Making the most of what we have, and loving where we are is always crucial in creating our world the way we see fit for us.
Take a moment to take inventory of what surrounds you, placed in your life by you. Be it your car, your home, your relationships, down to the shoes you decided to put on this morning.
The contents we carry are an expression of our creativity, our ambitions, and our drives.
The drive on this road to alignment is a very sensitive journey, but having the tools to guide us through to stay on track and keep us focused on why we have what we have, and knowing where we see ourselves going is all we need.
This tool is “content.”
The contents of our lives, in relation to how content we are in our lives, is where we find our balance.
How content are you?
What contents do you carry with you that allows you to carry on with contentment- or are there contents of which you must “let go” to redesign your picture in your mind of what makes you happy?
There is nothing more refreshing than taking time out to regroup, reorganize and sometimes go as far as clearing any clutter causing chaos and discontentment.
LuCy sMiLeS
Love, Actually!
Love, Actually!!!
What if I told you that I have the answer that is going to transform the world ,create harmony in the most chaotic of circumstances, clear up all confusion over right or wrong, prejudice, fear, hate, turmoil, hostility, and most importantly - the breed of war amongst Countries, families, friends, and the worst war of all, the war with ourselves?
There are many statistics in life, that we never really pay attention to, that do not directly influence us in our personal lives, to be of any matter to us.
I am not a scientific individual, nor am I a “numbers” person, as much as I would love to be.
But what matter most in our lives is…
Matters of the Heart.
What I do know is that the odds are in our favour, that “hands down” when we choose love over any other feeling optioned to us, nothing can stand in our way.
You cannot breed war in an environment created out of love.
With love, there is no room for negative.
The world is in no way disconnected from itself in any form, so even if you feel too small to make a change. You are statistically mistaken!
We know that it only takes one person to make a difference.
That is why we have world leaders, many who have, only as one person, changed the world, made a world of difference, the way the world thinks, the ways it runs, and the way it reacts.
You don’t have to change the world to make a world of difference. Just start by choosing love in all that you do, and the rest will take care of itself.
We are not as small as we think we are.
We are just as powerful as the most powerful people we know.
What’s love got to do with it?
Happy Valentine’s Day
LuCy sMiLeS
Chances Are
Chances are there will be days when our thoughts will get the best of us.
And just as those days will be, there will also be the days where our thoughts will bring us on top of the world!
Chances are you haven’t had the best thing that has ever happened to you, happen to you yet!
And just as it will be the best when it does, there will be better things even still to come!
Making every moment count, and taking chances when we have the opportunity to do so, is what life is all about, isn’t it?
It is important to of course to plan, prepare and arrange things in our lives to ensure we are taking great care of all this, that, the other, and those that surround us.
But to allow the moments when we can simply take our chances, without systematic step by step strategies can find us in the most amazing places in our life!
And chances are you will make mistakes in this life, and if by chance you can correct them, you are in an even better spot still.
But believe that you are where you are supposed to be, and chances are you will be right…
Right in the right place, at just the right time!
Some people say “I wouldn’t chance it”, and to that I say…
“Chances are I will!”
LuCy sMiLeS
Make Up Your Mind
When we pay attention to all that we desire and what it will take to attain our desired dreams and goals, getting there all comes down to our thoughts.In any situation, our outcomes will always be a direct result of what we are thinking, not only how much energy we are putting on our thoughts, but what kind of energy we are putting on our thoughts.Think of where you are now, and where your thoughts are, now.Every experience you have encountered, was experienced through where your head was at.Life is not only experienced where you are, physically, but most so mentally.You can be anywhere on earth, the most beautiful of places… but if your head or your heart are not in it, as well, happiness and excitement may very well be no where to be found.We are 100% responsible for all that we chose to think, and feel about ourselves, our lives and those who surround us.So, take inventory on your thoughts, and pay attention to how you are thinking, and how these thoughts make you feel.Perhaps you need a mind make over.We can all use a little pampering now and then.So, think of what you want to achieve in your life, how you need to revamp your thoughts to feel the best you have ever felt, and go ahead…Make up Your Mind!LuCy sMiLeS
Who Do You Think You Are?
The power of thought is enormous. It creates all that we see, all that we do, and ultimately all that we are.
You are what you think!
We have been told this since the beginning of time.
But how serious do you take how you think about yourself?
And do you take yourself too seriously?
Or not seriously enough?
Take a step back and look at yourself and where you are.
Do you like what you see?
Not only do we have to understand who we are; we have to be sure that we like who this is, before we will go to great lengths to do the best for ourselves.
Make time to check-in with yourself now and then, to be sure that you are being cared for and that you are making an effort to fulfill your heart’s desires.
We all have a desired outcome for how we hope things will turn out.
But we need to be desirable to ourselves, in order for that to take place.
So who do you think you are?
LuCy sMiLeS
You Name It
Things are only as beautiful as you believe them to be.
We live in a crazy world; oh its scary out there! But truly, madly and deeply, all of what the world has to offer is only what we see of it as set in our own minds.
Think back to what has gone on in your life, and no matter what, it always comes back to mindset.
Mind you, sometimes I look back and still get taken back by many circumstances, and yes I still wonder, and I still ponder how it possible that certain things could have been, were, and are.
But ultimately, one thing will always remain certainly not a mystery.
All experiences were named by me.
If it were scary, I named it so.
Exciting? You name it, I own it.
If a situation can be wonderful to one, and life threatening to another.
What makes it so?
So, instead of fearing the unknown- know that you will name it whatever it will be.
So the unknown is very much known whatever it is you decide.
As soon as we can be 100% responsible for what surrounds us, is when we will be that much more excited to create the most amazing surrounding for ourselves.
You name it, it is!
LuCy sMiLeS
So Be It
When we were children and we thought of what we wanted to be “when we got older” and all that we wanted when we grew up, one thing never stood in our way. “I CAN’T!”
We didn’t think of the hurdles, the negative tapes in our heads that would stop us from taking the chance at success.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Use your childlike mindset to create the most amazing and everlasting present and future for yourself!
Only we stand in our own ways, we know this for sure. It doesn’t matter who we are competing against in this world, our competitions with ourselves are the only ones we can have a chance at losing to.
So don’t lose your mind, or your energy on worrying if you cannot be what you want, or achieve what you wish to achieve!
We may not be able to be everything to everyone, but we can certainly work on being all that we wish to be for ourselves.
LuCy sMiLeS
Wizard of Was
Much of our thoughts of what the future lies, is a reflection from past experience. This goes without saying. It is up to us to change the course in our lives, and set the stage for new and better.
The easiest way to remain in the same place tomorrow, as we are now, and as we did back then is to play the worst of all our characters.
The Wizard of “Was”. The Wizard of “Was” is so good at their role, because they only played their part one way. They have rehearsed the same lines over and over again.
The same stage, the same props and the same characters, with no new chapter.
It is safe character to play, because we know it so well, There is no editing to this script, no new and exciting scenerios…
How do you play your life?
Do you get stuck in the same scene? Do you do your best to hide behind the curtain that would allow you to land the most amazing role of all?
When was the last time you set the stage for success by changing the backdrop, and adding new roles in your life, and creating opportunities to the most outstanding performances?
Think of what you wish your future to hold, and be sure to set the stage for the performance of a lifetime.
We all know that this is not a dress rehearsal, so play the best you now!
Break a leg!
LuCy sMiLeS
Cut it Out
What is a vision, if not visible?
If you have dreams and aspirations of what you see your life being,…instead of wanting and thinking about it; cut it out! Act as if it is yours now ,not “hopefully later!”
It is a sure bet that if you can act the “you” you want to be and surround yourself with pictures and reminders of what you are looking to achieve, the more you will believe that it can in fact be.
Instead of dreaming that one day a glamorous movie star will play “you” , when you are finally where you see yourself being, save yourself the despair of all that hard work searching for the best actor lucky enough, and take on the role yourself.
I cannot guarantee the pay will be top dollar, but I can be certain the feeling of surrounding yourself with all the pics of glitz and glamour will keep you in check, and keep you focused on your goals.
It is known that those who are highly successful, who have reached what was only a pipe dream, in their past, have strategically placed visuals in front of them every day, and made it clear what it is they wanted, and what it is they were doing to achieve these things in order to gain the confidence, and to attain all only once imaginable.
So, take time to write who you are, as in who you wish to be, and what you wish to achieve.
Throw away the fear, the doubt, the uncertainties and the buts…
…and Cut It Out!
LuCy sMiLeS
Hats Off to You
Until we take our “teacher, mother, father, employee, girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, coach, or whatever other hat it is we wear depending on who we are sporting it for…This is when we shine as our authentic self.
So many times our lives are chaotically overwhelming as we dance with one hat on, only to drop it, and pick up the next one to fulfill our promise to someone else in our lives, we end up falling head first, sometimes even while falling head over heels…over our own two feet, not dancing pretty at all.
How many hats are you wearing, that you need to shed in order to walk confidently as just you?
We like to portray ourselves as so many forms of caregivers, we fail to care for what we are, as ourselves, genuinely, and we moreover fail to realize “we” are just enough to “be”.
It doesn’t matter who’s company we are enjoying, or who is enjoying ours… What matters most is that we can take our hats off, and still find comfort that we are enough.
There are many items in life we must carry; wallets, cash, keys to possessions.
But the key to authentic living is knowing that once we can confidently carry ourselves through life, and leave well enough alone, we are then ready for the power of “now” and the “how to” live a genuinely sincere existence.
No matter where you go, bring you, and you will find you are always in just the right place.
Hats off to “you”
LuCy sMiLeS
Wonder Full
Now that the new year is upon us, we are definitely sitting in reflection of what we did to get ourselves to this point, and more importantly, what we will do to get to where we want to be.
As much as we can focus on the wonder of it all, ultimately today and tomorrow and the next day will be whatever we make of it.
We can wonder, or we can make it wonderful.
So instead of wishing, hoping and waiting for the best of things to come, make them the best.
Take whatever it is you are doing; whatever it is you are thinking; whatever it is you are dreaming and fill it with as much “wonderful” as you can.
You can only get out what you put it, so allow your life to be full of wonderful, instead of just full of wonder, and guarantee this year will be the best year of your life.
And next year will be even better.
That’s the best thing about “wonderful”, just as we are capable of living in the wonder of life, we are just as capable of creating a wonderful life.
LuCy sMiLeS
Doorknobs "n Fiddlesticks
In order to be successful, there are a few very important key tips to pay attention to and rules one must follow…
These include but are NOT limited to;
Opening doors and actually following through on opportunities presented to you
(ie. grab that doorknob!!!)
2) Taking a chance for yourself to experience things that may be new and different;
scary, but exciting to find out if the opportunity is “for you” to take!
(ie. actually giving a fiddlestick)
((fid·dle·stick /ˈfɪdlËŒstɪk/ Pronunciation –noun anything; a bit))
This strategy is what I like to call “Doorknobs & Fiddlesticks”
If we don’t care enough to explore, we will never know what is out there to be attained!
We cannot do everything, for everyone…
but we can certainly do for ourselves all things that will help us grow, but only if we know what they are.
So, take inventory on what is surrounding you in your life, and make a conscious effort to open up to possibilities of even more greatness.
Keep an open mind, and open as many doors as are put in front of you!
You will decide to move forward, or back away and close them, if it doesn’t look to be promising.
But you cannot say no if you don’t know what to say “no” to.
LuCy sMiLeS
Forgive and Forget
Perhaps the path to greatness is not so much in walking forward consciously aware of what is set in front of us.
Perhaps the path to greatness starts by stopping; taking a look back, and not only embracing all that we have gone through, taken with us, and will use to create a bright future;
but to actually reflecting on each instance that we may have not forgiven or forgotten.
Not forgotten because we still feel it in our hearts as something we hold onto as it hurt us so.
Perhaps we will make great only when we let go of the energy that taints our thoughts.
“Who and what” has happened in your past that is not enabling you to allow “who and what” now and coming ?
It must be embraced, all the love and all the acceptance of experiences and people not for what you want them to be because of “who and what” hurt you before, but for them, as their authentic selves .
We cannot expect from relationships coming, that which we may have lacked from those before them.
Nor can we expect to be treated poorly if poorly treated before.
It is so essential for us to be compassionate and completely accepting of what lies ahead, and those who we will create bonds with in the future.
If you have not forgiven, and you have not forgotten.. Forgive and forget…
As uncertain as we may be of the future, we create the interlocking stones that we walk on, by simply placing each step from those steps walked on behind us.
How are you creating your path?
A path to greatness has cracks, and life IS all it’s cracked up to be, however you create it!
LuCy sMiLeS
Pigment of My Imagination
Walk down the street and you will see an array of looks, styles and some times, head turning fashion “statements” or fashion “faux’ pas’” that make your head spin!
If you ever lived in a big city, you will know that there are as many “not one look looks like another”, as there are “look a likes” when it comes to carrying ourselves well, and to many… “not so well.”
What is “classic” to one is a “class act catastrophy” to the next.
Which begs the question …
“Who wears it right?”
Look at a magazine cover and see in front of you what is said to be the “in style”.
But walk down the aisle to another category of magazines, and you will see the “in style” is not near as close to being in the same category of “closet hangings” as the previous.
So what makes us think that we need to be anywhere near similar to those that walk beside us.
Instead of being so wishywashy about how to fit in, because the times and the looks change so quickly
~wash out all the programming that tells you what you should fit yourself into, and designate yourself designer of your own style!
Colour your world your own.
Exclusively “YOUR NAME HERE”
LuCy sMiLeS
No Matter What
What is the first thing you think about when you wake up?
Or the last thing you think about before you go to bed?
Now imagine all of what you think about in between!
It is US who wakes, lives, breathes and
sleeps all of what happens in our lives.
And many of us, if not all at one point or more often than not,
carry the worries of “what if’s”.
But what if no matter what- life will go on,
and where we are is where we are meant to be,
and where we are going is where we were meant to go, as such is the circle of life.
Instead of worrying “what if “ this, and “what if” that, live in “what is” NOW, no matter “what!”
And say “So What?” once in a while!
What’s the worse that can happen?
Exactly what was meant to happen, no matter “what!”
LuCy sMiLeS
Common Ground
Whether you have travelled abroad, or never stepped foot out of your residing city or town, there is something that we all have in common…
The ground we walk on. It is shared by all.
Many may call this interdependence. Which is true-
we each depend on each other in one form or another,
wherever we walk, stand, fall, or kneel to give thanks…
This is what I call simply “common ground.”
There is something harmonious about understanding that the relationships we have with others is constant and limitless.
Though we will never have the opportunity to meet each and everyone who walks this earth, face to face, we have shared our energy, however we transport it, and they have shared theirs with us.
Many of us will walk different paths, have different beliefs, or different colour skin, sharing different values; but to appreciate that we are all “one” here- near or far, perhaps we can shift our thoughts, and shift our attitudes, if they may need a slight adjustment. It may take adjusting your programs understand this philosophy, but doing unto others will ultimately and effortlessly have them do unto you just the same. You can be sure of this...
It is always easier to do for others, than to do for ourselves, it seems, so just do it.
Accept, love and trust in others for who they are, wherever they are- not only leaving your prejudice at the door, but sweep it off completely, and see what happens… You will be pleasantly surprised… I promise…
LuCy sMiLeS
Spell it Out!!!
So many of the things in our life that are constant, are actually constant in the fact that they are changing constantly.
Life’s like that…
So how can we feel grounded in a world where the ground seems to be taken out from under us?
Shifts of change in our emotions, our feelings, and our thoughts, happen on a daily basis.
It’s so interesting that one day you can feel one thing, for certain… Then the next day you wake up and not only do you certainly feel differently about it, but you cannot even recognize how the first thought was felt in the first place!
Confused? You should be!
We have to come to a common ground in this game we call life.
How? Let me spell it out for you
Life can be- as we know; taken away from us at any moment.
But if we neglect ourselves LIFE in its most beautiful and simple form, by just being and enjoying it for all it is, whatever it is at this moment, right now, we are in fact taking it away from ourselves.
We may not know all that life has to offer, all of the time, but we can decide whether or not we will make the most of it, and live it to the fullest, whatever that may be…
What is life to you?
You may have to spell it out.
LuCy sMiLeS
Going My Way?
Going My Way?
If we can believe what is true, and that every single step we take is the step we were going to take anyway, we would save ourselves a whole lot of stress.
It is not so much where we are going but how we walk ourselves through this path.
You are going that way anyway, so walk with the brightest smiles, the most care for yourself and others in your heart. Makes the trip that much more exciting, refreshing and loving.
I am sitting here, exactly where I am- loving where I am; from exactly where I was to go before- loving where I was to get to now, and to go exactly where I will go from this point on, which I can only just imagine- but I know I will be smiling!
“Here I go!"
Every moment of every hour of every day, that we are blessed to be given this gift of time,
we will go only our own way- definitely the way to go.
If you don't believe me, that is fine too, as it is not my place to go, anyway.
It's all yours, so go on!
And I hope you have so much fun going....
Bring yourself, with your smiles, for your journey of many exciting new miles.
And never second guess yourself... you are always on the right track!
LuCy sMiLeS
“For a Limited Time Only!”
One message that I remember when I was a kid was “You have the rest of your life to…”
In retrospect, I realized that if I living with this belief, I neglect taking this very moment
and making it the absolute best I can.
We shouldn’t wait until tomorrow for great things to come,
great things should be part of our now… right now.
We should create urgencies in our lives when it comes to achieving our successes,
surrounding ourselves with happiness, love and living life to the fullest!
If we woke up today, saying this is the “best day of my life”, rather than neglecting ourselves,
with the unconscious thought of “oh well, maybe tomorrow will be better”, or
“I have the rest of my life” to make things happen,
we can create a magical life of all things possible now!
Act as though this day is the best deal you have been given, and make the most of it!
Don’t bank on there being a tomorrow.
Live knowing “Today’s Special” and it is “For a Limited Time Only!”
LuCy sMiLeS
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