Our childhoods were filled with so many messages, so many
powerful and sometimes overwhelming lessons.
What our childhood has taught us, will bring us forth into the
reality of how we live, now, in a sense, since what we learned then,
has shaped many of our thoughts, today.
But just as we have the power to think,
we have the power to change our thoughts.
Once we see what it is that we are carrying forward,
and how it affects our daily lives, and our daily relationships,
whether professionally or personally; we can then decide
what it is that we want, and what blocks from past
belief are holding us back from true success!
We all have a past, we all have tragic stories, dark moments,
and many memories we wish to leave in the dark.
But the truth being, we can take any experience,
from then and use it to our advantage now.
If we lived a life where we were never shaken,
where we were not pushed to the limits,
then we would not be able to see our strength that
carries us through these times, to a world of limitless opportunities.
Every past experience, even every supposed tragic turn for the “worst”
will begin to make sense if we look long enough and look hard enough…
And once you change the way you look at things, things will in fact change…
Instead of saying someone did something or something happened “TO YOU”,
change your view to someone did something, or something happened “FOR YOU”
and now begin to see how this changes your views.
LuCy sMiLeS
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