Brand New and better!

We live in a world where we are bombarded by brand labels, logos, taglines, and campaigns for products and services. You name it we can sell it!

As long as it sounds like it will save you time, make your life easier, it can be sold!

Millions and millions of dollars are spent a day, and hours and hours are spent with creative teams coming up with the best ideas, the best concepts, to perfect the image of these products and services.

Marketing is everywhere. You cannot walk the streets, without flashing lights or billboards, bus stops, and even buses themselves- many "vehicles" to entice you to buy yet another fabulous tool to enhance your lifestyle, or to save you time and energy to be able to finally focus on what is truly important. Things you have been neglecting, because you were too busy before, that things got left behind.

We are so "overwhlemed" with the day to day hustle and bustle, we will buy anything that will make our lives easier.Am I right?

But...when is it enough? When is it too much?
We have now, many tools for better, faster, easier communication.
Let me just see here:

Cell phones, which includes txting; we have msn; email... and I just realized, with blackberries, you can "pin"? MSN on blackberries? As if texting wasn't enough?

We do still have two way radios, which are still used, and the "pager", I think was tossed out of the window, as it failed to give us that instant response, like we are so fortunate to have now...

And, now the big one, "facebook!" We have so many ways of making life "easier" that we are now bombarded with too many communication options, we spend so much of our day controlling the volume of technoligical communication, there is not enough time in a day to get our actual work done! Let alone have actual and meaningful communication with our loved ones. Talking and conversing with people, face to face, as opposed to "facebook"?.

I was at a party for someone who was leaving to move on to build her career in Toronto, and as I was leaving, I heard one of her best friends say to her "Have a safe trip! Make sure you facebook me to let me know you got there safely!"

"Facebook me?"

Did I hear her right?

What ever happened to picking up a phone?

Don't get me wrong. I am on facebook; I love facebook! I am in touch with many people, who I may otherwise not be in touch with; family, friends, you name it!

However, there comes a point where we have to look at our communications, and the quality of it, and those in our lives, and see if this brand new way is actually better, or a burden.

At the end of the day, I love getting a phone call from someone, who was just thinking of me, and wanted to "hear my voice"...


So, next time you see a sign, a logo or a campaign for another commincation "genius concept", to make your life easier? Do me a favour.

Pick up your phone, or blackberry; spare me with the texting option, and call the first person that comes to mind. Tell them how important they are in your life, and how you just wanted to hear their voice.

Ya... with all the options we have in life, for better, faster, and easier communication being just fingertips away, for such affordable prices; do this one favour for me, for yourself, for that special person... And, when you end the conversation, email me; text me; pin me... hey, even msn or facebook me, and tell me the feeling isn't priceless.

We have no promise of tomorrow, no promise for any moment pass this one, so if, and please excuse me for being morbid; if anything were to happen to someone near and dear to you, I don't think you want to say to someone, "he or she was just fine, last time I "facebooked " them, rather than "last time we spoke".

LuCy sMiLeS

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