Take a moment for yourself…
What things, people and circumstances do you not
even think twice to add to your life’s pile,
not even realizing that you have a choice in the matter,
to add only to this pile all that will help you on your path to the best you…
When we start our day, when we wake to new breath; new heartbeats-
ever so blessed to be given- we must not
only savor the moments given to us,
but cherish the choice to pick and
chose what comes and goes in our lives.
Both to keep with us what will allow growth, and to let go
what hinders our successes… and that is ok…
Much of what we keep, we may be doing so as programmed belief that
we are obligated to hold on to such things… when in truth we should
see the obligation in the release of such things that deter us from
being the most amazing us we can ever imagine being.
We are the writers of the “Press Release” of our lives,
and what we wish to include in our stories, we must take ownership for.
And at any time, we are also entitled to edit, making additions,
and also delete any statements that no longer hold true for us.
Only when we are able and willing to press “release”
on these buttons that are being pressed by us, inhibiting our growth,
are we able to open our hearts to the beauty- first and foremost within-
and now radiating out into the world to show others,
from our experience, with love, what it means to pursue the real you.
LuCy sMiLeS
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