If everything was clear at the moment we made decisions,
there would be a lot of experiences
in our lives that we would not have experienced.
The progression in our lives is a result of our decisions,
our choices, be them tiny or highly impactful.
No in between. No skipping a step.
There is no magic door, that you can open and walk through that allows you to get to a better place,
without having to walk the walk and talk the talk, and journey through not so nice places, dependent on the path you chose.
Make your decisions, and own them, base them on what you feel is right at the time, that’s all you have to base them on!
You cannot ask the “you “ ten days from now which answer is the right one.
Know that you will perhaps look back soon, and shake your head…
Later still, you may look back, and stomp your feet in anger!
Or laugh with humiliation!
If this is the case, then promise yourself not to make such hasty or irresponsible decisions going forward…
But know darn well, there may be many more to come.
Nobody is perfect.
You can look back and question or regret your decisions, which will lead you nowhere.
Or you can look at where you stand, stand as tall as you can, and focus forward.
Either way, this is where you are right now, enjoy it, it’s all yours.
LuCy sMiLeS
Extended version
If everything was clear at the moment we made decisions, there would be a lot of experiences in our lives that, well, would have not been experienced.
And that's no fun!
I look back on the year, now, as we nestle into Fall, my favorite time of year!
I can definitely see why I am where I am now; how I got here; who that girl was who walked me here; and why she left, as soon as she knew I made it here, safely.
She’s great, don’t get me wrong, but the girl’s got issues!
Seriously, though. We need to step back and understand that we get to where we are, from where we came from.
No in between.
No skipping a step.
There is no magic door, that you can open and walk through that allows you to get to a better place, without having to walk the walk and talk the talk.
pro•gres•sion prəˈgrɛʃ ən - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pruh-gresh-uh n] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the act of progressing; forward or onward movement.
2. a passing successively from one member of a series to the next; succession; sequence.
3. Mathematics. a succession of quantities in which there is a constant relation between each member and the one succeeding it.
4. Music. the manner in which chords or melodic tones follow one another; a succession of chords or tones.
5. Astrology. any of a variety of methods of comparing the natal chart to subsequent planetary positions in order to establish an optimum time to accomplish things or to establish the probable time an event occurred or will occur.
You see, everything in life is a step toward something next.
Unless of course you are jumping off a mountain, bridge, or skydiving out of a plane, in which case, all the power to you, and good on ya for taking that ever so risky leap!
You can read the rest if you make it down safely!
But, you get what I mean…
I also love how they added astrology to the definition of progression, so for all of you out there who don’t believe us women are completely affected by the full moon, and the stars alignments with the universe? Well, we have every right to be a bit “more” crazy on and just before, AND JUST AFTER the full moon, so cut us some slack, will ya?
(Yes, we will use any excuse for our temper/ attitude, whatever it is you call it)
And FYI- the full moon next falls a week from today, Wednesday September 26, 2007.
So the full week is pretty much a write-off for us “ladies”, in case you get confused…
What I am trying to say, is that looking back, on the decisions I have made to get to this point, well…. At the time seemed wonderful, and clear…
Days and weeks later?
Seemed interesting, and at some points, peculiar…
Months later? I wondered what the heck I could have possibly been thinking!
And now…
So, make your decisions, base them on what you feel is right at the time, that’s all you have to base them on!
Know that you will perhaps look back soon, shake your head… later still, you may look back, and stomp your feet in anger! Or laugh you’re a** off with humiliation!
But know this… there will come a time, where something will happen, or enough time will pass, where you will understand, or “simply see clearly~ 20/20, if you will~ as to why you did what you did.
And if this is not the case? Well, chalk it up to “it must have been a FULL MOON”; promise yourself not to make such hasty or irresponsible decisions going forward, know darn well, there will be many more to come, yes, many more crazy decisions will be made!
So, wear the Rose Coloured Glasses that look so good on you!
Just enjoy life!
BUT be sure to change the frames, will you? The season has changed, and so should they; to wear your summer frames through to Fall is a Fashion Faux Pas!
Make some mistakes along the way, but at least look good making them!
LuCy sMiLeS
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