"The only difference between fiction and non-fiction, is which one I believe is true"
Love Di
As a psychologist, ... Back up a minute.
I may not be a psychologist, on paper, but
as a Writer... That' s better.. a Woman, a sister, a friend, an Aunt, and a little girl (when I let myself be)- what happens in my life, depends on me, and what I chose to accept, reject, tolerate, enable, or disregard as truth.
Life is a simple class in Psychology 101.
Everything we are, breathe, believe, and act upon comes from our minds, our thoughts, our fears and our trust- in ourselves, and each other.
We all have different roles we play in our lives, and the lives of others.
And in the world as a whole.
To look at the economy, and it's positioning in current times, it begins and ends with the mind.
The Economy is not something separate from us, the economy is us.
But it seems as though we are all standing, waiting, biting our nails, like Actors, Actresses, waiting for the paper, the media, the storyline to give us our lines as to what to say next, and what to do and be next,
and how to show up.
We can act like we are puppets and characters in a play whose ending has not been revealed, or we can take it upon ourselves to create for ourselves, and each other an Economy that is rich, in spirit, which will lead to a more rich in security, not just financially, but emotionally.
Whoever says that we are going through hard times, took the first step.
It's he who follows through that takes the last.
What's my line?
As a Writer, I will write it myself.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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