"I live a conscious life- I am very conscious of when it is time to close my mouth... I am half way there..." LoVe Di
It doesn't seem to matter how far we come, in terms of learning, once in a while, our programs or egos can get the best of us.
Just because we are growing on our paths, whether spiritually or emotionally, our emotions are very powerful and can take the wheel- driving us, sometimes, out of our minds.
Thinking back to personal or professional conflicts in your life, maybe for some of us, not so far back, that perhaps seem to endure much longer than anticipated; can you sense a common theme?
It seems as though when we react based on our emotions, we can definitely stir the pot much more than if we are to take a look at the situation, perhaps stepping out of it, emotionally, to look at what is, from a different stand point.
All of us have been hurt in our lives in one point or another, so is it not always an easy task to separate from our emotions when we are struggling with a conflict. Not only do we attack from the emotions we are feeling at the moment, but our ego takes the initiative to remind us of all the other wonderful time we felt this way, causing chaos in our hearts, and on the surface.
We can say hurtul things, we can battle until blue in the face, when faced with feelings based on our core emotions.
Just as emotions strike a physical response in our bodies, we may tend to physically strike out with partners, friends, and family.
It only take a small change in our awareness of our behaviours to shift our beahviours.
So next time you sense your emotions are about to get the best of you, try to understand where they are coming and why.
And perhaps when you do so, you can leave them in the past, and let sleeping dogs lie...
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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