We love when others surprise us with a kind gesture, and act of appreciation, or an offering of some sort to be shown how much we are cared for.
As it is nice to receive such great things, it is just as wonderful a feeling to give!
When we are thoughtful, and take the time to express our gratitude, it brings up our energy and allows us to feel more alive, and positive- naturally.
Just as healthy as it is to give out and receive, we must take note of what we are feeding our minds and thus receiving and living out as a result.
Man is his own best friend, and his own worst enemy.
We are very aware that we live and breathe through our thoughts.
Think about it!
What we think, we then believe, whether true or untrue- and we then react and live out.
Whatever you chose to think may be limiting you from what may be right in front of your very eyes!
How many times have you over reacted about something, before communicating to someone involved; created a whole story in your head, only to find out all was absolutely absurd?
In order to live a life of abundance, love, compassion and genuine care, we must take care and be mindful of each and everything we think about.
As there is a book in all of us; a life story that can be written- it’s crucial while creating our wonderful autobiography, that we are not writing too much fiction, and drama, as the story of our lives are the stories of our minds…
What do you want your story to be about?
LuCy sMiLeS
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