If waking up every morning, with yet another opportunity
to start a fresh new world around us,
isn’t a miracle in itself, today we are given an extra day!
With already two months of 2008 behind us, this is the best
time to reflect on what promises you may have made for
yourself that you may have otherwise neglected.
And so what if you did, it doesn’t exist anymore,
only this right here right now exists. So what do you want?
And if you wanted it badly enough, and still do, then, NOW,
you will take whatever leap and cross whatever boundary to grasp it!
It doesn’t matter what the past held,
be in yesterday your yesteryear, living in the “now”
we can not be touched by any past fears, experiences,
or hurt that has been created in our lives, or in our minds
before we woke up this morning, or even before this moment right here.
What’s more, just like wounds heal new skin, and the only remanence
we carry with us is the lesson, or the scars as perhaps a reminder of the experience-
we can take it either as a joyous reflection of a challenge succeeded,
or a experience burdened by negativity. That is our choice.
I chose to leap, with the divine protection always by my side.
And as for the scars?
LuCy sMiLeS
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