"You don't want to stoop to that level; even if you really want to"
~Shauna, LuCy's roomate
When we do things more than once-more often than not, they start to get comfortable, don't they?
Think of the things that you are good at; how much more effortlessly they become, the more practice you have.
In our growth and in our experiences, sometimes our determination to expand ourselves to get better at things grows. Make sense?
But, what about our determination to step out of a habit, rather than to better it?
For example, I will have to share this specific personal situation, and for all of you who know me; I am fine with doing so, if it will better others' understandings and expansion of their own.
I am so fortunate for my readership, with my "smiles", and I am very much compensated with emails, and phonecalls thanking me for my time, my creativity, and above all, my vulnerability in sharing, many times, the deepest parts of my personal experience, uneditted- in the hopes that my readers will benefit from my sharing.
Within my "fan mail" , can sometimes include not so favourable messages, which also allow for me to learn even more about myself through the process.
We can all be so ready to jump in and react in ways that we know best, through our past, and through our frustrations, and perhaps insecurities, or taking things personally.
I receipt of a "reader" unintentionally on my list (for 4 months, and must have just perhaps noticed 4 months worth of sMiLeS, in her bulk mail- and for that I am sorry lol) decided that she was not only upset about being on my list, she was furious that we as a whole, should "THINK GREEN AND HELP PEOPLE GET OFF THEIR COMPUTER ADDICTIONS, AND SPEND MORE TIME IN NATURE, INSTEAD OF STARING AT A SCREEN."
To which, I realized, I had a lesson in "personal grow regarding"
1) detachment 2) sympathy 3) compassion 4) patience 5) anger 6) judgement.
We have all been involved in situation that have taken place, perhaps less than favourable. But, we can all do ourselves a favour and realize that no matter what, things are going to happen, and people are going to say things, that perhaps we do not understand.
It is not what happens in life, but what steps we take in our reaction, to understand who we are, where we have been and how far we have come.
Today, I realized how far I have come, in my habit in reacting. I am blessed for this message, having replied to it, understanding how far I have come.
Thank you to all of my active readers...
And all of my "inactive" readers...
LoVe LuCy sMiLes
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