“I have a dream…” Martin Luther King Jr.
How many of us have
dreams that we wish to ignite into reality?
How many of us do not believe ourselves
worthy enough to go forward; to take an
energy from deep with in our hearts;
that will enable us the power to bring
about into our life, into our waking days,
what we may only believe is alive in the
dark hours of our sleeping subconscious?
We all have dreams, we all have aspirations…
Some of us share two or a few with others we are close to.
Some of our dreams are so diverse, so unique,
that we may perhaps lock them into our programs
as too outrageous to share.
There is no dream too daring to draw out;
there is no passion so preposterous
that we should hold it in…
We need more of us, we need all of us to grab a hold of life!
Let’s all fill it with as many of our dreams as we can physically fill life with.
And just when we think we are fulfilled?
Let’s fill life with yet one more fulfilled dream still!
LuCy sMiLeS
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