true we are to ourselves. Sometimes my circumstances were seemingly hard, and I wouldn't have thought them to be so spectacular; at least, not to the naked eye.But, in my heart, even when it seemed difficult, the times I knew I was being true to me, I felt a sense of bliss amongst the turmoil.

By making a decision to do something, especially something positive, we are creating an abundance of other amazing manifestations in our lives, from just one thought. And, we cannot control others' behaviour, and definitely cannot control how others react to life. But, we can, ourselves choose the best opportunities for ourselves, and choose to react in love, when the "not so best" circumstances lie before us.

If you think of times that you chose a certain place to go, or better, chose a certain way of being, and behaving, that is positive, you may look back and see that it always matter most who you are, in the end. Even if you don't think you are prepared for what life is going to give you, you can always be prepared to be yourself. The rest is just details.


LuCy sMiLeS

Rhythm & Blues

"There is Magic in Life- in its Ups and its downs, just the same." LoVe LuCy

Just hours into the New Year, we can smell the fresh air and the change that comes with it. I haven't stepped outside yet, to enjoy it for all it offers, but I feel it just the same.In reflection of last year, we can see magic in every moment, if we look hard enough.

Through moments of confusion, we may now see clarity, and through times of distress, we may now, see our dreams and our readiness to manifest what was a seemingly distant sight.What we go through always has meaning, even if we are doing a whole lot of nothing.Whether we are working through a dance of anger, a dance of fear, or a dance of uncertainty in our lives, we can use this rhythm whether of blues, to help us grow.

With any pressure we put on ourselves, now, as to what we must do, to make solid changes in our lives, and be more proactive in our lives, we can sit, and be thankful for all that has been endured.

More importantly, how we can grow from all of our past experiences, without taking our past with us, on our journey forward.The best thing about our past is that it can be laid to rest, at any time we so choose.

And the choice to move forward, with a clear direction of where we want to be, and who we want to be, is directly influenced by how we respond to all that we have experienced.We must allow ourselves to have wonderful experiences going forward, no matter what experiences less than desirable we may have lived out in the past.

Welcome in the New Year with open arms, and be sure to close the doors to anything you know is not going to serve you on your way, starting today.

LuCy sMiLeS