It’s no surprise that we walk around wondering; worried what other people are thinking of us.
We have, since before we can remember, felt this pressure, many of us- to conform to specific beliefs, to go “with the crowd”… or feel as though we must act in a way that will generally be accepted as normal.
There are as well, many of us who like to go against the grain, and who, perhaps have set the stage for these so called beliefs, in which, the others soon have followed.
So, once we start to lead a more “aware” life, and begin a shift in transforming into recognizing that we are not simply here to enjoy the material aspects of which our lives exist in; but rather, to enjoy life, and the energy that it entails, as intangible… we may fear this sense of no longer belonging.
It may sound strange. Can living more spiritually, and more aware result in feeling less accepted?
Are we not now learning to accept ourselves; to find true love for ourselves- whereas before we looked to others for acceptance and approval?
Aren’t we now at a higher playing field, now that we are living on a higher plane?
Wouldn’t this mean a more calm and serene understanding of life, and what we can enjoy from it, rather than what we can get from others?
But making a change in our lives, though so immensely positive; we have again the pressure of being “out of the norm” to many of whom we communicate with.
No one said change it easy, but to take the step toward personal growth and understanding of what great opportunities will come out of living the best “us” we can be, we must make the decision- what is best for us- even if it seems to fail to meet the consensus of those around us.
For me- I’ll be the judge of that!
LuCy sMiLeS
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