Nothing comes easily. We can be certain that we might change, when we decide to change things and circumstances around us. We can be certain as well, that nothing even greater than what we presently are will come of us if we stand still. We can even make time stand still for ourselves, no matter how fast time flies.
It is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice.
There are no guarantees in life. The rest of life, besides the "right now", is all possibility.
So why not make all things possible?
There are so many times in my life when I decided, or more correctly "pretended" that there was no other way of being but what "was", and what I was being at the time of this decision to "be still" this way, and "this" way only.
There is the past, the present and the future. Hand in hand.
We can live; we can change; but we can also go NOWHERE.
That is the simple choice.
In all of us, there are consistent patterns of living, where we know that we have decided to "not know any better".
But how much pretending, how much ignorance benefits us, until the ramifications are so boldly written out, that we are now faced with such a burden for our naivety?
We can spend just as much of our energy on not knowing any better as we can knowing full well what can allow our lives to progress... Who,what, when, why, and how we can be all of what we are, what we deserve.
We can discover that there is an abundance of everything out there, that we can and need to know that will enable us to improve our lives, our careers, our passions, and as a result live the life that we only dreamed of as children.
When we were young, our minds were filled with such magic, such amazement for life.
How is it possible, that as we grow older, as we grow "wiser", our mindset of all things amazing actually deteriorates?
Children walk through life in sheer amazement, for all that life has to offer.
But as we age, our positive thoughts of what the world has to offer, for some reason changes.
What we have to realize is "we" are who can change this thought process.
Our first call of order is the "think", take charge and be aware of what we are being offered. We write the book on what the menu of life is, no one else.
So how is it possible that we live in the "information age", but we chose to live with a lack of information???
If you are not growing... What are you doing?
But, ignorance is bliss! Or is it?
LuCy sMiLeS
Footsteps to Follow
Her shoes, though so tiny, she walks in them so straight.
The footsteps to follow, her Daddy's, so great!
As the years come and go, she'll keep walking straight still
Following in her Daddy's foosteps, learning along with great will.
Celebrating his birthday, they laugh and play!
And they share a great love, catching magical moments along the way...
LuCy sMiLeS
The footsteps to follow, her Daddy's, so great!
As the years come and go, she'll keep walking straight still
Following in her Daddy's foosteps, learning along with great will.
Celebrating his birthday, they laugh and play!
And they share a great love, catching magical moments along the way...
LuCy sMiLeS
Sweet November
Sweet November...
The year, I reflect on it, for all that it brought.
For the tears, and the laughter, and the lessons it taught.
But mostly for the magic it had handed to me...
This Magic, in the form of an Angel; Cindy.
Sweet November, will come and my Angel will be
Setting her sights high, spreading her wings to be finally set free...
She will venture off to a world changing lives one smile at a time
Lives to be made better from her presence; from her magic,just like mine.
LuCy sMiLeS
The year, I reflect on it, for all that it brought.
For the tears, and the laughter, and the lessons it taught.
But mostly for the magic it had handed to me...
This Magic, in the form of an Angel; Cindy.
Sweet November, will come and my Angel will be
Setting her sights high, spreading her wings to be finally set free...
She will venture off to a world changing lives one smile at a time
Lives to be made better from her presence; from her magic,just like mine.
LuCy sMiLeS
Coming to Terms
No matter how you look at things, and no matter how many times you decide to “look away”, there are many instances, and may issues in our lives that will keep coming back to haunt us, until we have rightly dealt with them.
A great Donald Trump quote “The image of success is important, but even more important is the ability to focus on solutions instead of on problems. That way, you'll never be thinking like a loser, and you probably won't look like one either.”
Another thing I have learned in my “oh so many” years of learning, is that “As soon as you change the way you look at things, things change!”
This is very important. Think of any instance, any situation, or any relationship you have ever been in, or are in at this moment.
Realize that the energy you put on it , is what will manifest.
Say for instance you are in, very hypothetically speaking of course, a very “difficult and trying relationship” with your partner.
Every time you are about to head home to see them, you already know the outcome. You will walk in the door, feel that sense of anxiousness, from the last interaction, and feel the sense of insecurity. Perhaps loneliness, and misunderstanding within the relationship. Your feelings are not heard, they don’t care enough to listen, and you just wish, for once, they could be more “in tune” with your concerns; your responsibilities, as you so very much are with theirs.
All of these thoughts are going around in your head at this moment, and the moments before you walked in the door. Moments before you left the office, moments before and after you got off the phone with them throughout the day, which had you also thinking of why why why the conversation went the way it did, which was not to your liking, again.
And then, you spend perhaps too much time focusing on the relationship and the communication that is lacking in the relationship, when you both get home from the office and have time to sit down together to discuss the “fun for the weekend”… Obviously this conversation is not screaming “fun” as much as it is just simply “screaming.”
Why is this? We want it to work. We want it so badly to work.
(This is all hypothetical, because we all know we are all in the most effortless, loving, carefree and trusting relationship right now with our partners! I will tell you why I know this! Because everything is a state of mind, reality is our perception. So you can decide something is going to work, or not work. And obviously, all of our lives, my life especially, we have all decided up to now, that every relationship is going to succeed. We put our heart into all of them, with love, compassion, and a positive state of mind! Right? Of course, why would we have life any other way? We are most certainly not the common denominator to all the failed relationships, that would be silly.)
My point to this fictional example is that we may want something, so badly, but we are not putting the energy to good use.
If you look at something as negative, you will get only negative out of it.
If you consciously decided you were going to walk in the door, look at your partner in the eyes, take their hands, tell them you missed them so much, and they mean the world to you. You don’t know what you would do without them. You are so blessed to have them in your life, especially when things are tough, because who likes to go through tough times alone, I mean come on, that would be silly!
Do you think, perhaps you would get out of the relationship what you wanted?
Something positive. Like perhaps a kiss, even???
You can look at a pile of work on your desk, that Monday morning after the greatest weekend of your life, with your partner (if you so chose to bother coming back into the office, one more day of fun couldn’t hurt)- look at this work as the devil, or as the greatest challenge, and that you will succeed in accomplishing it. Even kick back with a glass or a bottle of red wine, after it is all done.
(Yes, on a Monday, and I use both a glass or a bottle, because I do not judge which one you chose, and we both know my choice, and I am not afraid to admit it. I work hard, and Monday’s can be crazy…)
What I am saying, and without pointing fingers, because if I were pointing fingers, and accidently stumbled by a mirror, there could be words, is that we all have to really come to term with things in our lives, and be honest with ourselves as to what needs to be done, BY US, for things to really go the way we want and deserve them to.
We can try again and again to blame others for the hardships, the struggles, the problems in our lives.
But for as many times as we do that, will be as many times as the hardships come back to haunt us.
I know, this is annoying.
I know for a fact looking back on every single instance in my life.
For all the times I thought something was going to be a struggle, guess what? IT WAS!
For all of the times, I decided “I am going to do this! Nothing and no one can stand in my way!” Guess What? I DID IT!
For all the times I feared I would fail? I DID!
For all the relationships I thought would end? THEY DID!
For all of the friendships that are and will be with me forever? THEY WILL!
So, think of it this way.
You can have what you want, and you can have it taken away.
It is up to you.
We will have times where things don’t go as planned.
And sometimes in life, we will get hurt, we will fall, and we will fall harder.
But remember this… You cannot control everything that happens in life, but you CAN control how you react to it.
So, if you are on your way home tonight, chose how you feel, what you are thinking, and chose best.
You can have a lovely weekend, a crappy weekend, it’s up to you.
So, don’t point the finger when you are upset with the course of your life, unless of course you are staring in front of a mirror.
Life is beautiful, if you say so!
LuCy sMiLeS
A great Donald Trump quote “The image of success is important, but even more important is the ability to focus on solutions instead of on problems. That way, you'll never be thinking like a loser, and you probably won't look like one either.”
Another thing I have learned in my “oh so many” years of learning, is that “As soon as you change the way you look at things, things change!”
This is very important. Think of any instance, any situation, or any relationship you have ever been in, or are in at this moment.
Realize that the energy you put on it , is what will manifest.
Say for instance you are in, very hypothetically speaking of course, a very “difficult and trying relationship” with your partner.
Every time you are about to head home to see them, you already know the outcome. You will walk in the door, feel that sense of anxiousness, from the last interaction, and feel the sense of insecurity. Perhaps loneliness, and misunderstanding within the relationship. Your feelings are not heard, they don’t care enough to listen, and you just wish, for once, they could be more “in tune” with your concerns; your responsibilities, as you so very much are with theirs.
All of these thoughts are going around in your head at this moment, and the moments before you walked in the door. Moments before you left the office, moments before and after you got off the phone with them throughout the day, which had you also thinking of why why why the conversation went the way it did, which was not to your liking, again.
And then, you spend perhaps too much time focusing on the relationship and the communication that is lacking in the relationship, when you both get home from the office and have time to sit down together to discuss the “fun for the weekend”… Obviously this conversation is not screaming “fun” as much as it is just simply “screaming.”
Why is this? We want it to work. We want it so badly to work.
(This is all hypothetical, because we all know we are all in the most effortless, loving, carefree and trusting relationship right now with our partners! I will tell you why I know this! Because everything is a state of mind, reality is our perception. So you can decide something is going to work, or not work. And obviously, all of our lives, my life especially, we have all decided up to now, that every relationship is going to succeed. We put our heart into all of them, with love, compassion, and a positive state of mind! Right? Of course, why would we have life any other way? We are most certainly not the common denominator to all the failed relationships, that would be silly.)
My point to this fictional example is that we may want something, so badly, but we are not putting the energy to good use.
If you look at something as negative, you will get only negative out of it.
If you consciously decided you were going to walk in the door, look at your partner in the eyes, take their hands, tell them you missed them so much, and they mean the world to you. You don’t know what you would do without them. You are so blessed to have them in your life, especially when things are tough, because who likes to go through tough times alone, I mean come on, that would be silly!
Do you think, perhaps you would get out of the relationship what you wanted?
Something positive. Like perhaps a kiss, even???
You can look at a pile of work on your desk, that Monday morning after the greatest weekend of your life, with your partner (if you so chose to bother coming back into the office, one more day of fun couldn’t hurt)- look at this work as the devil, or as the greatest challenge, and that you will succeed in accomplishing it. Even kick back with a glass or a bottle of red wine, after it is all done.
(Yes, on a Monday, and I use both a glass or a bottle, because I do not judge which one you chose, and we both know my choice, and I am not afraid to admit it. I work hard, and Monday’s can be crazy…)
What I am saying, and without pointing fingers, because if I were pointing fingers, and accidently stumbled by a mirror, there could be words, is that we all have to really come to term with things in our lives, and be honest with ourselves as to what needs to be done, BY US, for things to really go the way we want and deserve them to.
We can try again and again to blame others for the hardships, the struggles, the problems in our lives.
But for as many times as we do that, will be as many times as the hardships come back to haunt us.
I know, this is annoying.
I know for a fact looking back on every single instance in my life.
For all the times I thought something was going to be a struggle, guess what? IT WAS!
For all of the times, I decided “I am going to do this! Nothing and no one can stand in my way!” Guess What? I DID IT!
For all the times I feared I would fail? I DID!
For all the relationships I thought would end? THEY DID!
For all of the friendships that are and will be with me forever? THEY WILL!
So, think of it this way.
You can have what you want, and you can have it taken away.
It is up to you.
We will have times where things don’t go as planned.
And sometimes in life, we will get hurt, we will fall, and we will fall harder.
But remember this… You cannot control everything that happens in life, but you CAN control how you react to it.
So, if you are on your way home tonight, chose how you feel, what you are thinking, and chose best.
You can have a lovely weekend, a crappy weekend, it’s up to you.
So, don’t point the finger when you are upset with the course of your life, unless of course you are staring in front of a mirror.
Life is beautiful, if you say so!
LuCy sMiLeS
"PiEcE OuT!"
There is almost nothing more puzzling to me than when I see my list of things I want to accomplish… count out the hours in the day I have… divide it by the amount of time I need to allocate to these certain “to do’s”, press “equals”….. and?
Just as you would imagine, the magic number stares in front of me… but, it has a decimal in it.
I am not even sure what that means exactly.
So I am going to chalk it up to, “not enough time in the day!”
Like puzzles, we love to look at the big picture. We are mystified by its beauty and cannot wait to get there!
But, as well, like puzzles, it takes time, strategy and careful placement of the pieces, if we want to accomplish this task with enough time enough to actually look at it, enjoy it for what it is, and then, as we do, off to the next puzzle tackle!
We know, from watching our parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents- whoever had the addiction of tackling those large 1500 piece puzzles of New Hampshire, New England, New Foundland, and New Brunswick Houses or Scenery, bought for $0.50 at the neighbour’s garage sales- that there are certain strategies for piecing these puzzles together!
First, take a large cork or plywood piece of material, to keep this project safe and out of harms (or us rowdy nieces’ and grandchildrens’) way.
Start off with all the side and corner pieces; those are no-brainers.
“Piece out” all of the solid and dark distinguishable colours and shades.
Continue on, from the inside out, “piece out!”.
The main thing with these ever so enormous projects, whether it be the bargain basement priced puzzles, or your “to do “ lists; one thing matters above all else.
“Piece out” all that you have to do, and how you are going to do it!
Make your “to do list”, or “project list” like a puzzle to tackle.
Do the things first, that you know are the easiest, and that can be done effortlessly, and you can feel great checking them off your list, giving you the momentum to continue.
If you start off with the biggest project of them all, you will struggle, get disappointed, and sometimes quit from discouragement, leaving even the easiest of tasks undone.
If you have 5-8 easy things to do in a list of 20 things, but look at all of them at the same time, with everything else above them, still pending, of course your head is spinning.
If you have a goal, and no strategy to get you to accomplish it, you will be spending all of your very precious time pulling your hair; grinding your teeth; or my favorite- counting the holes in the plywood slats on the ceiling of my office- wondering if anyone would notice if I took 1 or 2 to use for my new hobby of 1500 piece puzzle I may pick up from the craft store on the way home, so I can feel productive since I have no idea how I am going to tackle this “to do” list I have been cringing over since what seems like forever….
I have seen enough scenic 1500 piece puzzles in my day, I can do without another, at least until I go home for the holidays.
So, don’t look at the whole picture, look at it step by step, and pat yourself on the back for accomplishing, each and every step.
Rome wasn’t built in a day!
And neither were the 1500 piece puzzles that depicted Roman Sculptures, or Roman Gods and Goddesses.
So, don’t act like you have to be a “God or Goddess”, but instead just be “good” at what you do, strive to be “even greater” with time, and work on the “greatest” strategy to get you to where you want to be.
Life is all about the journey- not the destination…
If it were the other way around, we would be buying 1500 puzzles, already pieced together. They would probably be more expensive, and who has money to spend on them or space for these honkin’ puzzles, when most of us have enough of a hassle trying to find enough income to afford, and space to hold our already existing belongings into our enormously expensive 550 sq ft downtown condos…
So, I would say focus on your “to do” lists, leave the puzzles for retirement, but don’t retire your projects until you have successfully completed them!
You can do it, just do it one day at a time.
And take a day or two off, too…
LuCy sMiLeS
Just as you would imagine, the magic number stares in front of me… but, it has a decimal in it.
I am not even sure what that means exactly.
So I am going to chalk it up to, “not enough time in the day!”
Like puzzles, we love to look at the big picture. We are mystified by its beauty and cannot wait to get there!
But, as well, like puzzles, it takes time, strategy and careful placement of the pieces, if we want to accomplish this task with enough time enough to actually look at it, enjoy it for what it is, and then, as we do, off to the next puzzle tackle!
We know, from watching our parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents- whoever had the addiction of tackling those large 1500 piece puzzles of New Hampshire, New England, New Foundland, and New Brunswick Houses or Scenery, bought for $0.50 at the neighbour’s garage sales- that there are certain strategies for piecing these puzzles together!
First, take a large cork or plywood piece of material, to keep this project safe and out of harms (or us rowdy nieces’ and grandchildrens’) way.
Start off with all the side and corner pieces; those are no-brainers.
“Piece out” all of the solid and dark distinguishable colours and shades.
Continue on, from the inside out, “piece out!”.
The main thing with these ever so enormous projects, whether it be the bargain basement priced puzzles, or your “to do “ lists; one thing matters above all else.
“Piece out” all that you have to do, and how you are going to do it!
Make your “to do list”, or “project list” like a puzzle to tackle.
Do the things first, that you know are the easiest, and that can be done effortlessly, and you can feel great checking them off your list, giving you the momentum to continue.
If you start off with the biggest project of them all, you will struggle, get disappointed, and sometimes quit from discouragement, leaving even the easiest of tasks undone.
If you have 5-8 easy things to do in a list of 20 things, but look at all of them at the same time, with everything else above them, still pending, of course your head is spinning.
If you have a goal, and no strategy to get you to accomplish it, you will be spending all of your very precious time pulling your hair; grinding your teeth; or my favorite- counting the holes in the plywood slats on the ceiling of my office- wondering if anyone would notice if I took 1 or 2 to use for my new hobby of 1500 piece puzzle I may pick up from the craft store on the way home, so I can feel productive since I have no idea how I am going to tackle this “to do” list I have been cringing over since what seems like forever….
I have seen enough scenic 1500 piece puzzles in my day, I can do without another, at least until I go home for the holidays.
So, don’t look at the whole picture, look at it step by step, and pat yourself on the back for accomplishing, each and every step.
Rome wasn’t built in a day!
And neither were the 1500 piece puzzles that depicted Roman Sculptures, or Roman Gods and Goddesses.
So, don’t act like you have to be a “God or Goddess”, but instead just be “good” at what you do, strive to be “even greater” with time, and work on the “greatest” strategy to get you to where you want to be.
Life is all about the journey- not the destination…
If it were the other way around, we would be buying 1500 puzzles, already pieced together. They would probably be more expensive, and who has money to spend on them or space for these honkin’ puzzles, when most of us have enough of a hassle trying to find enough income to afford, and space to hold our already existing belongings into our enormously expensive 550 sq ft downtown condos…
So, I would say focus on your “to do” lists, leave the puzzles for retirement, but don’t retire your projects until you have successfully completed them!
You can do it, just do it one day at a time.
And take a day or two off, too…
LuCy sMiLeS
Terms of Endearment
Proposals, employment agreements, confidential agreements, contracts, marriage licenses...
There are so many legal documents that we have signed, or have written either for ourselves, or for corporations and businesses where we are conducting business, or about to engage in relationships with other individuals, or groups. Whatever the case may be.
Have you ever thought of your contract with yourself? Agreements with you, as an individual?
Don't you think you are worthy of an agreement? A contract with yourself to be certain you are getting the appropriate respect, from you?
We are so busy being sure that everyone else is being taken care of, and making sure that all things are in order with all other relationships that we fail to pay attention to ourselves and what we mean to ourselves.
There is alot of love to go around right? But what about loving ourselves?
You know the saying "You can't love others if you don't love yourself first."
So, we need to draft up our "Terms of Endearment" Show our love and affection for oursleves, and then we are ready for the drafted agreements with others!
Terms with ourselves, knowing our worth. Terms of having some affection for ourselves.
Sound silly? So?
Seriously, doing this will change your mindset. "I AM" statements are what I survive on. If you don't put it in writing, you may as well forget about it.Instead of dreaming of all the things you want in life, write them down like you already have it, whatever it is... Write down what you are, what you have, and why you have it.
The biggest obstacle in the way of what we don't have that we want sooooo badly, is the WHY we want something.
If you want a family, kids, or even a car, a great creative job, but you don't know why you want it, you will not receive it. The universe doesn't play games with us. We are who plays games with "us"... You heard me, and it is true...
So think about what it is you want, make sure you really want it, understand specifically why you want it, and then write it down like you already have it.
For example "I am attracting the man/woman of my dreams who respects; loves and cherishes me for all that I am, and loves me unconditionally." Instead of "Why can't I meet the man/woman of my dreams?", or " Where have all the good men/women gone? I have given up on true love"...
Writing it down, making it real, and respecting your worth is crucial, because if you don't who is going to? And you have to wake up every day and read your "I AM " statements or it will get forgotten... Just like that bill from teh departments store, or crefdit card company, for that outfit, or electronic item that you purchased and have yet to pay for that keeps collecting interest.
They keep on calling you, just like your mind does, saying "where is the payment you know you bought it (or signed it) but you are not paying attention to the fact that you own this agreement, so pay attention, own it, and do something about it.
So say it like you mean it, and instead of having terms for contracts, agreements, and licenses for everyone else, put yourself first, and everything else in your life will fall into place.
We all have needs, and all our needs should and can very well be met.
But if you don't even have your own dotted line to sign on, to be signed off with your own and very unique signature, who is going to treat you like you are unique?
Signature tells us something special about someone. Including ourselves. Because we are in fact special, and should be treated as such.
So write it out, your own contract with yourself, sign sealed, and delivered...
You have control over your life. Success or failure is up to you, whether you chose to believe it or not.
You control how fortunate you are in your relationships with others, but most specifically yourself. You create your wealth with your effort, and being true to yourself is effortless, so just be and let thing be what they are.
LuCy sMiLeS
There are so many legal documents that we have signed, or have written either for ourselves, or for corporations and businesses where we are conducting business, or about to engage in relationships with other individuals, or groups. Whatever the case may be.
Have you ever thought of your contract with yourself? Agreements with you, as an individual?
Don't you think you are worthy of an agreement? A contract with yourself to be certain you are getting the appropriate respect, from you?
We are so busy being sure that everyone else is being taken care of, and making sure that all things are in order with all other relationships that we fail to pay attention to ourselves and what we mean to ourselves.
There is alot of love to go around right? But what about loving ourselves?
You know the saying "You can't love others if you don't love yourself first."
So, we need to draft up our "Terms of Endearment" Show our love and affection for oursleves, and then we are ready for the drafted agreements with others!
Terms with ourselves, knowing our worth. Terms of having some affection for ourselves.
Sound silly? So?
Seriously, doing this will change your mindset. "I AM" statements are what I survive on. If you don't put it in writing, you may as well forget about it.Instead of dreaming of all the things you want in life, write them down like you already have it, whatever it is... Write down what you are, what you have, and why you have it.
The biggest obstacle in the way of what we don't have that we want sooooo badly, is the WHY we want something.
If you want a family, kids, or even a car, a great creative job, but you don't know why you want it, you will not receive it. The universe doesn't play games with us. We are who plays games with "us"... You heard me, and it is true...
So think about what it is you want, make sure you really want it, understand specifically why you want it, and then write it down like you already have it.
For example "I am attracting the man/woman of my dreams who respects; loves and cherishes me for all that I am, and loves me unconditionally." Instead of "Why can't I meet the man/woman of my dreams?", or " Where have all the good men/women gone? I have given up on true love"...
Writing it down, making it real, and respecting your worth is crucial, because if you don't who is going to? And you have to wake up every day and read your "I AM " statements or it will get forgotten... Just like that bill from teh departments store, or crefdit card company, for that outfit, or electronic item that you purchased and have yet to pay for that keeps collecting interest.
They keep on calling you, just like your mind does, saying "where is the payment you know you bought it (or signed it) but you are not paying attention to the fact that you own this agreement, so pay attention, own it, and do something about it.
So say it like you mean it, and instead of having terms for contracts, agreements, and licenses for everyone else, put yourself first, and everything else in your life will fall into place.
We all have needs, and all our needs should and can very well be met.
But if you don't even have your own dotted line to sign on, to be signed off with your own and very unique signature, who is going to treat you like you are unique?
Signature tells us something special about someone. Including ourselves. Because we are in fact special, and should be treated as such.
So write it out, your own contract with yourself, sign sealed, and delivered...
You have control over your life. Success or failure is up to you, whether you chose to believe it or not.
You control how fortunate you are in your relationships with others, but most specifically yourself. You create your wealth with your effort, and being true to yourself is effortless, so just be and let thing be what they are.
LuCy sMiLeS
Brand New and better!
We live in a world where we are bombarded by brand labels, logos, taglines, and campaigns for products and services. You name it we can sell it!
As long as it sounds like it will save you time, make your life easier, it can be sold!
Millions and millions of dollars are spent a day, and hours and hours are spent with creative teams coming up with the best ideas, the best concepts, to perfect the image of these products and services.
Marketing is everywhere. You cannot walk the streets, without flashing lights or billboards, bus stops, and even buses themselves- many "vehicles" to entice you to buy yet another fabulous tool to enhance your lifestyle, or to save you time and energy to be able to finally focus on what is truly important. Things you have been neglecting, because you were too busy before, that things got left behind.
We are so "overwhlemed" with the day to day hustle and bustle, we will buy anything that will make our lives easier.Am I right?
But...when is it enough? When is it too much?
We have now, many tools for better, faster, easier communication.
Let me just see here:
Cell phones, which includes txting; we have msn; email... and I just realized, with blackberries, you can "pin"? MSN on blackberries? As if texting wasn't enough?
We do still have two way radios, which are still used, and the "pager", I think was tossed out of the window, as it failed to give us that instant response, like we are so fortunate to have now...
And, now the big one, "facebook!" We have so many ways of making life "easier" that we are now bombarded with too many communication options, we spend so much of our day controlling the volume of technoligical communication, there is not enough time in a day to get our actual work done! Let alone have actual and meaningful communication with our loved ones. Talking and conversing with people, face to face, as opposed to "facebook"?.
I was at a party for someone who was leaving to move on to build her career in Toronto, and as I was leaving, I heard one of her best friends say to her "Have a safe trip! Make sure you facebook me to let me know you got there safely!"
"Facebook me?"
Did I hear her right?
What ever happened to picking up a phone?
Don't get me wrong. I am on facebook; I love facebook! I am in touch with many people, who I may otherwise not be in touch with; family, friends, you name it!
However, there comes a point where we have to look at our communications, and the quality of it, and those in our lives, and see if this brand new way is actually better, or a burden.
At the end of the day, I love getting a phone call from someone, who was just thinking of me, and wanted to "hear my voice"...
So, next time you see a sign, a logo or a campaign for another commincation "genius concept", to make your life easier? Do me a favour.
Pick up your phone, or blackberry; spare me with the texting option, and call the first person that comes to mind. Tell them how important they are in your life, and how you just wanted to hear their voice.
Ya... with all the options we have in life, for better, faster, and easier communication being just fingertips away, for such affordable prices; do this one favour for me, for yourself, for that special person... And, when you end the conversation, email me; text me; pin me... hey, even msn or facebook me, and tell me the feeling isn't priceless.
We have no promise of tomorrow, no promise for any moment pass this one, so if, and please excuse me for being morbid; if anything were to happen to someone near and dear to you, I don't think you want to say to someone, "he or she was just fine, last time I "facebooked " them, rather than "last time we spoke".
LuCy sMiLeS
As long as it sounds like it will save you time, make your life easier, it can be sold!
Millions and millions of dollars are spent a day, and hours and hours are spent with creative teams coming up with the best ideas, the best concepts, to perfect the image of these products and services.
Marketing is everywhere. You cannot walk the streets, without flashing lights or billboards, bus stops, and even buses themselves- many "vehicles" to entice you to buy yet another fabulous tool to enhance your lifestyle, or to save you time and energy to be able to finally focus on what is truly important. Things you have been neglecting, because you were too busy before, that things got left behind.
We are so "overwhlemed" with the day to day hustle and bustle, we will buy anything that will make our lives easier.Am I right?
But...when is it enough? When is it too much?
We have now, many tools for better, faster, easier communication.
Let me just see here:
Cell phones, which includes txting; we have msn; email... and I just realized, with blackberries, you can "pin"? MSN on blackberries? As if texting wasn't enough?
We do still have two way radios, which are still used, and the "pager", I think was tossed out of the window, as it failed to give us that instant response, like we are so fortunate to have now...
And, now the big one, "facebook!" We have so many ways of making life "easier" that we are now bombarded with too many communication options, we spend so much of our day controlling the volume of technoligical communication, there is not enough time in a day to get our actual work done! Let alone have actual and meaningful communication with our loved ones. Talking and conversing with people, face to face, as opposed to "facebook"?.
I was at a party for someone who was leaving to move on to build her career in Toronto, and as I was leaving, I heard one of her best friends say to her "Have a safe trip! Make sure you facebook me to let me know you got there safely!"
"Facebook me?"
Did I hear her right?
What ever happened to picking up a phone?
Don't get me wrong. I am on facebook; I love facebook! I am in touch with many people, who I may otherwise not be in touch with; family, friends, you name it!
However, there comes a point where we have to look at our communications, and the quality of it, and those in our lives, and see if this brand new way is actually better, or a burden.
At the end of the day, I love getting a phone call from someone, who was just thinking of me, and wanted to "hear my voice"...
So, next time you see a sign, a logo or a campaign for another commincation "genius concept", to make your life easier? Do me a favour.
Pick up your phone, or blackberry; spare me with the texting option, and call the first person that comes to mind. Tell them how important they are in your life, and how you just wanted to hear their voice.
Ya... with all the options we have in life, for better, faster, and easier communication being just fingertips away, for such affordable prices; do this one favour for me, for yourself, for that special person... And, when you end the conversation, email me; text me; pin me... hey, even msn or facebook me, and tell me the feeling isn't priceless.
We have no promise of tomorrow, no promise for any moment pass this one, so if, and please excuse me for being morbid; if anything were to happen to someone near and dear to you, I don't think you want to say to someone, "he or she was just fine, last time I "facebooked " them, rather than "last time we spoke".
LuCy sMiLeS
Step up to the Plate! BATTERS UP
Ah to be young again! LOL!!!
Remember soccer-baseball, when we were kids?
I loved playing soccer-baseball, over regular baseball… My kick was much stronger than my batter’s arm.
When you think of it, either game, you get what you put into it. If you focus, really assess the move, and think positively.
If you kick hard enough (or swing- your call), you have enough time to run all bases, and slide in for a home run.
But, you have to first be willing to step up to the plate.
Weak kicks and swings, and bad aims, and you could be left humiliated.
I was one of those rather short tiny girls, who would continuously sneak her way to the back of the line as it would be in procession.
I was so afraid to step up to the plate in front of the whole class!
What if my aim sucked, what if I miss it altogether? Every try!
What if the whole entire game, every single time I go up, the same thing happens over and over, and I just fail, look like an idiot in front of my friends, who are playing so much better than me, know all the terminology, and I am not even sure if my swing, or kick was legit! Do I keep going, is it ok for me to run? Is it a foul ball, or am I good to go? Help me out here, I am lost!
Lost in the middle of a field, surrounded by people laughing at me!
“Go back, GO BACK …”No, go forward, run, dummy!” … “Second base, advance, you can make it, it’s in!”… “No, she is out”
Ever have that happen?
Just when you think you can run from the game altogether; put well enough behind you, there are still moments in life, where you really feel like a deer in headlights, with no where to turn.
You are not sure which way is up and which way is down! You look to others for advice, but one person’s saying one thing, another person saying another, and now you have both people going throat to throat in their own dispute over who’s right and who’s wrong.
So you run to the parking lot, hop in your car, and make a run for it, off field!
But, driving, you’ve got objects in your emotion blind spot, your mental rear view mirror is obstructed, and you just want to slam on the breaks, run out of the car, dodge traffic, dodge balls, whatever is coming your way. You just want to be far away from it! All of it!
It happens, often. Often, and to a lot of us. All of us, even. No one person is different, when it comes to stepping up to the plate… We all have had the same crappy batter’s arm.
The difference is some of us decide to practice, and even to perfect, where others decide to run, run as far away for a ball diamond as possible, never picking up a bat to begin with.
We make decisions in life that allow us to hide. We don’t take a high profile job that we are completely capable of, we stay in relationships that are mediocre at best, because then we don’t need to take accountability for things in our lives, that we, ourselves need to work on. Because it’s not “us”, it’s the crappy job; it’s the unreliable spouse, etc…
We would much rather live a life of just getting by, not trying to go that extra mile, run for that extra base, when it is rightfully ours, and most times, when we know we can make it! We allow the voices inside our heads to take over, and we rationalize why we have decided to stay put. We make excuse after excuse, to hide in the line, so we don’t have to take the bat, kick the ball, or run the field.
My advice?
Step up to the plate, take a swing! What do you have to lose, really?
You have to take risks- put yourself out there, even if it means to get hurt.
There is no such thing as “almost doing something.”
Almost doing something, means: YOU DIDN”T DO IT!
I would much rather try and fail, and say “I did”, then say I never even tried.
So step up to the plate! It’s your bat, own it!
LuCy sMiLeS
Remember soccer-baseball, when we were kids?
I loved playing soccer-baseball, over regular baseball… My kick was much stronger than my batter’s arm.
When you think of it, either game, you get what you put into it. If you focus, really assess the move, and think positively.
If you kick hard enough (or swing- your call), you have enough time to run all bases, and slide in for a home run.
But, you have to first be willing to step up to the plate.
Weak kicks and swings, and bad aims, and you could be left humiliated.
I was one of those rather short tiny girls, who would continuously sneak her way to the back of the line as it would be in procession.
I was so afraid to step up to the plate in front of the whole class!
What if my aim sucked, what if I miss it altogether? Every try!
What if the whole entire game, every single time I go up, the same thing happens over and over, and I just fail, look like an idiot in front of my friends, who are playing so much better than me, know all the terminology, and I am not even sure if my swing, or kick was legit! Do I keep going, is it ok for me to run? Is it a foul ball, or am I good to go? Help me out here, I am lost!
Lost in the middle of a field, surrounded by people laughing at me!
“Go back, GO BACK …”No, go forward, run, dummy!” … “Second base, advance, you can make it, it’s in!”… “No, she is out”
Ever have that happen?
Just when you think you can run from the game altogether; put well enough behind you, there are still moments in life, where you really feel like a deer in headlights, with no where to turn.
You are not sure which way is up and which way is down! You look to others for advice, but one person’s saying one thing, another person saying another, and now you have both people going throat to throat in their own dispute over who’s right and who’s wrong.
So you run to the parking lot, hop in your car, and make a run for it, off field!
But, driving, you’ve got objects in your emotion blind spot, your mental rear view mirror is obstructed, and you just want to slam on the breaks, run out of the car, dodge traffic, dodge balls, whatever is coming your way. You just want to be far away from it! All of it!
It happens, often. Often, and to a lot of us. All of us, even. No one person is different, when it comes to stepping up to the plate… We all have had the same crappy batter’s arm.
The difference is some of us decide to practice, and even to perfect, where others decide to run, run as far away for a ball diamond as possible, never picking up a bat to begin with.
We make decisions in life that allow us to hide. We don’t take a high profile job that we are completely capable of, we stay in relationships that are mediocre at best, because then we don’t need to take accountability for things in our lives, that we, ourselves need to work on. Because it’s not “us”, it’s the crappy job; it’s the unreliable spouse, etc…
We would much rather live a life of just getting by, not trying to go that extra mile, run for that extra base, when it is rightfully ours, and most times, when we know we can make it! We allow the voices inside our heads to take over, and we rationalize why we have decided to stay put. We make excuse after excuse, to hide in the line, so we don’t have to take the bat, kick the ball, or run the field.
My advice?
Step up to the plate, take a swing! What do you have to lose, really?
You have to take risks- put yourself out there, even if it means to get hurt.
There is no such thing as “almost doing something.”
Almost doing something, means: YOU DIDN”T DO IT!
I would much rather try and fail, and say “I did”, then say I never even tried.
So step up to the plate! It’s your bat, own it!
LuCy sMiLeS
Hindsight is 20/20

If everything was clear at the moment we made decisions,
there would be a lot of experiences
in our lives that we would not have experienced.
The progression in our lives is a result of our decisions,
our choices, be them tiny or highly impactful.
No in between. No skipping a step.
There is no magic door, that you can open and walk through that allows you to get to a better place,
without having to walk the walk and talk the talk, and journey through not so nice places, dependent on the path you chose.
Make your decisions, and own them, base them on what you feel is right at the time, that’s all you have to base them on!
You cannot ask the “you “ ten days from now which answer is the right one.
Know that you will perhaps look back soon, and shake your head…
Later still, you may look back, and stomp your feet in anger!
Or laugh with humiliation!
If this is the case, then promise yourself not to make such hasty or irresponsible decisions going forward…
But know darn well, there may be many more to come.
Nobody is perfect.
You can look back and question or regret your decisions, which will lead you nowhere.
Or you can look at where you stand, stand as tall as you can, and focus forward.
Either way, this is where you are right now, enjoy it, it’s all yours.
LuCy sMiLeS
Extended version
If everything was clear at the moment we made decisions, there would be a lot of experiences in our lives that, well, would have not been experienced.
And that's no fun!
I look back on the year, now, as we nestle into Fall, my favorite time of year!
I can definitely see why I am where I am now; how I got here; who that girl was who walked me here; and why she left, as soon as she knew I made it here, safely.
She’s great, don’t get me wrong, but the girl’s got issues!
Seriously, though. We need to step back and understand that we get to where we are, from where we came from.
No in between.
No skipping a step.
There is no magic door, that you can open and walk through that allows you to get to a better place, without having to walk the walk and talk the talk.
pro•gres•sion prəˈgrɛʃ É™n - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pruh-gresh-uh n] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the act of progressing; forward or onward movement.
2. a passing successively from one member of a series to the next; succession; sequence.
3. Mathematics. a succession of quantities in which there is a constant relation between each member and the one succeeding it.
4. Music. the manner in which chords or melodic tones follow one another; a succession of chords or tones.
5. Astrology. any of a variety of methods of comparing the natal chart to subsequent planetary positions in order to establish an optimum time to accomplish things or to establish the probable time an event occurred or will occur.
You see, everything in life is a step toward something next.
Unless of course you are jumping off a mountain, bridge, or skydiving out of a plane, in which case, all the power to you, and good on ya for taking that ever so risky leap!
You can read the rest if you make it down safely!
But, you get what I mean…
I also love how they added astrology to the definition of progression, so for all of you out there who don’t believe us women are completely affected by the full moon, and the stars alignments with the universe? Well, we have every right to be a bit “more” crazy on and just before, AND JUST AFTER the full moon, so cut us some slack, will ya?
(Yes, we will use any excuse for our temper/ attitude, whatever it is you call it)
And FYI- the full moon next falls a week from today, Wednesday September 26, 2007.
So the full week is pretty much a write-off for us “ladies”, in case you get confused…
What I am trying to say, is that looking back, on the decisions I have made to get to this point, well…. At the time seemed wonderful, and clear…
Days and weeks later?
Seemed interesting, and at some points, peculiar…
Months later? I wondered what the heck I could have possibly been thinking!
And now…
So, make your decisions, base them on what you feel is right at the time, that’s all you have to base them on!
Know that you will perhaps look back soon, shake your head… later still, you may look back, and stomp your feet in anger! Or laugh you’re a** off with humiliation!
But know this… there will come a time, where something will happen, or enough time will pass, where you will understand, or “simply see clearly~ 20/20, if you will~ as to why you did what you did.
And if this is not the case? Well, chalk it up to “it must have been a FULL MOON”; promise yourself not to make such hasty or irresponsible decisions going forward, know darn well, there will be many more to come, yes, many more crazy decisions will be made!
So, wear the Rose Coloured Glasses that look so good on you!
Just enjoy life!
BUT be sure to change the frames, will you? The season has changed, and so should they; to wear your summer frames through to Fall is a Fashion Faux Pas!
Make some mistakes along the way, but at least look good making them!
LuCy sMiLeS
The way "I SEE IT!!!"
We spend alot of time reading others opinions, and views of things, and then "self reflecting"... I have been drinking so much coffee lately... and of course, like you, when I buy from Starbucks, I read "The Way I see it"#...
I read this very interesting #275, which I have actually received 3 times this past weekend, quite literally.
And when I read it, I said to myself, "This is actually the way I SEE IT!" This could have very well been MY "The Way I SEE IT!"
It is wonderful to be exposed to others views on life, because, just as with relationships with others, it is a chance for us to see inside of ourselves.
We are always testing our own views when we reflect on the views of others. Either we agree, disagree, or are indifferent- having no interest in the subject altogether.
One thing I have learned to do; one way that I "SEE IT" is to not SEE IT in my perspective at all, for once. Take a break from my own opinion; experience, and understanding of something, and really "listen" to what others have to say.
We spend so much time sitting, and having conversations with others, staring right into their eyes, but all the while evaluating in our heads how we feel about them, their opinion, what they are saying, how they are saying it... what they look like while they are saying it, and what they must be thinking of us, and what WE look like; what we think about what they are saying, while they are saying it!
Confused? GOOD! You should be!
Stop worrying so much about what you think, and really get to know others! Make a point to listen, learn and experience building relationsips based not one what you think, and feel, but on what the other person thinks and feels.
Rememeber the song:
"Getting to know you....Getting to know all about you!
Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me...."
Well, what we have done, in this dyslexic version of this thing called "life", is screwed up the lyrics to this song, and created a complicated process of making friends, building relationships, by basing it all on our own views first, when all we really had to do is care, see things for what they are, people for who they are! Not for what we see, and what we want things and people to be.
So the way "I SEE IT", is to look at "it", whatever "IT" is, and take it as it is.
Hey, we have the whole rest of the relationship to fight over who's right and who's wrong, right?
Of course I'm right...
LuCy sMiLeS
I read this very interesting #275, which I have actually received 3 times this past weekend, quite literally.
And when I read it, I said to myself, "This is actually the way I SEE IT!" This could have very well been MY "The Way I SEE IT!"
It is wonderful to be exposed to others views on life, because, just as with relationships with others, it is a chance for us to see inside of ourselves.
We are always testing our own views when we reflect on the views of others. Either we agree, disagree, or are indifferent- having no interest in the subject altogether.
One thing I have learned to do; one way that I "SEE IT" is to not SEE IT in my perspective at all, for once. Take a break from my own opinion; experience, and understanding of something, and really "listen" to what others have to say.
We spend so much time sitting, and having conversations with others, staring right into their eyes, but all the while evaluating in our heads how we feel about them, their opinion, what they are saying, how they are saying it... what they look like while they are saying it, and what they must be thinking of us, and what WE look like; what we think about what they are saying, while they are saying it!
Confused? GOOD! You should be!
Stop worrying so much about what you think, and really get to know others! Make a point to listen, learn and experience building relationsips based not one what you think, and feel, but on what the other person thinks and feels.
Rememeber the song:
"Getting to know you....Getting to know all about you!
Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me...."
Well, what we have done, in this dyslexic version of this thing called "life", is screwed up the lyrics to this song, and created a complicated process of making friends, building relationships, by basing it all on our own views first, when all we really had to do is care, see things for what they are, people for who they are! Not for what we see, and what we want things and people to be.
So the way "I SEE IT", is to look at "it", whatever "IT" is, and take it as it is.
Hey, we have the whole rest of the relationship to fight over who's right and who's wrong, right?
Of course I'm right...
LuCy sMiLeS
Who do you want to be?
What do you want to do?
When did you decide this?
Where do you need to go to be this?
Why are you not there?
How can you get there?
Don't get me wrong, many of us are there; and for that let's be grateful, and live life by their example.
If you are the select few, then comment on this, so we can learn, seriously.
And if you are not there yet, keep reading.
You may be just simple steps away.
Grab a piece of paper, cut it in as many pieces as your favorite number!
If your favorite number is under 5, cut it in your favorite number x 2, lol.
Now, write down all the characters, habits, relationships or experiences that you are carrying with you that are "OBSTACLES" in front of you and the door that would easily open you up to the place that will allow you TO BE IT, ALL OF IT, ALL OF WHAT YOU WANT TO BE...
I never said this was easy but as the saying goes, and I didn't make this one up;
"It takes just as much energy to tread water as it does to swim forward"
I learned a precious lesson recently,that has allowed me to re-evaluate what I have placed in my life, and whether or not it was allowing me to swim forward, or if I was just using all my energy, all of my breath to tread just in order to keep myself afloat, carrying the weights on my shoulders.
"If it doesn't help you grow- IT'S GOTTA GO!"
Simple... Simple? Simple. Period.
Now, take those pieces of paper, that I trust you wrote on, because "A prayer without action is useless", and none of you reading this are useless, and therefore your prayers need action....
Take those papers, write on the back of each; a new character, habit, relationship or experience you will replace it with.
And, lastly, SMILE.. Smiles are contagious, take little energy, and they make the world go around.
And if anything, someone may notice it, and smile back at you.
Who knows? It could lead into one of those new and beautiful relationships you have decided to create for yourself in your life.
Trust me on this one;)
LuCy sMiLeS, seeing, doing and being...
What do you want to do?
When did you decide this?
Where do you need to go to be this?
Why are you not there?
How can you get there?
Don't get me wrong, many of us are there; and for that let's be grateful, and live life by their example.
If you are the select few, then comment on this, so we can learn, seriously.
And if you are not there yet, keep reading.
You may be just simple steps away.
Grab a piece of paper, cut it in as many pieces as your favorite number!
If your favorite number is under 5, cut it in your favorite number x 2, lol.
Now, write down all the characters, habits, relationships or experiences that you are carrying with you that are "OBSTACLES" in front of you and the door that would easily open you up to the place that will allow you TO BE IT, ALL OF IT, ALL OF WHAT YOU WANT TO BE...
I never said this was easy but as the saying goes, and I didn't make this one up;
"It takes just as much energy to tread water as it does to swim forward"
I learned a precious lesson recently,that has allowed me to re-evaluate what I have placed in my life, and whether or not it was allowing me to swim forward, or if I was just using all my energy, all of my breath to tread just in order to keep myself afloat, carrying the weights on my shoulders.
"If it doesn't help you grow- IT'S GOTTA GO!"
Simple... Simple? Simple. Period.
Now, take those pieces of paper, that I trust you wrote on, because "A prayer without action is useless", and none of you reading this are useless, and therefore your prayers need action....
Take those papers, write on the back of each; a new character, habit, relationship or experience you will replace it with.
And, lastly, SMILE.. Smiles are contagious, take little energy, and they make the world go around.
And if anything, someone may notice it, and smile back at you.
Who knows? It could lead into one of those new and beautiful relationships you have decided to create for yourself in your life.
Trust me on this one;)
LuCy sMiLeS, seeing, doing and being...
Promise of a Moment
The sky so clear and blue that day,
Changed lives from all around.
From laughs and smiles; to weeps and cries
A frightening change of sound.
To have tomorrow given? Not a promise- we can attest.
As the world sat back and watched Heroism at its best.
Our lives are precious moments, given for us to love and share
Knowing it can be taken away; whether we want to believe in this as fair.
Take the promise of a moment given to you to be grateful for, and say…
… a prayer for those who passed on as a result of that tragic day.
Though many dreams were shattered, and this loss was great to bare.
Take away a lesson of importance for immediate action in your care.
Don’t wait until tomorrow, to do and say what’s in your heart.
For “now”, we know, this promise of a moment, is the greatest time to start.
LuCy sMiLes.. and prays for all of the heroes of September 11…
Changed lives from all around.
From laughs and smiles; to weeps and cries
A frightening change of sound.
To have tomorrow given? Not a promise- we can attest.
As the world sat back and watched Heroism at its best.
Our lives are precious moments, given for us to love and share
Knowing it can be taken away; whether we want to believe in this as fair.
Take the promise of a moment given to you to be grateful for, and say…
… a prayer for those who passed on as a result of that tragic day.
Though many dreams were shattered, and this loss was great to bare.
Take away a lesson of importance for immediate action in your care.
Don’t wait until tomorrow, to do and say what’s in your heart.
For “now”, we know, this promise of a moment, is the greatest time to start.
LuCy sMiLes.. and prays for all of the heroes of September 11…
Deal or No Deal?
When we make decisions, we tend to base them on decisions, and results we have been exposed to in the past.
We think that all we know is from what others have shown us as real.
This goes for everything. What career is right, relationship dynamics that are appropriate, and personal spiritual beliefs that should be practiced.
We have choices, and we create our own destiny, but by looking back, and examining those choices that we have seen being made by others.
And we base our lives on this.
“Look! She did this, and look what she got, because of it!”
“He decided this was right for him, and so he changed this, and bought this, giving him all of this, but he lost this along the way, because of it…hmmmm, I won’t make that mistake!”
It reminds me of card playing.
Deal or no Deal?
We have hands being dealt day in and day out.
We examine our hand, and decide, if it is good enough; if we should fold; if it looks good, but there could be more; so we hit for another card, and see if there is something better to come.
All the while hoping that the “card” will be in our favour.
If it is? We jump for joy with pride( ~really, it is our arrogant ego~) for we have struck luck!
If it is NOT in our favour, we may wallow in the fact that we made the wrong choice, and we wish so dearly, that we could go back and choose to NOT be hit with one more card.
What if… and I am going out on a stretch here… What if we can create our own hand, with any card we like, and as many cards as we like. Creating a hand that is completely in our favour? Not right or wrong, as we have been taught by others with hands before us. But instead, right just for us, because we own the hand, we create it, with decisions based on our own experiences, and what is right for us.
How can we expect to enjoy a hand, that is someone else’s?
No one person is the same. No one person can be happy with exactly what another person has in their lives.
We need to take advantage of the fact that we own our card hand, and we can change it whenever, however we like.
Add a card; take away a card; switch a card for another, when we feel the time is right; or just not deal at all for a while, take a break.
Create a hand that is right for you.
Don’t’ worry about the cards your neighbor is holding.
You need not be influenced by what others are thinking and feeling, and creating.
Be influenced by your thoughts and feelings and creations coming from your heart.
That is the “Heart of Life.” Your life…
LuCy sMiLeS
We think that all we know is from what others have shown us as real.
This goes for everything. What career is right, relationship dynamics that are appropriate, and personal spiritual beliefs that should be practiced.
We have choices, and we create our own destiny, but by looking back, and examining those choices that we have seen being made by others.
And we base our lives on this.
“Look! She did this, and look what she got, because of it!”
“He decided this was right for him, and so he changed this, and bought this, giving him all of this, but he lost this along the way, because of it…hmmmm, I won’t make that mistake!”
It reminds me of card playing.
Deal or no Deal?
We have hands being dealt day in and day out.
We examine our hand, and decide, if it is good enough; if we should fold; if it looks good, but there could be more; so we hit for another card, and see if there is something better to come.
All the while hoping that the “card” will be in our favour.
If it is? We jump for joy with pride( ~really, it is our arrogant ego~) for we have struck luck!
If it is NOT in our favour, we may wallow in the fact that we made the wrong choice, and we wish so dearly, that we could go back and choose to NOT be hit with one more card.
What if… and I am going out on a stretch here… What if we can create our own hand, with any card we like, and as many cards as we like. Creating a hand that is completely in our favour? Not right or wrong, as we have been taught by others with hands before us. But instead, right just for us, because we own the hand, we create it, with decisions based on our own experiences, and what is right for us.
How can we expect to enjoy a hand, that is someone else’s?
No one person is the same. No one person can be happy with exactly what another person has in their lives.
We need to take advantage of the fact that we own our card hand, and we can change it whenever, however we like.
Add a card; take away a card; switch a card for another, when we feel the time is right; or just not deal at all for a while, take a break.
Create a hand that is right for you.
Don’t’ worry about the cards your neighbor is holding.
You need not be influenced by what others are thinking and feeling, and creating.
Be influenced by your thoughts and feelings and creations coming from your heart.
That is the “Heart of Life.” Your life…
LuCy sMiLeS
Let's "Take it From the Top", shall we?

Worrying is pointless.
Crumple it up,
throw it away, these disturbing
thoughts we torment ourselves with!
It is time to admit we know the great answers
to our own life’s “mysteries”
and shout them out, in placement of the worry.
We all have our own answers, that will
allow us to be as wonderful as we can be, SO BE IT!!!
Love yourself, and all that you are worth, which
is everything you want to be.
No one can take that from us, but us!
No one tells us to worry, it is all in our heads, manifested by us for us.
And just as we can decide to stress and live with anxiety- we can just as easily decide not to!
Own the answers that will take YOU to the top... That is where the view is best, and you deserve to see life for all it has to offer!
So, "Let's Take it from the Top", shall we?
LuCy sMiLeS
Love yourself, you are worth everything!
Lovely, lovely lovely!
Remember this!
Remember how easy it is to be the best you that you can be!
All this means is JUST BE!
The worrying you do is pointless!
Crumple it up, throw it away!
Stop acting like you are clueless to the answers and shout them out!
Don't be afraid to have them; but instead, own them!!!
They are all yours, no one can take them away!
Everyone has their own answers, they need not yours.
You are allowed to be as wonderful as you are!
No one can take that from you BUT YOU!
Your friends love you, and any questionable people in your life are people just questioning themselves.
That is their journey, not yours, so leave them to it.
Look for the answers that will take YOU to the top of the mountain.
That is where the view is best, and you deserve to see life for all it has to offer!
So, "Let's Take it from the Top", shall we?
LuCy sMiLeS
"From the Top"
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