Works For Me!
We are often asked what is it that will makes us happy, and fulfilled in our lives.
This can get us to stop, and think. To evaluate our life’s surroundings, and put in perspective what true happiness is. Before we are ready to understand that which makes us happy, we must look at why we may not be feeling this sense of fulfillment at this very moment. What might we need to shift, or change, in order for the happiness to find it’s way though?
Before we can look out for happiness, we must look in, and check in, on all that we are as it is, right now.
We have such great friends and supporters in our lives- so caring and willing to offer us so many opportunities and possibilities that may possibly lead us to the very happiness in which we search... We must also remember- within us whether or not we may feel lost and scared- are the answers ready to come to us, when we are ready to receive them.
So do what works, for you, at any time, and walk through, continuing to follow your heart- even if it seems to be walking towards darkness; you can rest assured, the light is always waiting for you, once you are ready for it. Do what works for “you”, and never lose sight of your passions. Never lose trust, love, and belief in always being taken care of, no matter how hard things may seem at the time.
You are always simply “where you are” in order to be ready to get to “where you are going”….
And only you know where that is.
~LuCy sMiLeS~
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.
The Lord has promised good to me...
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be...
as long as life endures.
When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun.
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
Opening Statement
It is interesting, I have learned, how so much of our day all throughout, is simply a reaction and a continuation of thoughts manifested from the very early moments.
Right when we open our eyes, and take our first breath in the morning, we have planned each and every moment thereafter.
How do you start your day?
What are your opening statements to yourself?
Positive excitement?
Pessimistic resistance?
Though situations that come up will change our thoughts, and reactions as we proceed, hour to hour, how we initially react to things, will be triggered from our subconcious tapes, dependent on how we felt bright and early...
By waking up, and creating a positive energy- whether it be meditation, walking, reading, eating a healthy breakfast, or personal mantras to manifest magic in our days, we can make the day be however we see fit.
So, it is important to remember: yes, if things don't go according to plan, they certainly can get better, but if we can take a moment, and make it the best from the beginning, imagine the possibilities!
Any arguments?
LuCy sMiLeS
"Right Turn Only"
What is a typical day like, for you?
If we reflect after a days worth of hard work, commuting, communications; whether personal or professional, meal breaks, coffee breaks, perhaps “mental & physical breakdowns” due to all of the above- we may see a pattern that is worth taking a closer look at.
Though all that we must get accomplished in a day is not only taxing, tedious, and many times tiring- our views on it are what makes it so.
Most of what flies around our minds, while we are flying around our houses, and our hometowns, trying to achieve as much as we can- is that we second guess if we are spending our time wisely… We always have in our minds a question of whether or not we are doing the right thing. What should we being doing instead?
Rather than attacking ourselves not only for struggling with the tasks at hand, but struggling with whether or not the other handful of household, and other duties should be attacked instead; we must without a fight, allow for acceptance in what we are doing. Trust that your life is being lived just as it should be.
We have enough going on in the day, the last thing we need to do is spend the extra time we have wondering if we lived our day the right way.
There is only one way to go, and it’s always the right way.
And you cannot see clearly all the amazing signs in front of you, if you are occupying your vision staring in the rear view mirror…
So when you come to a crossroads, and you don’t know which way to go, remember to simply follow the signs…
“Right Turn Only”
LuCy sMiLeS
How Thoughtful!
We love when others surprise us with a kind gesture, and act of appreciation, or an offering of some sort to be shown how much we are cared for.
As it is nice to receive such great things, it is just as wonderful a feeling to give!
When we are thoughtful, and take the time to express our gratitude, it brings up our energy and allows us to feel more alive, and positive- naturally.
Just as healthy as it is to give out and receive, we must take note of what we are feeding our minds and thus receiving and living out as a result.
Man is his own best friend, and his own worst enemy.
We are very aware that we live and breathe through our thoughts.
Think about it!
What we think, we then believe, whether true or untrue- and we then react and live out.
Whatever you chose to think may be limiting you from what may be right in front of your very eyes!
How many times have you over reacted about something, before communicating to someone involved; created a whole story in your head, only to find out all was absolutely absurd?
In order to live a life of abundance, love, compassion and genuine care, we must take care and be mindful of each and everything we think about.
As there is a book in all of us; a life story that can be written- it’s crucial while creating our wonderful autobiography, that we are not writing too much fiction, and drama, as the story of our lives are the stories of our minds…
What do you want your story to be about?
LuCy sMiLeS
I'll Be the Judge of That!
It’s no surprise that we walk around wondering; worried what other people are thinking of us.
We have, since before we can remember, felt this pressure, many of us- to conform to specific beliefs, to go “with the crowd”… or feel as though we must act in a way that will generally be accepted as normal.
There are as well, many of us who like to go against the grain, and who, perhaps have set the stage for these so called beliefs, in which, the others soon have followed.
So, once we start to lead a more “aware” life, and begin a shift in transforming into recognizing that we are not simply here to enjoy the material aspects of which our lives exist in; but rather, to enjoy life, and the energy that it entails, as intangible… we may fear this sense of no longer belonging.
It may sound strange. Can living more spiritually, and more aware result in feeling less accepted?
Are we not now learning to accept ourselves; to find true love for ourselves- whereas before we looked to others for acceptance and approval?
Aren’t we now at a higher playing field, now that we are living on a higher plane?
Wouldn’t this mean a more calm and serene understanding of life, and what we can enjoy from it, rather than what we can get from others?
But making a change in our lives, though so immensely positive; we have again the pressure of being “out of the norm” to many of whom we communicate with.
No one said change it easy, but to take the step toward personal growth and understanding of what great opportunities will come out of living the best “us” we can be, we must make the decision- what is best for us- even if it seems to fail to meet the consensus of those around us.
For me- I’ll be the judge of that!
LuCy sMiLeS
Bona Fide
From the very start of our lives, we come into the world like none other.
The world is for us to see through our eyes and our eyes only.
We can stand beside someone either in the playground, on the basketball court, on the construction site, or in the Board Room, and no matter what we are looking at, be it the same thing someone else may be looking it; we will always see things differently from those playing, standing or working beside us.
We share this world with millions of beautiful creatures. We have the opportunity to share beautiful and meaningful experiences with many of these millions, if we are lucky enough.
The connecting of souls happens like magic. We ourselves as one person are on this earth to offer insight, care, love; whatever it may be, to others, because of what we, ourselves, stand for.
This is our gift. It should be treated as such.
When ego gets in the way of our authenticity, many things can happen. We look for love, acceptance, through the expectations of others, and as a result lose our “selves” in the process.
Friends, family members and media shape our views of life right from the get go, making it a difficult task to maintain and embrace our individual selves.
But without living authentically, we will not be able to truly experience all that we, ourselves, were put on this earth to experience.
Ultimately, we are taking away from ourselves the beauty that life has to offer.
To make matters more complicated, by following our ego’s guide to be accepted as anything other than “us”, we are also taking from all those around us, whose souls are here to connect with ours.
We can sense when we are working more from an EGO stand point than a true self stand point, when we can feel our energies not in alignment with the universe, when we feel we are stumbling through life- perhaps even stubbing our toes, walking into walls, and feeling an actual physical sense of being “off kilter.”
Not feeling like we are getting in life what we truly would like to attract, we will lack a sense of accomplishment, and lack a sense that we are in true alignment with what we love and what we are passionate about. We may notice resentment as most of what we do is not for ourselves, and for our journey; but more for assisting in the journey of others.
So, instead of fearing not being accepted for who you are- be that much more adamant about being all that you are, all that you can be, so you can ensure that you are making not just the most of your life, while in this world but helping those so blessed with the opportunity to be touched by you, all of what your authentic self stands for.
And remember you can lean on others once in a while, too..
LuCy sMiLeS
You Don’t Say?
'Maybe if I pray hard enough, I will get it!'Remember when you were younger, you just wanted so badly to have that toy?
Whether it be the Barbie, or G.I. Joe.? Or both!?!
Many of us would lay our precious little heads on our pillow, and pray to a higher power to just have this one gift; just this one… and we will then never ask for another thing forever and ever?We live in a world, where many have much and just as such; many have little.
It would be an ideal world to disperse enough to all; as there certainly is realistically enough to go around.To start with, we must reach inside our hearts, first to know and believe that we are enough- more than enough, and we can have what we want if we just ask.
The universe loves to give. It's what it does best! But whatever it is we speak up and ask for, is all it will offer.So say what you want, with integrity and love and be ready to receive.If you don't ask... You don't get.
And if we wish to change the world, which we can one mind and one loving kind gesture at a time- be sure to ask for that of which another can rightly receive, and share the universe's gifts to others as to yourself.I have to say, I have been on the receiving end from many requests of the gift to give.As have you, haven't you?
Others may not continue to be given the gift of kindness; if you don't say...
LuCy sMiLeS
Excuse, Me?
“I don’t have time”… “It won’t work”… “It’s too expensive”…”I have to wait until…”
How much of your inner and outer dialogue consists of finding any reason, any excuse imaginable to justify why you are not able to proceed down the road to success.
We are very creative individuals; highly motivated when it comes down to our ability to see the “why” we “cannot” achieve things.
If we can use our energy that we so openly offer to excuse ourselves from success, and be more positive with ourselves, rather than pardoning ourselves; perhaps the road to success won’t be so winding, and rough.
Take charge and take a chance, believing that everything will work out;
and you may surprise yourself with the results.
Don’t be inspired by excuses!
Excuse Me?
LuCy sMiLeS
Shuck It!
Remember the old saying “The World is My Oyster?”
What did this mean exactly?
Many would believe it meant as diverse as one with money having all the opportunity… to the world being openly available to any who took the opportunity to be open to it!
We all know a select one or two people who reputedly seem to strike all the luck!
But as luck would have it, we all have the power to surround ourselves with all the riches we can ever imagine!
What is “rich” to you, however?
This is the key to unlocking the barriers, or to “shucking” the oyster of which the jewel you rightly deserve, resides.
And even more so, it is imperative to understand, that though we must be open to the receiving of assistance and recognition of those who help us on our path, guiding us as we break down our beliefs holding us back; we must be willing to shuck our own oyster.
Not only is it a feeling of euphoria once we have reached the riches beyond our wildest dreams…
The riches lies within our being the owner of our path to riches.
So: Know “the world is your oyster” and…
LuCy sMiLeS
Oh My!
Day in and day out, we are exposed to many situations, encounters, and sometimes mishaps, that make us stand back, and cause us to decompose our existing confident composures.
This can leave us remaining confused as to who, what, when, where and why certain predicaments take place.
While we are aware that we are fully responsible for
how we walk this road of life,
we will certainly find days where issues,
clearly out of our control, will come up!
And as they do, and will continue to, we must do all we can,
in our personal power, to accept all for what it is.
We must embrace our own strength that will get us by,
during these seemingly somewhat “struggle filled” situations.
While we don’t have to own the exterior issue,
we must own our response to it.
This is the secret to success!
So for any crazy catastrophe
causing your response of “Oh My!”…
Take in and observe this as an opportunity
to test your strength to the fullest!
Believe that you can get through,
all you have to do is decide to!
LuCy sMiLeS
Carry On Now!
Looking back at what we have been through in our lives, what we carry with us, and most importantly how we wish to carry on… consider and reflect upon one thing, and one thing only.
What we do have in our lives, now; and working with what we have, will get us to where we want to be.
Many hours can be used up wishing and wanting, hoping and dreaming.
And there is nothing wrong with a strong vision.
But if we spend our time getting all worked up in our heads with the scarcity and the “don’t haves”, we waste the energy and time that we can be enjoying and utilizing all that we “do have” to help us along our way!
Make use of your days, moment to moment.
Carry yourself with confidence for all that you carry with you on this journey.
Realize that you have carried yourself up to this point,
and all that you carry with you, will allow you to keep going, and be just fine still.
Make use of your resources.
You would be surprised at just what amazing things can come
out of seemingly small opportunities.
It is most important to see things not only for what they are,
and how they can help you, but also to see things in a different light.
Let’s get creative!
Everything you carry with you along your path is everything you need.
Don’t doubt where you are, don’t stress if at times,
you feel stuck in a corner. There will always be room
for more happiness; more growth;
more abundance, so just relax…
Whatever it is you have…
Appreciate it…
and Carry on, now!
LuCy sMiLeS
And... ACTION!
“I have a dream…” Martin Luther King Jr.
How many of us have
dreams that we wish to ignite into reality?
How many of us do not believe ourselves
worthy enough to go forward; to take an
energy from deep with in our hearts;
that will enable us the power to bring
about into our life, into our waking days,
what we may only believe is alive in the
dark hours of our sleeping subconscious?
We all have dreams, we all have aspirations…
Some of us share two or a few with others we are close to.
Some of our dreams are so diverse, so unique,
that we may perhaps lock them into our programs
as too outrageous to share.
There is no dream too daring to draw out;
there is no passion so preposterous
that we should hold it in…
We need more of us, we need all of us to grab a hold of life!
Let’s all fill it with as many of our dreams as we can physically fill life with.
And just when we think we are fulfilled?
Let’s fill life with yet one more fulfilled dream still!
LuCy sMiLeS
Well, its About Time!
Once the alarm hollers at us, first thing in the morning, and once we press snooze just enough times that we still have time to get up, brush our teeth, and get ready for the day,
we have already put in place an internal clock that takes over our thoughts.
We spend so much time worrying about not having enough time to get through all the piles of work we may have on our desk, or all the chores we left to get done from the day before.
Not only do we stress about the mundane daily activities, and priorities, but we also worry about when we will achieve our goals, be it personal health; carrying through on our creative desires, financial freedom, etc.
It is in our best interest to stop the clock once in a while, take inventory on our lives, and all that is in place, right now.
Time doesn’t have to be the enemy, but instead we can rest assured that all we have right now,
is all we need in pursuit of what we are striving for.
We can also embrace that good things do come to us,
and will come to us, when we are ready to receive.
When we can sit in the moment, and allow ourselves to just be
with what we have, and believe that each moment casts a beautiful gift for us, this allows us
the sense of inner peace, and contentment.
Just breathe in each moment,
and enjoy life for what it is offering now.
If we think the best is yet to come,
we will be waiting a long time for it!
So, sit back, and believe the best is here now!
“Well, it’s about time!”
LuCy sMiLeS
LuCy sMiLeS
Well, Then…
Our childhoods were filled with so many messages, so many
powerful and sometimes overwhelming lessons.
What our childhood has taught us, will bring us forth into the
reality of how we live, now, in a sense, since what we learned then,
has shaped many of our thoughts, today.
But just as we have the power to think,
we have the power to change our thoughts.
Once we see what it is that we are carrying forward,
and how it affects our daily lives, and our daily relationships,
whether professionally or personally; we can then decide
what it is that we want, and what blocks from past
belief are holding us back from true success!
We all have a past, we all have tragic stories, dark moments,
and many memories we wish to leave in the dark.
But the truth being, we can take any experience,
from then and use it to our advantage now.
If we lived a life where we were never shaken,
where we were not pushed to the limits,
then we would not be able to see our strength that
carries us through these times, to a world of limitless opportunities.
Every past experience, even every supposed tragic turn for the “worst”
will begin to make sense if we look long enough and look hard enough…
And once you change the way you look at things, things will in fact change…
Instead of saying someone did something or something happened “TO YOU”,
change your view to someone did something, or something happened “FOR YOU”
and now begin to see how this changes your views.
LuCy sMiLeS
Enough Already
When speaking of spiritual growth, we often approach the subject of
who we surround ourselves with, who are the 5 people we
spend most of our time with, we are the sum of these people, etc.
Not only is it the who we spend our time with, but
it is also important to take inventory who we are in this equation.
For as much as we are influenced by our surroundings,
we are just as influential, in turn.
We cannot very well be inspired,
and be encouraged by others and not
inspire and encourage others, ourselves!
When looking at what we have to bring to the table, we must also
allow ourselves the possiblities that what we have is enough.
While we always have room for improvement, having the mental
state that what we have is great, already, will allow us the capability
and moreover the confidence to see others through in times of need.
We needn’t worry if what we have to offer is good enough,
but instead give all that we are capable of giving,
and when we allow ourselves time for ourselves,
work on bettering the great that we already are!
So if you are wondering if you are good enough?
Enough Already!
LuCy sMiLeS
Press Release
Take a moment for yourself…
What things, people and circumstances do you not
even think twice to add to your life’s pile,
not even realizing that you have a choice in the matter,
to add only to this pile all that will help you on your path to the best you…
When we start our day, when we wake to new breath; new heartbeats-
ever so blessed to be given- we must not
only savor the moments given to us,
but cherish the choice to pick and
chose what comes and goes in our lives.
Both to keep with us what will allow growth, and to let go
what hinders our successes… and that is ok…
Much of what we keep, we may be doing so as programmed belief that
we are obligated to hold on to such things… when in truth we should
see the obligation in the release of such things that deter us from
being the most amazing us we can ever imagine being.
We are the writers of the “Press Release” of our lives,
and what we wish to include in our stories, we must take ownership for.
And at any time, we are also entitled to edit, making additions,
and also delete any statements that no longer hold true for us.
Only when we are able and willing to press “release”
on these buttons that are being pressed by us, inhibiting our growth,
are we able to open our hearts to the beauty- first and foremost within-
and now radiating out into the world to show others,
from our experience, with love, what it means to pursue the real you.
LuCy sMiLeS
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