"I'd fail Chemistry- as an Entrepreneur, I am too busy creating my own..."
LoVe Di
It goes without saying that the keys to success are patience and persistence, to be sure that we are not expecting a quick fix, an "over night" miracle, but mostly, to maintain something that is working, and not losing sight, and losing it, before it's too late...
Whether it is business or personal, the same rule rings true.
As well as patience and persistence, it is also imperative that we nurture our relationships with a constant and positive process, so we don't threaten neglecting the most important things that work to keep things going.
If we are expecting to get back something that we are not putting in, we will be wasting alot of energy.
We must continue to add fuel to our fire.
Like a flame in a fire, if we fail to keep it burning, the flames go out, and it takes much more energy to rekindle.
If we can be more proactive in understanding what our relationships need, and how to strengthen them, and keep them burning bright, constantly, then we take out the guess work of constantly wondering why things are not working in the first place.
We all have paradigms that perhaps leave us feeling limited, or in hindered beliefs of what our lives should look like, and what we should be doing, and how, and with who.. based on the stigma of everything around us, and what we grew up being told is the "norm."
I say toss anything inhibiting your growth , and add fuel to your the fire...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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