Step up to the Plate! BATTERS UP

Ah to be young again! LOL!!!
Remember soccer-baseball, when we were kids?
I loved playing soccer-baseball, over regular baseball… My kick was much stronger than my batter’s arm.

When you think of it, either game, you get what you put into it. If you focus, really assess the move, and think positively.
If you kick hard enough (or swing- your call), you have enough time to run all bases, and slide in for a home run.
But, you have to first be willing to step up to the plate.

Weak kicks and swings, and bad aims, and you could be left humiliated.

I was one of those rather short tiny girls, who would continuously sneak her way to the back of the line as it would be in procession.
I was so afraid to step up to the plate in front of the whole class!

What if my aim sucked, what if I miss it altogether? Every try!
What if the whole entire game, every single time I go up, the same thing happens over and over, and I just fail, look like an idiot in front of my friends, who are playing so much better than me, know all the terminology, and I am not even sure if my swing, or kick was legit! Do I keep going, is it ok for me to run? Is it a foul ball, or am I good to go? Help me out here, I am lost!

Lost in the middle of a field, surrounded by people laughing at me!

“Go back, GO BACK …”No, go forward, run, dummy!” … “Second base, advance, you can make it, it’s in!”… “No, she is out”

Ever have that happen?

Just when you think you can run from the game altogether; put well enough behind you, there are still moments in life, where you really feel like a deer in headlights, with no where to turn.

You are not sure which way is up and which way is down! You look to others for advice, but one person’s saying one thing, another person saying another, and now you have both people going throat to throat in their own dispute over who’s right and who’s wrong.

So you run to the parking lot, hop in your car, and make a run for it, off field!

But, driving, you’ve got objects in your emotion blind spot, your mental rear view mirror is obstructed, and you just want to slam on the breaks, run out of the car, dodge traffic, dodge balls, whatever is coming your way. You just want to be far away from it! All of it!

It happens, often. Often, and to a lot of us. All of us, even. No one person is different, when it comes to stepping up to the plate… We all have had the same crappy batter’s arm.

The difference is some of us decide to practice, and even to perfect, where others decide to run, run as far away for a ball diamond as possible, never picking up a bat to begin with.

We make decisions in life that allow us to hide. We don’t take a high profile job that we are completely capable of, we stay in relationships that are mediocre at best, because then we don’t need to take accountability for things in our lives, that we, ourselves need to work on. Because it’s not “us”, it’s the crappy job; it’s the unreliable spouse, etc…

We would much rather live a life of just getting by, not trying to go that extra mile, run for that extra base, when it is rightfully ours, and most times, when we know we can make it! We allow the voices inside our heads to take over, and we rationalize why we have decided to stay put. We make excuse after excuse, to hide in the line, so we don’t have to take the bat, kick the ball, or run the field.

My advice?
Step up to the plate, take a swing! What do you have to lose, really?
You have to take risks- put yourself out there, even if it means to get hurt.

There is no such thing as “almost doing something.”

Almost doing something, means: YOU DIDN”T DO IT!
I would much rather try and fail, and say “I did”, then say I never even tried.

So step up to the plate! It’s your bat, own it!

LuCy sMiLeS

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