Who do you want to be?
What do you want to do?
When did you decide this?
Where do you need to go to be this?
Why are you not there?
How can you get there?

Don't get me wrong, many of us are there; and for that let's be grateful, and live life by their example.

If you are the select few, then comment on this, so we can learn, seriously.

And if you are not there yet, keep reading.
You may be just simple steps away.

Grab a piece of paper, cut it in as many pieces as your favorite number!
If your favorite number is under 5, cut it in your favorite number x 2, lol.

Now, write down all the characters, habits, relationships or experiences that you are carrying with you that are "OBSTACLES" in front of you and the door that would easily open you up to the place that will allow you TO BE IT, ALL OF IT, ALL OF WHAT YOU WANT TO BE...

I never said this was easy but as the saying goes, and I didn't make this one up;

"It takes just as much energy to tread water as it does to swim forward"

I learned a precious lesson recently,that has allowed me to re-evaluate what I have placed in my life, and whether or not it was allowing me to swim forward, or if I was just using all my energy, all of my breath to tread just in order to keep myself afloat, carrying the weights on my shoulders.

"If it doesn't help you grow- IT'S GOTTA GO!"

Simple... Simple? Simple. Period.

Now, take those pieces of paper, that I trust you wrote on, because "A prayer without action is useless", and none of you reading this are useless, and therefore your prayers need action....

Take those papers, write on the back of each; a new character, habit, relationship or experience you will replace it with.

And, lastly, SMILE.. Smiles are contagious, take little energy, and they make the world go around.

And if anything, someone may notice it, and smile back at you.

Who knows? It could lead into one of those new and beautiful relationships you have decided to create for yourself in your life.

Trust me on this one;)

LuCy sMiLeS, seeing, doing and being...

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