It is important, in life to stay flexible with the existing conditions in our lives, and to know above all else, that everything in life changes.
Nothing is constant, just as the leaves change colours and the seasons change, everything in our lives will be in continuous change.
We may be so comfortable with a life where we know everything, where we are the master of our domain, but this in fact means you are not growing.
Once you know everything about you, everything that surrounds you, and everything you are doing, it is time to find something that you do not know about, to continue a life of growth...
If we are too adamant about trying to live a life where every is stagnant, we are lacking development, and advancement, and when things do change, which they will, I promise, they will seem to be so abrupt, so unexpected, and hard to grip, we will suffer from whip-lash!Make sure you stretch your mind, stretch your imagination, and more importantly stretch before you start everyday, so you can be prepared for change. Make changes where you see fit, and stay physically fit, so you don't suffer from whip-lash when inevitable change strikes you!
~LuCy sMiLeS
Just when you think you know everything you need to know, be prepared to not know anything.
And be excited for the unknown, for this is where you know you are growing...
In life, we have to be prepared for the unexpected.
Not to say that when everything seems wonderful, that we need be worried that something will come along to make it less wonderful.
Not knowing could mean that something sooo amazing has come into our day to day lives, that will change the course of our lives, and we now have to make changes in order to progress, and this is lovely...
Life is only as wonderful as we make it.
We can only be offered beautiful new things into our lives, when we are ready to accept and receive them.
In order to have a fulfilling live, and live a life of complete contentment, it is important that we recognize change, acknowledge change, and embrace it, move with it, and be versatile.
No one likes to be struck from behind, no one likes to have to change the direction of their life, when everything is working so well in the direction they are presently in.
But is what you are doing right now, as much as you enjoy not having to re-evaluate, really allowing you to move forward?
Or are you simply happy with not having anything shake up where you are.
Would change and abrupt change cause you whip -ash?
Or would you simply roll with it, twirl into new, unharmed and charged with energy for what is next to come?
We like what we like, and we like having it all the time.
But as much as we like what we have, can we benefit from having something more? Something new? Something different?
Do we realize that there is more out there, for us? Or are we simply looking forward, but not looking beyond the walls that surround us.
It is important, in life to stay flexible with the existing conditions in our lives, and to know above all else, that everything in life changes.
Nothing is constant, just as the leaves change colours and the seasons change, everything in our lives will be in continuous change.
If we are too adamant about trying to live a life where every is stagnant, we are lacking development, and advancement, and when things do change, which they will, I promise, they will seem to be so abrupt, so unexpected, and hard to grip, we will suffer from whip-lash!
And to have a mindset where anything new can be looked at as negative, or too much to take, we are limiting our successes, and not living to our highest potential.
We may be so comfortable with a life where we know everything, where we are the master of our domain, but this in fact means you are not growing.
Once you know everything about you, everything that surrounds you, and everything you are doing, it is time to find something that you do not know about, and continue a life of growth...
Make sure you stretch your mind, stretch your imagination, and more importantly stretch before you start everyday, so you can be prepared for change. Make changes where you see fit, and stay physically fit, so you don't suffer from whip-lash when inevitable change strikes you!
LuCy sMiLeS