Check, Please...

"They say variety is the spice of life; I say a little Kahlua in my coffee works just as good"
LoVe Di

Check, Please!

So many things that we do, we do on autopilot. We wake up to our alarms, (press snooze about an average of 3 to 5 times), get up out of bed, brush our teeth, get breakfast, coffee, and off to work.

All to often, we may find ourselves seeming a bit off, when everything in our lives are seemingly on cue, and working fine.

The more aware we are about our emotions, the easier it is to get through every day with ease, and comfort. We need to check in with where we are, so we are not caught off guard by out of the blue breakdowns.

We are so good at what we do, because we do it so often, that it is second nature for us. But as the days and the months go on, we wonder where the time has gone, simply because we don't actually live in the present moment.

We certainly make the most of our time by getting as much done in as little time as possible, however, when is it a good time to take time out for ourselves?

Our days will get hectic, and the demands of life, family and social commitments may take up so much our time that we fail to commit to giving ourselves time to check in with our thoughts, and see how we, ourselves, are doing.

With the holidays here, we have much more on our plates, then any other time of the year.

So while you are working, shopping, wrapping, and giving to all those you love this Holiday Season, be sure to treat yourself, first.

LuCy sMiLeS

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