Shuck It!

Remember the old saying “The World is My Oyster?”

What did this mean exactly?

Many would believe it meant as diverse as one with money having all the opportunity… to the world being openly available to any who took the opportunity to be open to it!

We all know a select one or two people who reputedly seem to strike all the luck!
But as luck would have it, we all have the power to surround ourselves with all the riches we can ever imagine!

What is “rich” to you, however?
This is the key to unlocking the barriers, or to “shucking” the oyster of which the jewel you rightly deserve, resides.

And even more so, it is imperative to understand, that though we must be open to the receiving of assistance and recognition of those who help us on our path, guiding us as we break down our beliefs holding us back; we must be willing to shuck our own oyster.

Not only is it a feeling of euphoria once we have reached the riches beyond our wildest dreams…

The riches lies within our being the owner of our path to riches.
So: Know “the world is your oyster” and…

LuCy sMiLeS

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