The way "I SEE IT!!!"

We spend alot of time reading others opinions, and views of things, and then "self reflecting"... I have been drinking so much coffee lately... and of course, like you, when I buy from Starbucks, I read "The Way I see it"#...

I read this very interesting #275, which I have actually received 3 times this past weekend, quite literally.

And when I read it, I said to myself, "This is actually the way I SEE IT!" This could have very well been MY "The Way I SEE IT!"

It is wonderful to be exposed to others views on life, because, just as with relationships with others, it is a chance for us to see inside of ourselves.

We are always testing our own views when we reflect on the views of others. Either we agree, disagree, or are indifferent- having no interest in the subject altogether.

One thing I have learned to do; one way that I "SEE IT" is to not SEE IT in my perspective at all, for once. Take a break from my own opinion; experience, and understanding of something, and really "listen" to what others have to say.

We spend so much time sitting, and having conversations with others, staring right into their eyes, but all the while evaluating in our heads how we feel about them, their opinion, what they are saying, how they are saying it... what they look like while they are saying it, and what they must be thinking of us, and what WE look like; what we think about what they are saying, while they are saying it!

Confused? GOOD! You should be!


Stop worrying so much about what you think, and really get to know others! Make a point to listen, learn and experience building relationsips based not one what you think, and feel, but on what the other person thinks and feels.

Rememeber the song:

"Getting to know you....Getting to know all about you!
Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me...."

Well, what we have done, in this dyslexic version of this thing called "life", is screwed up the lyrics to this song, and created a complicated process of making friends, building relationships, by basing it all on our own views first, when all we really had to do is care, see things for what they are, people for who they are! Not for what we see, and what we want things and people to be.

So the way "I SEE IT", is to look at "it", whatever "IT" is, and take it as it is.

Hey, we have the whole rest of the relationship to fight over who's right and who's wrong, right?

Of course I'm right...

LuCy sMiLeS

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