I am certain that in a land far far away, there is enough time to get all our household chores done; pick up the groceries; get the kids to and from school; help them with their homework; work on our own pending paperwork from the office; make the meals to take with us for the day; make dinner when we finally get home; pay the bills, and make sure our teeth are brushed and flossed, and our hair is still in place, from sunrise to sundown.
It seems as though no matter what our schedules are like, there is always something else taking precedence over the extra 5 minutes we may have.
If we have 5 minutes, we must make sure we are using it to our benefit- it must be spent “doing” something.
But if we fail to take 5 minutes to regroup, and re-energize, or to stare into the eyes of those we love, the main reason for why we are here to begin with- to love and be loved… the energy we are using in the times that we are “doing” instead of being, living, and loving, is much more exhausting- causing us resentment from the negative emotions of not having enough time for ourselves and others in our lives that are so important to us.
If we can recharge our body by taking 5 minutes out to stretch our bodies and calm our minds, we would be able to get more done in a shorter period of time. Try it.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and I am sure whoever did build it, took time out to sit and breathe before continuing on.
And it did get built. And beautifully, I may add.
As good as we say we are at multi-tasking, our performance levels drop as soon as we decide to take on more than one project or task at a time. So do yourself a favor, take one task at a time, and most importantly, take 5, in between…
LuCy sMiLeS
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