How many stories surround our thoughts on any given day.
Of all these stories we create in our reality, only a select few are actual non-fiction, and need humouring.
We are so easy to assume, presume, and resume thinking things that create stress, worry and above all unhealthy emotions
that, though we may not realize, residually manifest such dis-ease within our heart, souls, and worse- physical bodies; that can be prevented.
These many stories are created by our egos, and therefore, insecurities- by allowing one thing to "slide", when if only communicated, right away, we would really be able to deal and actually let go.
Without a doubt, all of us at one time or another have not mentioned something seemlingly small but only since we didn't want to burden those we love, as we felt it could be "let be."
But there is a difference between letting go, and letting something fester inside of us, that turns into something manifested into bigger than it ever was, now more burdening on the health and wellbeing of our relationships.
If we can communicate our thoughts, worries, fears, and, yes, our insecurities, as vulnerable as that feels,
we can create a harmony within ourselves and others we choose to surround ourselves with.
And we must surround ourselves with relationships that allow us to be open and honest, and be ourselves.
Comfort is knowing that you can mention when need mentioning.
If it needn't be communicated, and you are certain you are able to "let go", don't mention it-
but if you are in any feeling uneasy about anything, communication is the key that will unlock any
door standing in your way of love, fulfillment and the pursuit of happiness.
And, it just feels good- so do it!
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