We all have days where we seem a bit less confident in our abilities to make smart decisions, or sometimes even walk a straight line.
It is those days when our vulnerabilities are heightened, our heart s may race a bit faster than we are comfortable with.
These are the days we need to pay most attention to, in terms of our emotions, and what they mean. This is the time of most importance. You are trying to tell yourself something, and you are hoping at this time, you will please just listen.
Sometimes it takes a vision while vulnerable, to get the big picture.
What is your soul trying to tell you?
What is it that you can do to gain awareness that can keep you from falling too hard that you may scratch more than what could have just been the surface?
Bumps and bruises heal; and scars are our life’s lessons.
But we can also be sure to make better decisions to create less of a freightened fall, and allow for our breaths to be taken away by love, rather than fear.
LuCy sMiLeS
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