How many times, when in the thick of it all have we just wanted to, or actually did, bail out before it got any “worse?”
“I am out!” “ I have had it” “Show me the door!”
It is just so much easier isn’t it? To walk away, ( or run) when things are just not working out the way we had anticipated?
No matter what the circumstance, it seems as though we are so much more willing to opt out, exit, rather than really look at what is going on, most imperatively, within ourselves, when things are off course.
Situations that occur, circumstances around us do not happen just for the sake of it.
If we can be more aware, more in tune and more open to playing a more active role in our daily lives, and more active role in our relationships with everything, and everyone around us, we could be very shocked to find that whatever it is that is faulty on the outside, actually just needs a little rewiring from within.
What will always hold true is that we are always given back all that we ever want, hope and dream- but only if we are willing to give back.
If we continue to walk away, give up, and throw our hands up with disappointment, we will get… guess what?
Disappointment back.
We may walk away, but what we will then walk into is the same situation..
Different name, different face, perhaps even a different place…
Until we have faced our own life, and our own path to loving ourselves, we will not have love and trust and fulfillment on the path in front of us. We may take the Exit door, but it will certainly hit us on our way out, and the room we walk into!
Not all relationships and not all situations need to remain, there is a difference between what is healthy and what is unhealthy for us to surround ourselves with- the gift of fear, and the gift of intuition will always let us know when it is right to take the Emergency Exit.
Hitting the road, when things seem too difficult is one thing, but taking the high road of continued motivation and perseverance, without giving up is a sure thing, and will lead you straight to success!
LuCy sMiLeS
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